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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 250x250, Shadowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28900729 No.28900729 [Reply] [Original]

Original Post >>28898009

Im paid to make memes for a popular altcoin, ask me stuff

Couldnt reply to your questions in time because I had to take a shit, here you go:

if im wasting 2h a day of my time for 2 bucks, what do you think?

We are a team, and desu it doesnt take a lot of effort to just edit pepes with PNGs on google and calling it a day

They didnt pay me for this post

Not brown, but I do live in a shithole, but not South Asia

Not rubic, and thanks, I like to think I have skills using photoshop and this is allowing me to develop muscle memory for the hotkeys.

I dont post them, thats the shilling team's job.

>how much to flood /mu/ with memes for my clients band?
that would be around $1-2k if you wanna hire the whole team and depending on how many and their quality.

But theres no feasible way for me to relay our info to you without getting screwed out of our jobs

read above

yeah, not much, but thats only my take, we have a team of 10 people. Our "Leader" takes about $400 a month though

Well, I was just reached out by an acquaintance who had a friend that was looking for people with time and photoshop skills and I was on board.

Looks like its kind of the same for the shilling team

>> No.28901092

How do i get in contact with you.

>> No.28901187

Are you from Fantom or ADA? Just say it lmao

>> No.28901227

Bump for interest

>> No.28901304

south america bro?

>> No.28901489

>But theres no feasible way for me to relay our info to you without getting screwed out of our jobs
just drop a throwaway protonmail, I don't need to know who your other clients are

>> No.28901948


>> No.28902126

What coin are you shilling for?

>> No.28902132
File: 260 KB, 683x1024, bitchigotthatwynaut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been making memes for free for my own bags to compete against you fags getting paid? And my bags are still up 10x over yours?? HAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.28902456

What's fantom?

>> No.28902774

unironically if anons need graphic designs done or motion animations orpustk@protonmail.com

>> No.28903075

You cant without me blowing our identity and clients away.

Both actually but mainly FTM

Yeah, fml

Fuck bro, I want to but idk, its risky

Not shilling any coins

Idk, i dont actually shill the stuff, couldnt care less to be honest

A coin

>> No.28903204

contacted. kek.
i could use some nice memes to shill some alts

>> No.28903586

Anon... I do the same, and I´m not getting paid

>> No.28903794

know what? fuck it send your offer kekenmaximus@protonmail.com

Gotta have connections bro