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28677190 No.28677190 [Reply] [Original]

TTT 60k market cap.
Working product.
Use, spend and transfer in-game currency.
Already Steam enabled.
Working on in-game NFTs.
Yield farming/staking live.
Has a side token for cutting gas fees by half.
Founders public and do a regular update podcast.

Like seriously, why the fuck are you not buying this gem biz?!?!

If this gets discovered and pumped to the #100 by market cap it will do 6200x

Yeah yeah, I get liquidity sucks right now, but it doesn’t have to be that way anon. You know what to do ;)



>> No.28678449

One day pump and dump??

>> No.28678547

I'm so sorry you fell for a pump and dump, this has no future and their apps don't even work. ;)

>> No.28678760

I didn't fall for it, just looking at the chart - it flatlined for years and then shot up yesterday and mostly retraced.
Looks like a 1 day pump and dump but I could be wrong

>> No.28678844

Lol seems to be going up again
It's an interesting project anyway, NFT market is killer right now

>> No.28678888

it looks dead desu

>> No.28679483


>> No.28679720

aight, im in for a suicide stack

>> No.28679793

How many to make it?

>> No.28679850

1 - 5mil

>> No.28680011

That's 1-5 Eth I don't got right now
Sui stack?

>> No.28680096

100 - 500k

>> No.28680139

That seems kinda high considering the super low MC, no?
I reckon like 1.5 mill is a fuck you, 500k could be make it, 50k sui

>> No.28680559

No, yeah you are right. it just feels fucking great to be this early to something for once

>> No.28681233

Amen to that!

>> No.28681762

lmao look at the staking website
it's literally rebranded Axion top fucking kek

>> No.28681789

When they start marketing the new improvements this thing is going to moon hard. The biggest NFT treasure hunt on Ethereum. It is bound to attract a hell of interest with the major growth in NFT interest. Once people see the value in this it will be hard to keep a lid on price.

>> No.28681909
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Tapcoin were staking on that platform before Axion even launched you fucking retard.

>> No.28682005

Sucks to be you right now hehe

>> No.28682642
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>> No.28682689

>If this gets discovered and pumped to the #100 by market cap it will do 6200x
maybe top 2-300, but lets go champ!

>> No.28683350

That's a sexy looking chart right there
This has got next Rubic/Bao potential here considering how tiny the MC is
Let's go Biz Chads!

>> No.28683811

how can you even buy this? 1eth is 8% price slippage lol

>> No.28684005

you never made money?

>> No.28684098

Needs more liquidity in the Uniswap pool, for sure.
Hopefully the team can get on that
In the meantime, just eat the slippage and enjoy the fact that you're super duper fucking early

>> No.28684219

Already got myself a bag on 0,0013$ Looking optimistic!!!

>> No.28684343

Fuk, that gon be gud dem gains man.

>> No.28684376

It's "only" 130k but hey, better something than nothing right?

>> No.28684663

Actually, adding liq to the Uni pair now would be really beneficial for anyone once this thing takes off. Early birds get the fees :)

>> No.28684872
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True, but if the magic is with us, it not just better then nothing.

>> No.28685402

No need for magic when you're this early in such a criminally undervalued established project. It amazes me this slipped under the radar for so long.

>> No.28685746

Makes you wonder who started the ball rolling again yesterday lol
Team or some random anon who just thought TIME TO GET THIS SHIT MOVING!

>> No.28685806

Something about that entire project stinks. Conceptually, it's a sound idea.

Sorry, you lost me.

>> No.28685877

we will meet again

>> No.28686474

It was a guy I know from a tg group, he is a bit of a detective. Brilliant wallet tracker. He dug this up while gem hunting and shared it. A few of us jumped in causing the first spike, one of them dumped on us, plenty of us held. I doubled down this morning. I urge anyone not sure about this to DYOR, this really is a gem. Not often you see such opportunities on biz this early. Sure, it lacks liquidity, that will come. This is still better than 90% of shitcoins with much, much bigger Mcaps.

>> No.28687309

Props to that guy, whoever he is! :D

>> No.28688371

We could do with some memes for this if anyone feels like making any.

>> No.28688561

This logo gave me retinoblastoma thx op.

>> No.28688634

this project smells like smegma
and I saw someone buy in in one of your previous threads then he got dumped on, then did his research and found out the whole thing is a scam

>> No.28689001

A 3 year long scam? That's a hell of a scam to be fair. Fuck, I'd buy it just for being the best scam I ever did hear of.

>> No.28689478

Just bought a half eth. This thing could catch fire with the NFT treasure hunt i think

>> No.28689842

What's the treasure hunt?

>> No.28690268
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>> No.28690353

Definitely... Every project needs good memes, whether they're super low cap like TAP, or Bitcoin!

