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28675334 No.28675334 [Reply] [Original]

What has been your experience with talking about crypto with normies?
A friend of mine flat out asked me and I told him outright. At the time my Link stack was £45,000 (last year before things went crazy).
What surprised me was that his reaction was really immature. He acted like it was all luck and chance and couldn't fathom ever taking the time to research and do it himself. I offered to help point him in the right direction because he's my friend and I care about him, but he quickly disregarded it. I shrugged it off and kept hanging out.
I've had a couple of experiences similar to this with other normies and there just seems to be this... disconnect between us because they don't want to take matters into their own hands and would prefer to live right on the edge of covering their costs and a few drinks on the weekend. I've only had one friend give it a crack once I offered to show him the ropes.

Have your experiences been similar?

>> No.28675402
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I have never had a "friend". I only interact with people if they can bring me a profit. People are tools, you use them and then throw them away.

>> No.28675407


Never try to evangelize your surrounding. It'll just cause resentment towards you born out of frustration and self-loathing due to missing out their gold ticket out of wage-slavery.

>> No.28675450

are you...happy?

>> No.28675488

Ha! Loser!

>> No.28675542

I asked my friends if I should buy link in 2019 and they said no and that crypto is garbage. I bought anyway and now they are slowly getting into crypto. At least I got my bro and my dad to buy some link and btc

>> No.28675544
File: 100 KB, 862x1149, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born dead inside, I have never felt a human emotion. Define "happy". I understand that when chemicals are released in my brain from certain actions it causes physiological reactions in my body, but is this "happy"?

>> No.28675567


>> No.28675596

normies or nocoiners. no SUTER holders at least

>> No.28675610 [DELETED] 

im 33 and i havent had friends since highschool ended

nobody at university kept to themselves and so does everyone at any job ive had

>> No.28675619

Oy vey, the goyim know.

>> No.28675653

I'm 33 and i havent had friends since highschool ended

Everyone at university kept to themselves and seemed busy and had places to be all the time, and so does everyone at any job ive had

I dont even know how to socialise in a friend/bro manner anymore, its been too long

>> No.28675656

I never did it like that, I'd simply tell my friends what I was up to when we talked but I never shilled projects or spoke about numbers. Even now, with the one that has been dipping his toes in, I haven't told him to go for link, instead encouraging him to do his own research, come to his own conclusions and and avoid scams. As much as I want to see him succeed, I don't want him to resent me for any possible losses because he bought what I told him to.

>> No.28675716

I shill finance to everyone I know, not just crypto but other forms of smart investing such as how to use credit and certain subsides/ tax loop holes to reduce morgage payments, how to set up a web broker and put money into safe etfs if crypto is too risky for you. Or explain why trusting a financial advisor with your money is a scam. I still get the reaction op, don't feel bad and keep trying for those who actually want to learn.

>> No.28675730

People should mind their own business. I dont like being asked things I dont wanna talk about only for them to turn around and give me bad advice about what else I should be doing.

>> No.28675869

I also don't have many friends surprisingly lmao. Can't help it, I am passionate about this shit.

>> No.28675982

based and Batman-pilled

>> No.28676006

>Everyone at university kept to themselves and seemed busy and had places to be all the time, and so does everyone at any job ive had
thats how it feels to me 99% of the time
i would always try and stick around after classes to talk to people, but it seems as soon as the class ended everyone would disappear
i lucked out in uni and managed to make 2 friends though, on of whom who hated me haha

the problem i find is that while you may connect with some people over a conversation, they just end up being boring people over all who never want to do anything

>> No.28676101
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people have been conditioned into thinking that anyone talking to them about finance is trying to scam money out of them. it's incomprehensible to normies that someone that wants to be rich and successful also wants to be surrounded by rich and successful people. they have accepted their lot in life so completely that they assume you are using them as a ladder to access an elite social circle instead of trying to lift them up with you.
therefore, it is pointless in trying to help other people. always remember that advice is free, and as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink.

>> No.28676311

I literally started 10 days ago, spoken with my 2 closest friends and they are 100% convinced I will make it, for some reason people always tend to have extremely high expectations for me, feels weird.

>> No.28676361

based sociopath
>t. sociopath

p.s. I think its recessive Neanderthal genes

>> No.28676618

You sound like an edgy teenager

>> No.28676773

its the concept that the pie is a set size, and that the only way to get a bigger slice is take it from someone else.
When the reality is we all get more pie if we make the pie bigger. even if I get a bigger piece, you do too.

But normies don't see that. All they see is someone has a bigger piece than them, and justify it as greed. Even if the person who has the bigger piece helped make the pie.

>> No.28676804

This he's just coping with never having friends

>> No.28676897

I talked about it with my very close family, and it only made them fight each other. I used to consider them (kind-of) rational people.

I also tried to talk about it with other normies, but the answer is like... "yeah, yeah, I don't care at all, now let me buy some lottery tickets" or "spend your money now, you can't have fun after you're dead".

My current posture is: Blockchain tech is the future, but I barely talk about investment or making money.

>> No.28676931

I’ve had the same experience Fren, but that’s why we call them normies.
I commend you for being able to still have them as friends.
Normies kinda give me a mental rash at this point.

>> No.28677996

>telling people about your crypto
ngmi, I mean maybe you will because you hold link but its not a good idea to do this anon...

>> No.28678109
File: 243 KB, 521x937, Based Departement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and abovehumanpilled. I bet you must be very rich.

>> No.28678216

Don’t worry fren, I think you’re a retard and know for a fact you won’t make it

>> No.28678277

my "friends" are currently at the stage of cope where they think it's not worth it because they have this idea that "hedge funds" will never let the normal person make any money in this market. Almost a sort of aloofness toward a guy like me who busted his ass and went from 4 to 6 figures.

>> No.28678372

is the socializing in university/college thing a meme? every single class I've had people show up, do their shit and go home straight away. The only contacts I made were lab partners

>> No.28678580

Depends. If you go to a school where everyone commutes from home, you’re only option for socializing is to join clubs/extracurriculars or live on a campus dorm. Or go to a school in some obscure city where the school is the only relevant thing in the city and therefore everyone lives on campus

>> No.28678646

they want me to sell. immediately.
ive only told 2 people though and way undersold it

>> No.28678655

Not a commuter college but the campus i'm on is entirely STEM so maybe thats why

>> No.28678749

Those aren't normies. Those are losers. They will always lose. Read some Robert Greene if you weren't born understanding this already.

>> No.28678859

Well yeah. Most of those kids probably feel like they're in a meat grinder. People getting bullshit degrees are the ones who get to socialize and a lot of their course work requires social activities and collaboration rather than grinding.

>> No.28678942


you have to be attractive as a man to get access to social circles

or be a bitch and let yourself be used for whatever resources/skills you have by the more attractive members of the social circle

>> No.28679076

In a thread like a week ago some anon was telling me autism was Neanderthal genes..

>> No.28679262


>> No.28679343

Allmost as if they can't accept their being naive believing in free money?