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File: 128 KB, 1802x928, UNNchart5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28750700 No.28750700 [Reply] [Original]

Alright smooth brains. You want good entries? THIS IS IT! Last level before we chad our way up to 17 cents. I've been posting every re-test. This is the last accumulation zone before 10 cents breaks forever. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT.

Banks and hedge funds will adopt Union / UNN. It's basically already told to you if you're not dumb.

It's basically spelled out for you here: https://medium.com/union-finance-updates-ideas/product-update-issue-5-collateralized-debt-obligations-cdos-and-union-10979a3e6457

They're literally telling you "we are hedge funds and we will be using this thing for all the things"

Bank of St. Louis shilling De-Fi : https://research.stlouisfed.org/publications/review/2021/02/05/decentralized-finance-on-blockchain-and-smart-contract-based-financial-markets?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=SM&utm_content=stlouisfed&utm_campaign=f0e83c05-c5ab-4e46-b80d-b70fcf0c0a27

What's the most full stack and adoptable insurance / gas / de-fi entry Layer?


I know people say this a lot, but if you missed Chainlink, this is literally the next big fucking swinging dick thing.

Don't go fucking it up. consider allocating 25% of your portfolio to Union and hold. All you have to do is hold and not care. It might take a year or two, but where else will you get could-be 150x gains?

Think about it. More below.


>> No.28750726

Union could go WELL above $1. $5. A few billion marketcap for something that fixes major issues in the space will be nothing, as you all now hopefully see.

I will be giving you a daily reminder that we need UNN like we needed LINK. Product update 2-5 proves UNN's C-Op could and very well should go well beyond a $1B market-cap. Of all the garbage that's "the next LINK style gains", this one could actually fit the bill. This is something we actually need. If LINK is every coins "needs LINK to work" then UNN is De-Fi's "needs UNION to be safe".

Union is Chainlink for De-Fi, insurance, and risk management.

C-Op 2 : https://medium.com/union-finance-updates-ideas/product-update-issue-2-by-the-numbers-economic-advantages-of-c-op-c602af18d7ac

C-Op 1 : https://medium.com/union-finance-updates-ideas/union-product-diaries-collateral-optimization-c-op-b743b3c7188e

>You read that right. We are building decentralized option primitives, which have risk and financial applications far beyond DeFi Protection, to increase capital efficiency.

>Insurance we actually need. Demand will soon outpace supply.

>Dr. Michael Zargham

>"Total" bundled protection that covers more than just smart contracts, eg: layer 1+ flash loan exploitation. Optimized capital utilization in lending collateral, IL hedges, gas cost hedges etc.

>For purposes of latter protection bucket, they're building a decentralized lending protocol that will take decentralized options as a collateral, bringing TradFi capital efficiency into DeFi. This is a first / opens up market not just in protection, but lending

Setup is KYC-free. No wrapped tokens required. An important item on their roadmap is secondary market for protection exchange. (e.g think of Munich Reinsurance).

Enter before whales price you out for good.

>> No.28751424

Yep. You're a fuckin' chad bruh. God's work. Bought 2.5. bought the re-test. this is my final buy until 10+ centz.

cheers fren.

>> No.28752051

In this as well. Most of my weight was at .018 back around Christmas. Will not be selling until geyser has run its course.

>> No.28752417

I'm in 30k units. I have never had this much faith in an early-buy.

>> No.28752662


>> No.28753590

New to this. Where/how to invest? Not on Kraken or CB

>> No.28753861

I bought below 2 cents. Bought around 5 cents. Will be buying the dip and buying whenever it pumps. I'm praying it crashes down below a cent though I'm sure it won't, because if it did I could buy a whole lot more.

>> No.28754019

I bought the fucking top. I am a poorfag so I could have had so much more.

>> No.28754356

DCA bruh.

>> No.28754387

Below a cent? lol. sir.... $8M in volume went into this last pump to 5 cents.

Sub 3-4 cent accumulation is gone forever.

