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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 2048x1152, blockpass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28651197 No.28651197 [Reply] [Original]


10 Million fully diluted market cap.
Chainlink partnership and node operator.
Why are not you buying anon?

>> No.28651631
File: 3.02 MB, 7234x8053, 3E0886FA-0802-439E-A4A2-F2B7583BD2E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to melt faces!! On chain KYC is need big thing! If you know you know.

>> No.28652098


>> No.28652522

Blockpass is a legit project with an on-chain KYC verification and compliance.

Sooner or later the regulation is coming to crypto and the defi space. If you don’t see it through your eyes let me explain it to you Anons. Look at all the projects partnering with Blockpass including Chainlink. Why the fuck do you think they are all hurrying to partner with a Digitial Identity Solution platform? Believe it or not, this is a multi billion dollar market and Blockpass is leading the way. There is no other in-built contract compliant solution. The platform is ready and LIVE. Do you know anything about the first mover advantage???
Remember BTC
Remember ETH
Remember LINK
Remember YFI
Everyone else can fork, copy or paste but there will only be one True & Original King in the Space

Buy on bitfinex or uniswap. Low liquidity atm but liquidity mining coming soon.

>> No.28653493

Im legit interested. How is this different than Civic?

>> No.28653591

he goes down
this is gonna make u reddit fags cry
OMG it pump
then KEK it dumps
why you cry like a lilboi??
ar u lost again with your shit bot for trading?
> be clever use bot ocean for cex and dex trading, forget about scam strategies

>> No.28654057

ROI anon. Civic is $360m mc and Pass is $2 M mc. Pick your side and do your math.

>> No.28654118

>low cap hidden gems

>> No.28654404
File: 9 KB, 308x164, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stratis platform $strax
4 years of dev
BTC in C#
Enterprise Ready
Smart Contracts
ICO platform
identity management kyc
STO platform
Cold Staking
Eth interoperability
DEX to launch in months
long term funding

>> No.28654443

Literally everything is in the website: https://blockpass.org/kyc/
They are the only on chain KYC verificaiton protocol I know.

Use cases are very broad:

KYC for Blockchains
KYC For Remote Business
KYC For Payment Services
KYC For Legal Entities
KYC For Healthcare
KYC For Hospitality
KYC For Token Offerings
KYC For Supply Chain And Shipping
KYC For Gaming
KYC For Financial Institutions
KYC For Regtech
Customer Onboarding
Compliant Solutions
Digital Identity
AML Compliance

We all know regulations are coming to DeFi. Blockpass is well ahead of the curve in KYC/Compliance domain. Blockpass is massively undervalued at this stage of bull market - fully diluted market cap of only 10 million. It's a steal. Only problem is low liquidity atm but liquidity mining will come out soon as per the team telegram. Also, I think the main reason for the low market cap is because people are lazy ass in doing a simple whitelisting process. The whitelisting just takes 5 mins and you only need to provide name, address, email. I don't think, it will remain at these prices and mcap for much longer. Market is really heated right now and adoption is taking place. This token really has a 1000x if not 100x potential. I am telling this now because I have already loaded my bags with the capital that I can allocate. I want to pay it forward to biz anons who have helped me all along in my crypto journey. Godspeed anons.

>> No.28654478

that's good shit but I can't spread my funds over a million different tokens

>> No.28654511

>26k liquidity


>> No.28654549
File: 160 KB, 850x940, hold_hoge_with_legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$300K Market Gap

Hot memes

>> No.28655109

Yes liquidity is low at the moment. liquidity mining is coming soon though.

>> No.28656694
File: 2.66 MB, 600x600, f62.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is based