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28686750 No.28686750 [Reply] [Original]

Any white men here? How do you take advantage of your male privilege to financially outperform your female colleagues?

>> No.28686866

You're not funny and your bait is shit.
Just wanted to put it out there before your shitty thread is deleted.

>> No.28686921

By not having months off work on maternity leave.

>> No.28686959

I make sure to be dominant in every interaction. Currently my boss is a female, and I drastically negotiated my wage, as well as asked to be put on a leadership track within weeks of hiring.

>> No.28687022


>> No.28687172
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this is a better discussion

>> No.28687300

>By asking for a raises.
This is literally the only reason why gender gap exists. Men are much more likely to ask for a raise.

>> No.28687358

Do you think raises should be given based on merit and not who is more authoritative in demanding one?

>> No.28687479

The raise could be based on merit, but why would a company just hand out money? Have to ask

>> No.28687539

If would do same job as men at much lower salary, then why would business continue hiring more men than women? As business owner, trying to make most profit, I would hire as many women as I could if that was the case.

>> No.28687544

Yes, and realizing one's work's worth and asking higher price for it is merit

>> No.28687559


By showing up on time and not complaining??

>> No.28687584

How come there isn't a bar for "Jewish men"????

>> No.28687587

Because otherwise you are selecting for authoritative personalities, not necessarily productivity/skill. If a company doesn't give raises to their skilled staff, they could lose them to a competing company.

>> No.28687615

Obviously your wages should increase at the same rate as inflation but it's in your employees best interest to pay you far less than you are worth.

Why should he be the one to solely determine what your wages should be?

>> No.28687659

If they were given out on merit, there would still be a gender pay gap.

>> No.28687677

The pay is the same. Women at my job in the same position just feel obligated to slave away while I take care of myself

>> No.28687707

People also forget the "by proxy" aspect in straight relationships

How often are the wives and girlfriends shitting on their misters daily to bank more. husbands and boyfriends are more likely to be "whatever makes you happy and doesnt stress you sweatie"

>> No.28687741

If a employee knows or realizes he is worth more than he is getting paid for he will ask for a raise or leave. However for some reason females are much less likely to ask for a raise.

>> No.28687802

Perhaps this is something that needs to be recognized on a policy level then, to change the way companies handle pay rises.

>> No.28687878

Definitive proof of the superiority of asian women, being almost equal to the white man.

>> No.28687916

>you are selecting for authoritative personalities
Not really, you don't have to storm up and demand a raise, there are plenty of ways for the topic to be broached nowadays. Personally I never really flag as traditionally authoritative in most scenrios but, as the other anon mentioned, knowing your own worth is a skill anyone can (and should) develop.

>> No.28687930

So state should decide what should be your pay? Not employer? You know this will result in salaries averaging down, not up, right?

>> No.28687933

I dont know but it may be a biological characteristics. Females take less risk they prefer safety.

>> No.28687991

Just be white... and male.

>> No.28687998

That shows that white men work more. So?

>> No.28688141

That might work. They can also dictate salaries/bonuses for CEO's while they're at it.

>> No.28688316

I live in post-commie country. It won't work the way you think it will. You will get enough money to survive, but you will end up with society without ambitions. Because why try harder, when you won't gain more by doing so? We still have public schools where teachers get laughable salaries. If then work 10 years as teacher, they get 20% raise. This is a joke compared to any other job sector.

>> No.28688490

Perhaps a performance governed tiered system for all positions then, so that by performing better you can work yourself into high pay brackets.

>> No.28688572

And how do you determine how hard someone is working?

See it doesn't work

It's best if you teach the individual to act in his own self interest.

>> No.28688708

Anything that government touches always ends up shit. Those are incompetent bastards who never worked actual job in their life. And yet they have the power to decide how we should live. I don't want government to be my daddy and take care of me. I want them to fuck off.
If anything, people who are scared of asking for a raise should visit psychologist to get rid of their low self-esteem issues. Also parents should start doing their job. But they can't because of inflation induced by government / fed, who you seem to trust so much.