>> No.28754732

Pls sir dump below 1 american cent sir my bag is not full sir please the needful you must do it sir.

>> No.28754810

UNN will never be below 4 cents again.

>> No.28754990


>> No.28755289

kek. patience, padawan. first TP should be 17 cents (with intentions to buy the dip) but if you don't have much just chill and add more in the next week.

AVAX AMA + prod update in the next 48 hours.

>> No.28755326

>Bank of St. Louis shilling De-Fi : https://research.stlouisfed.org/publications/review/2021/02/05/decentralized-finance-on-blockchain-and-smart-contract-based-financial-markets?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=SM&utm_content=stlouisfed&utm_campaign=f0e83c05-c5ab-4e46-b80d-b70fcf0c0a27


>> No.28755416


>> No.28755487

this would allow them to commodify and sell the insurance packages to other people, there is a direct example of this in the current markets. the op anon is trying to regurgitate the thought that this is the early/smart money phase

>> No.28755523

wow, who told you about these alts? This is shit dude, don’t believe those dumbs
if you wanna get income use your brains and follow yield farming
I took part in metalex and they made a new system, a guarantee of x3 APY

>> No.28755625

Should I buy 200k? Debating on buying before I go to sleep

>> No.28755743

Sitting comfy with a 30k stack. Gonna bang alot of euro hookers with my gains and not pay them.

>> No.28756033

be aware there has been a presale dont get super jazzed about it going straight up

>> No.28756098




EVERYTHING has a private sale, dummy. only 2x from Private 1.

you brainlets are hopeless.


>> No.28756275
File: 51 KB, 1125x753, 4ef158d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An actual legit shill after 99 shitty pajeet shills? You sold me. Bought the dip

>> No.28756331

kek you still use this trash
I am not a bastard who believes you and go for scam
I’m longing for bot ocean launch to trade with safe

>> No.28756351

last dip under 10 cents. calling it now.

>> No.28756420


>> No.28756885

Indian alert.

>> No.28756958

Can smell the fucking curry from here

>> No.28757064


10 cent waiting room

>> No.28757330

I only have 31.5k unn bro. It's over for me.

>> No.28757402

> Devs failed their IDO twice
> No locks on presale wallets, VCs constantly dumping
> No code released
> People with the most information on the project (pre-sale buyers) are all dumping
> CPO's previous product (Fusion) was hacked (((internally))) and went -99%
> Geyser contract ripped from Ampleforth yet devs still fucked up the APY and the front end
> Not a single dev/engineer on the team page, everything outsourced to India
> Team only locked their tokens "voluntarily" and can dump at any moment
> Team is actually most likely right now dumping their bags for USDC (easy to spot on Etherscan)

Don't get fooled because it pumped recently, even fucking Dentacoin is pumping. This is pure vaporware and you will be left bagholding once it gets hacked or rug pulls - whichever happens first.

>> No.28757747
File: 575 KB, 460x613, 6236sdfg261234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might be right, but -> https://youtu.be/rb8nQEy-H1A
this faggot will shill this shitcoin if they release any significant update. pump/dump you get out and done.

>> No.28757988

Who cares. All false starts were a blessing.

>> No.28758063

out at what point, though? 10c?

>> No.28758228
File: 61 KB, 888x894, 2C300A22-2839-405C-984E-9A831425C85B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg bros I’m so comfy with my 2m UNN. If this $5 a pop my first order of business is to buy an Indian village and make them knife fight daily for my personal entertainment

>> No.28758276

dont know. if the bull isnt over yet with BTC dumping i would say this shit will get shilled on mainnet or any good partnership announcement. the whole board will be filled with union shills and you get out whenever you think you are the biggest dick because you bought early.

>> No.28758442

If main net isn't out when we ladder up to 17 cents, perhaps swing a bit...however, holders always win and this could absolutely go well above $1 within a year.

I sold 10x's on REN, SNX, AAVE. It's all so tiresome. Now happening this time.