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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28632411 No.28632411 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ is now +80% newfags
>these newfags don't even have measly $10k portfolios
>they are still allowed to post and end up fooling eachother straight into bankruptcy with ponzicoins and pajeet pump and dumps

It's even worse than 2017 and altseason hasn't even begun yet. We need a crash.

>> No.28632887

>be me
>turn $500 into $40k in 2.5 months becuase I'm not a retard

Many of you "oldfags" claim to be so smart yet you don't even have 7 figures. SAD.

>> No.28633258

If someone is around here for a very long time, it means he still hasn't made it. Thus his advice is worth as much as all those shitcoins that are shilled here.

>> No.28633325

That's just wrong, you fucking idiot. You don't leave crypto just because you hit 7 figures.

>> No.28633335

newfag here what do you mean alt season hasnt even started? every alt is up like 1000%

>> No.28633433

He's right though. You don't leave crypto but you definitely leave /biz/. I have been here since 2016 and still haven't made it. Therefore I am a retard and my advice should be discarded.

>> No.28633493

>you definitely leave /biz/
imagine being this new

>> No.28633640

>You don't leave crypto but you definitely leave /biz/
Wrong retard. You can never leave.

>> No.28633769


>> No.28634466
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Ok mr /biz/ old fag help me out then, don’t be a condescending meanie. I’m a “newfag” from /r9k/ but Ive done my research and going all in, I’m not missing the golden bull run

Im gonna put 50k more cash in next week what should I do

Kinda want to get one bitcoin but might just put it all in GRT to bee honest

>> No.28634550

nice flavor of the month shit coins retard

>> No.28634605

I would unironically stash that 50k in rubic. But I’m poor so don’t do that

>> No.28634648

can i ask what your advice is so i can do the opposite?

>> No.28634726

A crash is dutifully welcomed
Maybe when their portfolios get zeroed out they will leave

>> No.28634733

They're not though

>> No.28634756

Even if I someday /makeit/, I'll never leave my /biz/ frens

>> No.28634760

You got an inheritance didn't you

>> No.28634828

Explain rubic to a newfag

I don’t understand the tech so I just buy a coin that seems revolutionary with no competitors

How is rubic different from any other exchange token

AMPL is the most copied coin I’ve ever seen in crypto, that makes me realize how revolutionary it is

>> No.28634903

GRT is a great hold. I have no fucking idea what those two others are.

>> No.28635047

Yeah you’re larping then if you haven’t heard of AMPL

>> No.28635144

Believe what the fuck you want. I've been on 4chan since 2009, /biz/ since '16 and I hit 7 figures for the first time in 2018. And I have never read a single word about AMPL in my fucking life.

>> No.28635307

Well I came here in July and it was by far the most shilled coin then, half of all threads were about AMPL it literally is the coin that made uniswap big.

>> No.28635361

I don't give a fuck. I didn't go into AMPL threads.

>> No.28635468

This, started /biz/ last week turned 1k into 8k already

>> No.28635597

Everyone can make money in a bull market.

>> No.28635657

fuck you /biz/
I'm getting evicted from my house because you shitheads recommended me to buy McDonalds coin.

>> No.28635775

Yes exactly so y so many oldfags still haven't made it?

>> No.28635909

We didn't. Literal scamming, street shitting pajeets did. 90% of shitcoins shilled here are shilled by pajeets and discord groups. Your fault for choosing to throw money into the market before you were able to differentiate between scamming pajeets and real anons.

>> No.28636042

dont invest more than you can afford to lose

>> No.28636109

Why isn't there flags on this board?

>> No.28636240
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Hello, 2017 newfriend here, how do I buy shares in bitcoin?

>> No.28636473

How the fuck do you faggots even differentiate all the shit coins from pajeet or not pajeet. They all reek of flavor of the month.

>> No.28636571

If there is serious technical discussion, it's not a pajeet scam. If there is only talk about future price, it's a pajeet scam. Simple as that.