>> No.28690452

Yeah i made a nice 3x off this yesterday and dumped. Looks like it hasnt recovered

>> No.28690466


Dev in the TG says it’s happening in Q2 and is on schedule.

>> No.28691027

Looks interesting
I'm intrigued to see where the team go from here now that they're no longer under the radar :) and Biz has taken notice
Could do with more shilling though!

>> No.28691776

Guys, this is a freaking MICRO CAP diamond.
Why on Earth are you not telling everyone you know to buy TAP right now?!

>> No.28692603

Team don't announce announcements but say they have a lot coming through to Q2 and are on schedule to deliver.

>> No.28692844
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ok i made a low effort pepe to get the ball rolling

>> No.28693023

Top man!

>> No.28693032

It's very low effort. Can't even read the TAP
But better than anything I could produce!

>> No.28693721

Yeah idk if we need to shill. Seems like this thing will pop off sooner rather than later

>> No.28693830

Well the team haven't been shilling it for 3 years so someone should!

>> No.28693889

Just been reading through their blog, did not realise the tap and go app lets users cash out direct to paypal. They really have been doing good stuff recently. 100k app downloads. It's impressive.

>> No.28694027


>> No.28694667


Their medium is actually a pretty decent read.

>> No.28695804
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>> No.28695864

Interesting. Thx. They get decent reviews on their latest app. Not great but not awful. Could be a gem

>> No.28696160

it sounds like you did buy it 2bh

>> No.28696504

Bought a suicide squad, gonna forget about it for a few months

>> No.28697155

The Dega token looks interesting, reducing gas fees across their platform by 30-50%.
It's easy to see how this slipped under the radar. A loyal userbase and what seemed a dead coin then they have redisigned and added a bunch of features very recently without any marketing. I'm liking this more and more.

>> No.28697249

Yeah the problem is marketing. These guys need to hire somebody. I’m surprised the app has as many downloads as it does

>> No.28697434

I know, they have a decent, loyal following it seems. I think the NFT treasure hunt is going to be a marketing tool. Should raise awareness of the project. A great opportunity for them. (and us)

>> No.28698197

Yesterday a fudding anon explained that the price was being artificially raised. I still think this reeks of PnD.

>> No.28698632

It went up because it got attention on biz.
How dumb are you?

>> No.28698933

I'm very curious to know what a non-artificial price raise is.
People here about a gem product and buy it - price goes up.
Thats pretty much how crypto is!

>> No.28699026

That’s impossible to do on UNI given gas fees are what they are

>> No.28699132

That IS non-artificial. Price raises based off of demand. "Artificial" is more like exchanges doing wash trading, whales trying to manipulate, etc, etc...
The pump that happened with Tap just looks like a normal pump based off a bunch of people discovering it on biz, therefore natural.

>> No.28699213


Besides, who cares if it's just a handful of new buyers?
This project has been dead in the water for THREE YEARS. Over 99% down from all time high!
Team suddenly make some good updates, someone finds out and posts it here, Biz recognizes the unreal potential and buys in.
It's not a rug, not a scam, not a quick pump & dump
It's a hell of a chance to be SUPER early in the next possible 250x+
If that's artificial, then I don't know what to tell you

>> No.28699285

Yeah, that's what I was trying to say :D

>> No.28700038
File: 1.38 MB, 1235x1096, tapscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it definitely is a PnD. The shills are relentless, which makes me think they're working for the devs, and not just bored anons. Look at the game list on the tap website. Pretty impressive right? They've got cyberpunk 2077, fortnite, etc! Man, developers must really be taking on this coin. I can't wait to exchange my free cyberpunk 2077 money for apex coins and cheat the system!
Oh wait, I can't do that. Because none of the games I mentioned are tapcoin enabled. They're simply listed on the TAP site because if you get some achievements in them, the tap devs will give you some worthless currency for them. But surely that means all these developers signed onto the tap project and are endorsing it right? No, because all that's required to know if someone has a steam achievement is a steam API, which are given out like candy, and then a steamlinked account, which just requires user permission.
>So what games can you buy in game currency with tapcoin?
I'm glad you asked. Pic related! You'll see such prominent mobile hits as Blocky Car Clash, Stunt Runner, and Panda Commander Air Combat X, and that's it. All mobile trash.
>But surely three mobile games and a spyware program means you have broadbased mobile support!
No, because all four apps were made by the same developer, Truly Simplistic!
>What other games have they made?
None! In fact, they're not a game developer at all. A quick search for their website reveals their a blockchain startup marketing and consulting firm that advertises a partnership with TAP coin.
>wait, does that mean the only three games that have adopted tapcoin support and in game trading are games the tapcoin developers specifically paid to be made for it?
Yes! This is a scam!
>Is there any institutional support looking to allow their in game currency to be bought and sold for other in game currency?
No! It's a terrible idea!

