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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28866270 No.28866270 [Reply] [Original]

I will start, $HYVE

DYOR and check out the general HYVE thread on /biz

>> No.28866471

I did my research on $HYVE and its a coin with potential. But Im still in ASKO.. Waiting.. Dreaming.. So HYVE must wait for me lol

>> No.28866487

Mcap of less than 2million? CEO is the Co-founder of Bountyhive?
Most undervalued project! I have been telling this Biz for weeks now. You wont see these prices ever again once the first product demos / videos will be published in a few days. Perfect usecase, almost no competition. There is a reason why UTU has partnered with HYVE.

>> No.28866780

Personally I’m in PROS
Also Yield App had good growth, got in early
But I also saw the Hyve thread and I must say it looks very promising (also pretty low mcap, the other two are relatively large in comparison to Hyve)
Looks like good growth material

>> No.28866822

My pick is zilliqa zil 10x for me what do you say ?

>> No.28866856

You need to work on your language - you should like such a shill it's cringe.

>> No.28867058

>coin launch in october 2020
>dead coin
>4-5 pajeets buying the coin
>it has potential BUY NOW!

>rugpull incoming

>> No.28867140
File: 33 KB, 733x355, hyyce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$HYVE is a big pass.

>> No.28867218
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smells like curry

>> No.28867307

DVG. crypto robo-advisor

>> No.28868134

Looks promising. It seems like it is still undiscovered because of the low volume..

>> No.28868252

How are you still in that shitcoin? If you're in a coin that has done a -50% in one day it's an absolute pajeet rugpull PnD
Will it go up eventually? Sure but no smart investor will put money into that any time soon.

>> No.28868299


>> No.28868516

already exists:

>> No.28868571
File: 72 KB, 1286x672, Screenshot 2021-02-16 at 15.51.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank me later

>> No.28868662

unironically PNK

>> No.28868737

LTO doing a little summing

>> No.28868873
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>> No.28869057

partnered w chainlink and will go 100mmc minimum

>> No.28870284
File: 123 KB, 535x306, fresh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insolar, just join the telegram

>> No.28870807
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ID is all you need bros

>> No.28872107

are those like legit? EasyFi looks kinda ok.

>> No.28872111

this is a CRM platform. hyve is decentralized freelancing

>> No.28872771

CargoX, business with a real solution for the shipping industry

>> No.28872866


>> No.28873200

can anyone shill me on HARMONY (ONE)? seems stable

>> No.28873627

ffs why is this coin suddenly the new AVAX on Biz?

>> No.28874127


>> No.28874217

join the bizfinance token sale, still in ico w8 for the staking pool


>> No.28874491

Olyseum (OLY)


Fan engagement platform shilled by Iniesta and Puyol, two world famous soccer players with combined over 100m instagram followers. Just started yesterday

>> No.28874594
File: 41 KB, 400x400, Coreto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, the staff are mean and Romanian but they use gypsy magic to keep themselves going. Low market cap, below 1¢ right now with a target of $1

I have no doubt they'll keep going, they're Romanian, they made it all the way to Stalingrad rather than let the Germans think they were quitters like the Italians

>> No.28874782

What is this service, anon?

>> No.28874849
File: 32 KB, 733x1280, photo_2021-02-16_12-45-28 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CAP is a permissionless censorship resistant margin trading DEX on Ethereum for ALL assets, including stocks, commodities, indexes, forex, cryptos etc. Traders use DAI to take long or short positions with leverage. Shared Liquidity Pool for assets that are listed. Natively designed Dark Feed Oracle Network where sources are anonymous so exploiters can't manipulate the Oracle and it can't be shut down. Already 39 assets available for trading on mainnet and more are added every week. Traders trade against the Treasury (smart contract), which receives losses and pays out profits, so no need to rely on 3rd party LPs. Treasury is self-sustainable and expected to grow over time as more traders lose than win. Community run and developed. Many volunteer contributors and ~20 VCs are interested (they are in the TG or following the twitter).

CAP $9 Million fully diluted valuation
Competitors are:
PERP $1 Billion fully diluted valuation
MIR $1.8 Billion fully diluted valuation
SNX $5.3 Billion fully diluted valuation

This means a 100x potential is there as long as people start using the platform to trade.

Some notable people interested in CAP:

Test mainnet protoype here: https://cap.eth.link/
Open source code: https://github.com/capfina
List of available assets: https://docs.cap.exchange/getting-started/assets-tradables

>> No.28874855


>> No.28874904


>> No.28874925


NDR MUSE UNIFI. Youre welcome for making you rich.

>> No.28875115

DEC anon, DEC. Your data is value.

>> No.28875126


>> No.28876370

$MOD been #1 on dextools all day.

Its an oracle aggregator that aggregates all of the main oracles like link and api3. If you don't think that has 1B potenial just KYS

>> No.28876497

$HYVE honestly. look at the team and their connections.

>> No.28877208

Lookin juicy

>> No.28877353


>> No.28877396


>> No.28877868