>> No.28688934

Not always. The public health system due to medicare in Australia, as well as superannuation has proven to be a massive success.

>> No.28689196

Havn't a bunch of women already debunked this entire fucking myth? Why does the world keep trying to have this discussion.

>> No.28689305

The existance of it has not been debunked. You can't debunk statistics, you can only attempt to explain the causes. Irrespective of the causes though, it definitely exists.

>> No.28689631

based on race

>> No.28689731

I love how these “statistics” always, somehow, omits asian men and even worse Jewish men.
Since it might shatter their “white privilege” illusion

>> No.28689979

capitalism isn't perfect that's why we have social wellfare to some extent.

I personally think that nordic countries have the best system. Gurantees that everyone has the same chance of making it due to schools being free.

Regulations are also quite favorable for private profit. Due to the skill of labor the competitiveness is very high.

>> No.28690007


What is methodology behind this chart? How average wages were calculated? Do you seriously try to compare welder with low level office job?

>> No.28690121

By dating asian girls

>> No.28690161

same thing everyone does, pretend to listen to them but try not to be infected with the nonsense and then look at their booba and butts

>> No.28690275

>no asian men
>no jewish men

>> No.28690385

Yes those “Nordic” system works because they are ALMOST ethnostate and 2- majority of people work
Its not USA where majority of niggers and Latinos eat the white and asian taxes

>> No.28690437

It would shatter their “privilege” arguments

>> No.28690552

Strong borders are a key of this system.
Immigration or influx of low skilled labor has negative effect on this system.

>> No.28690594
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daily reminder

>> No.28690789
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the nordic system does not work either they have economical problems specialy Sweden

anyway anyone who think that comunism is the solution is just as stupid (even more) that the people who worship capitalism to the word

>> No.28690823

Strong borders are a KEY for any system EVEN for communism.
Open border immigration is akin to printing fiat money.
Why invest on people inside (either educate them or provide welfare ) when you can get 100000s of low skill or maybe high skill people per year.
Either way, your native population is screwed

>> No.28690959

“Sweden” is not a good example anon.
Sweden took the blue pill and the country is FILLED with low skill retards who acts like a parasite on system, while natives DESPERATELY trying to save it

>> No.28691188

no such thing
and you never be a woman

>> No.28691272

at this point i belive the only way to save Sweden is collapse

>> No.28691298

if the work is hard, all you have to do is show up on time every day and do a decent job
the women will all fall out in time

>> No.28691414

> not showing asian men, jewish men,...

Yid tricks.

>> No.28691587

Sweden (((ministry of education))) even tried to stop teaching kids in school their history before 17 century because “there is no more space in the schedule”
Why? Since that schedule was filled with tolerance, gender study and COLONIALISM history, as they admitted.
Imagine what happens to a population, when you take their history away, and tell them that instead they are guilty for being white Swedes?? Open border, and free GUILT gibs to all the parasites
It’s literal “you will own nothing but you will be happy”
Good thing it failed, but even it’s suggestion from ministry of education is fucked up.
And she is still in charge

>> No.28691594

Honestly never understood this. People know these companies will upp and switch countries to get cheaper labor so if they could stay in the same country and get cheaper labor then white men would damn near be non existent workers as they would all go for the cheapest.

>> No.28691690

If women did the same amount of work with the same quality as men, they'd be payed the same. Just look at the Asian women, they are obviously doing better work than the others are.

>> No.28691945
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>> No.28692718
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The needful, sir.

>> No.28692810

dude, if the wages weren't adjusted for hours worked and experience then the discussion is over.

>> No.28693189


>> No.28693246

I work 60 hours a week during the holiday season and take enough extra work that I make other people's jobs easier, giving me a strong position to ask for a raise.

>> No.28693372

Hourly wages were a mistake.
I believe we're approaching the point where we can have relatively accurate "productivity minus cost" accounting system, per individual worker, and pay appropriately and not by the hour.

>> No.28693629
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>> No.28694778

hahah Asian women literally crushing feminists