>> No.28700577

You're not getting my bags, anon.

>> No.28700786

Same fud as yesterday, now this is good fud. A lot of effort on your part. What's your target entry price anon? Must be low for this effort.

>> No.28700793

Imagine you're a game developer and you want to hook up your coin to the TAP network because you think it would increase profits. Sounds good right? Does your in game currency allow for in game advantages? Then your game automatically just became pay to win, and your game sucks and nobody buys it. Or maybe you don't give a shit! You're gonna rake in all the money from those whales anyways. Except the whales buy currency from your competitor who offers better prices on their currency, and thus undersells you. Ooops. If only you had kept your in game currency locked behind the totally legal anti-competitive practice of not allowing people to buy it anywhere other than your game's storefront.
Oh, let's imagine something even cooler! Let's imagine every game on the tap website is actually tap coin enabled. That's fun right? that means a lot of institutions are adopting it! I can't wait to make a game that sells currency cheaper than them and steals money from those institutions. Oh wait, cyberpunk2020 is on the list. Oh, the Witcher 3 is too. And Total War 3 kingdoms. huh. All of those games have in game currency that is freely available just by players putting in time playing them. Those games are pretty fun too, so players do put in time playing them, and have numerous save files with lots of gold/whatever. Does that mean players could buy my cosmetic shop currency with in game gold they generated for free just by playing the game, essentially rendering my cosmetic shop currency worthless? Oh what's that you say? They don't even have to play the game, they just have to edit a save to include all the gold they want? Huh, tap coin doesn't seem like it would be profitable! I'm not going to include it in my AAA game.
Oh what's that? Setting up an unregulated side market for in game currency would violate the steam developer terms of service because valve wants all trades to be protected? So I likely couldn't release any TAP coin enabled game on steam?

>> No.28700888

I will never buy TAP. It is against sage wisdom to buy bags from retards.
Prove anything I've said wrong. You can't.

>> No.28700951

There is a third part to this baseless pasta iirc from yesterday?

>> No.28701068

If you mean reading the information freely available on their webpage for all to see is baseless, then I think your target audience is people who are illiterate.

>> No.28701121
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>> No.28701312
File: 33 KB, 697x368, Screenshot_2021-02-14 How To Earn Money While Playing Games — Tap N Go Rewards App.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More proofs.

>> No.28701470

Those are just new achievement games. You keep trying this lie shill, but it doesn't work. Any game listed as a "challenge" game is a game you can earn TAP by getting achievements in, which again just requires a linked steam profile, not developer buy in. Show me a tap coin enabled game other than the 3 mobile+spyware games I listed. Show me.

>> No.28701837

If it's not clear, the Tapngo platform is similar. Mobile spyware that listens to you playing real games, and gives you worthless currency. The games themselves are not "on" the tamngo platform, they simply exist and can be listened to. They do not feature tap currency trading. The only games that do are the 3 games I listed already.

>> No.28701907

DESU I don't really care about the games, more interested in the NEW developments as they move into the NFT market. I'm not a gamer myself and have no interest or knowledge in anything you are waffling on about. I do understand demand and NFTs are a growing marketplace. Tap is about to launch cross chain swaps with reduced gas fees, that is enormous. Go look at prices of other NFT platforms and come back to me. The game thing seems to have kept them going through 3 years of hardship without issue, that speaks volumes to me. Adding staking, farming and NFTs to an already tested platform is of course positive for the project and them being already established with a good following across social platforms just adds fuel to the fire. Fuck the games nonsense you're spouting. I don't care. I know a gem when I see one, you do you. This is going to fly IMO.

>> No.28702044

Why are NFTs going to be a big deal to begin with?

>> No.28702162


Don't get it myself but everyone is talking about them. I see demand, that is all I need.

>> No.28702521

1. If you don't care about the games, why did you immediately jump to defend tap's value by listing games? More shill lies. Get a new fucking playbook.
2. NFTs are useful for collectibles, but your entire usecase for the vaguely defined NFT stargate is being eliminated as interoperability between the various blockchains already becomes easier. The market cap for NFTs is extremely low, indicating low demand.
3. "I don't understand it, but everyone (shills) are talking about them" is not a good argument.

Get a new fucking playbook you duplicitous soul selling cunt.

>> No.28702676

he's mad. meanwhile i'll be getting rich off of my tapcoin.

>> No.28702940

Calling Forbes a shill. I think we are done here lad. Nice effort though.

>> No.28703959
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I know you're just hoping people will read the title and not the article, but the article actually raises several fundamental concerns with your valuation of the NFT market. Not very sage of you.