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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28681952 No.28681952 [Reply] [Original]

Just sold 300k ASKO. Fuck these retarded devs.

>> No.28682075


>> No.28682112


>> No.28682196

low iq

>> No.28682205


>> No.28682534

same, kicking myself for not selling yesterday but I bought at 0.09 so the profit isn't too bad

>> No.28682719

I did last night, almost fomod into asko because plt went down.
Thank fuck I stayed the course. Plt back up, asko fucking dead.

>> No.28683020
File: 253 KB, 1140x934, Screenshot 2021-02-14 at 11.42.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state.
fucking laughed and cringed hard

>> No.28683808

Gotta love /biz/. Dropping everything because someone in an RBC AMA didn't burp, and doing it again because someone told them the ASKO website isn't aesthetically pleasing enough.

It'll get picked up hard by reddit like RBC was. Stay poor.

>> No.28683914

I'm buying into this. Missed my chance when it was starting. Biz fudders being happy is the biggest buy sign.

>> No.28684249
File: 264 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210214-074219_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this website and team anon

>> No.28684727

This team looked the same at 60c

>> No.28684750

I've seen some shit in my time but fuck, this is the most amateurish project I've ever seen.

>> No.28684825

It literally didn’t, they posted some fake screenshots with stock images of different people and claimed the team would be “fully doxxed”.

In the end we got a laughing dog and Filipe’s boomer dad.

>> No.28684895

The Linkedin accounts are fake as well.

>> No.28684941
File: 33 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>low res jpegs showing the people didnt know how to take proper images
>poorly centered showing low intelligence on behalf of the people taking the images
>wearing hats to hide balding, inferior genetics
>image ratios stretched and warped showing dev team has no idea on even the basics of programming fundamentals like image sizing
>some people dont even have headshots but have gay images instead
>not a single professional looking image in the whole team showing that nobody here has held an actual job or knows what the fuck theyre doing

imagine holding this trash. the only good thing I can say is there are no womxn but jesus someone should wear a button up and take a normal fucking respectable picture if they're gonna start a financial project

>> No.28685070

Plus: telegram chat full of pajeets

>> No.28685166


>> No.28685170

Yeah, wow. This shit was obvious from looking at the chart yesterday.

>> No.28685217


it's stunning to me how people who claim to be inventing revolutionary financial protocols cant even get the most basic day 1 shit right. Make your team look fucking respectable. You dont even need a professional photographer to take a decent headshot in your basement with a clean shirt and haircut

instead we get a bunch of dirty faggots who look like mexican mechanics. I wouldnt trust these guys to wash my car based on that image