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28776420 No.28776420 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there such a big wealth disparity between northern and southern regions?
1. North America Rich, South America poor
2. Northern Europe rich, southern European countries like Greece, Italy and Spain poor
3. Northern US states rich, southern states poor
4. Northern Hemisphere rich, Southern hemisphere poor
I know it's not a hard rule but it's generally true over larger areas.

>> No.28776485

take your shitty thread to

>> No.28776502

the heat makes them dumb and lazy

>> No.28776608

This uniroincally.
Places with harsh winters breed the smartest people.

>> No.28776625

Does not explain Asian people.

>> No.28776653

Oh the heat makes them lazy? Someone should tell the native Alaskans and northern plains tribes that they're not actually violent and stupid.

>> No.28776678

Mongolians always btfo their southern brethren.
The smart ones just stuck around after conquering (Manchu)

>> No.28776698

The real question is why do burgers suck at History ?

>> No.28776744

The civil war. We were left with nothing and had to rebuild from the ground up.
Also the reason you’ll find less people believing the institutional racism meme in the South.

>> No.28776753

There is a caveat to that. Northern plains tribes were still migratory.
You gotta be smart to make the land work for you, in an area that has differing weather patterns.

>> No.28776758

It's easier to work when you're not frying every day anon

>> No.28776823
File: 362 KB, 855x486, hoboren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeps moving forward
keeps moving backward

Gee I wonder why

>> No.28776934

In general the global north has a historical advantage regarding military power, economic power and intellectualism, in order to preserve and consolidate that power they have made sure North-South relations remain in an asymmetric symbiotic relationship. Or maybe a simpler explanation could be that the weather sucks in the north compared to the South, so people in the north cope by actually contributing to society by employing their intellectual talents whereas people int he South just enjoy the nice weather and don't do shit.

>> No.28776939

Living in harsh conditions forces a set of people to become future-focused while living in an area of pleasant conditions allows people to be present-focused. Being future focused is a strong component to success. This is pretty universally true. Moscow was at one time the largest/wealthiest city in Europe before politics set in. Most Russians I know are very intelligent though.
To put it more simply: the cold makes you logical; the warmth makes you feel. To further this, the heat makes you sort of histrionic.

>> No.28776948

>institutional racism

Something about 13% and 50%. Institutional racism is a meme go back to plebbit and get ur up votes.

>> No.28776996

Humans that moved to colder climates had a higher selection for intelligence due to it being toucher to survive, requiring forward planning etc.

As a result large, genetically explained IQ gaps formed between different populations, with whites having an average IQ of 100 (and nordic/germanic whites a little higher), blacks an average IQ of about 70-85, middle eastern/arabs somewhere in between, and east asians around 105.

This is by far the most scientifically supported position for your question OP.

>> No.28777041

>1. North America Rich, South America poor
I can only speak for the burgers, but one word...

>> No.28777111

You’re either a nigger than can’t read or a hook nose, either way find some rope.

>> No.28777117

Mongolians have always been inferior

>> No.28777119

A low IQ national thats been artificially inflated via the H1B visa program

>> No.28777189

we have the north/south divide in the UK too, but the north is much colder.

>> No.28777340

Well that, and just flat out letting people cross the border.

>> No.28777387

Some places are rich, some places are poor.
Sometimes the richer places are North, like in Italy, sometimes the richer places are South, like in the UK.

>> No.28777549
File: 662 KB, 2876x1289, hdi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there are exceptions but there's a pretty obvious trend.
Look at the HDI for example

>> No.28777859
File: 82 KB, 750x926, 1576250750342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because more melanin = more dumb.

>> No.28777915

cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.28777954

this, when it's summer here in the north I barely get anything done

>> No.28778216


What you're describing seems to be distance to the equator, not north vs south.

>> No.28779520

cold is correlated with IQ

>> No.28779886

This. You can’t be a dipshit and survive winter. You need to plan, store, work during the good months to survive the shitty ones. Any idiot can live when temps allow year round planting/harvesting and you can sleep with minimal protection from the elements.