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2859731 No.2859731 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not buying the next pivx?

>> No.2859767

sell me anon, non ico, no pre-mine privacy coin...and whats to say this isnt doge 2.0...

>> No.2859777

it can't be called a memecoin

>> No.2859779

Doge has a market cap of 300m. That would put each sigt at $2.25. I'm mining 1000 a day.

I sure as fuck hope this is the next DOGE.

>> No.2859784

oh baby baby let this happen

>> No.2859785

You fingerprint coin fags getting desperate or what

>> No.2859789

Hi Sir
May I ask you a question
What coin is this?

>> No.2859792

lol, why desperate cuck? nobody is holding bagz, to new for that.

Go fuck yourself pajeet

>> No.2859801

Signatum pajeet boi

>> No.2859825

its sitting on 700 sats, where you see it in, say a week...50 or 50000, what will drive this to "moon" ?

>> No.2859881

>stock vector image logo
it checks out, going all in

>> No.2859898

Wait is it on Cryptopia already? sheeeit

>> No.2859916

Also, did that guy who paid the Cryptopia say anything further about Bittrex?

>> No.2859930

>the next pivx

pivx hasnt even shown its angel wings yet anon

>> No.2859958
File: 208 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170723-180132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptsy stole everything from me.

God is now giving me another chance.

I am getting the same vibes as dogecoin with this one.

>> No.2859996

how many gpus and what gpus ?

>> No.2860019

whats the word on this coin? Any feelings about it? Currently mining it as well. new to this.

>> No.2860046

Brand new coin. Its gimmick is anonymity. Only on one exchange (cryptopia). Seems like people are gonna be hoarding for a little bit until it gets more attention.

>> No.2860054

Would waste time with this one? mining currently have about @ 250 a day

>> No.2860057

its gimmick is the fucking badass algorithm and it's pow/pos so it'll be investable in the near future once the staking kicks on

>> No.2860075

>net speed now 400k
literally tens of thousands of potential ether mining dollars are being poured into this daily

>> No.2860086

as long as it stays above 500 sat it's fine to mine.

>> No.2860101

well, I've never heard of pivx so that's why

>> No.2860103

not much activity on it

>> No.2860108

fuck off pajeet

>> No.2860147

The fact that it's impossible to mine with certain AMD cards will kill it, some people can only do CPU mining

>> No.2860153

mining with a rx480 right now retard who cares about your hawaiian shit

>> No.2860163

again how many, what returns per card, got 12 1070's pointing at eth atm...

>> No.2860174

oh i didnt' see your posts

I get ~18 MH/s with an RX480


people are posting their hash rates here

>> No.2860184

15 - 18 mh/s with 1070 not sure why, seems low

>> No.2860190

Amazing algorithm, I'm mining it too. $1 per coin is not outside the realm of possibility.

>> No.2860191

thanks anon

>> No.2860193

did you press g in cgminer and change the intensity to 15+? i can turn my piece of shit up to 20 intensity just fine, don't be a puss

>> No.2860196
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Don't make me cum anon

>> No.2860236

tried cc miner and edited the bat file, its i - 20 now getting 19mh/s

>> No.2860265

sgminer bro https://github.com/signatumd/releases/blob/master/sigt-miner.zip

i dont know if it works with nvda, don't use them the rx480 is the BEST miner out there still till the next wave

>> No.2860289

I got cc miner to work for my 1070, getting 18mh/s

sg was getting me 15mh/s

>> No.2860338

>how many gpus and what gpus ?

i'm at 800 in a day, 1x560, 1x470, 1x570. 35MH/s

>> No.2860346

acquire more rx480s

>> No.2860363

>I sure as fuck hope this is the next DOGE.

agree, doge is keketic magic.

>> No.2860376

Probably gonna put my small rig on this tomorrow. I have 4x rx570 on linux. What's my best best on the miner to use?

Will tip fag who helps me out in Signature. Been mining on a 1070 for a couple days already

>> No.2860396


right here senpai
and your .bat file should be:

sgminer -k skunkhash -o stratum+tcp://sigt.pool.mn:8732 -u <poollogin>.<workername> -p <workerpassword> -I 20

using this pool:

Pls tip I'm poor and wanna be a diamond doge leader one day and save the white people


>> No.2860402

2. 1080Ti.

>> No.2860407

Tip me some anon! =)


>> No.2860426

Here is what I used.


FOR GTX1070 OC to +655 mem and +150 GPU
power @ 75%



sgminer -k skunkhash -o stratum+tcp://sigt.pool.mn:8732 -u USER.WORKERNAME -p PASSWORD -I 20



ccminer-x64 -a skunk -o stratum+tcp://sigt.pool.mn:8732 -u USERNAME.WORKERNAME -p PASSWORD -i 20

CC - 18.9 mh/s
SIGMINER - 15.5 mh/s

tip is welcomed BFWm1FemggAMCuWSYxxQtyWFE3MHC3wj8Y

>> No.2860468

bitcoin address: 1LUGKjwgjFrCNiLb35ApRVB3WkFzDw8mJ1

tips welcome on this setup >>2860426

>> No.2860483

another tip...

sgminer, on my system, would not detect the GPU's without adding --gpu-platform 1.


>> No.2860489

and on my system that makes it close instantly


>> No.2860513

Small tips sent to the two who helped in form of some Signatum

>> No.2860519

That is because your computer probably has Intel HD graphics as the primary platform.

>> No.2860543

Thanks I hope it helped, on Nvidia cards use the CCminer with the bat file contents, gets me best hash

>> No.2860552

Wtf am I doing wrong? Getting ~130Kh/s on a RX580.

>> No.2860561


please donate sir

>> No.2860570




>> No.2860607

still doesnt detect my 480

>> No.2860611

So how much can I make in a day at 35Mh/s.

>> No.2860613

Holy fuck it's mooning

1000 sat tonight

>> No.2860615


>> No.2860651

that whale is pushing the price up like crazy

>> No.2860658

inb4 it's satoshi nagamoto

>> No.2860666
File: 47 KB, 720x540, 1498488016252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that PoS is just a mechanism to trick idiots into becoming bag holders.

Mine now, but dump this shit as soon as it hits Bittrex. It has nowhere to go but down after that.

>> No.2860677

fuck off chink

>> No.2860692

Whatever, kid.

>> No.2860699
File: 109 KB, 1823x196, when a chink says the word bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself chinkis khan

>> No.2860705


>> No.2860707

how much faster is the modded miner that ocminer is selling on bitcointalk? does anybody know?

>> No.2860713

well, I figure may as well buy some of this.

If it hits $1 I become rich, if it falls on its ass, no big deal.

cross fingers for the moon

>> No.2860714

Hope you lift, you'll be holding those bags for a long time. And they'll get 5% heavier every year.

>> No.2860723

looks like the rally will hold until 1000 sat. then the whale might dump unless its the devs.

>> No.2860725

nigga that's bitbean, and i'm showing you proof of stake coins aren't for bagholders, they're for bagmakers

you're a retard who probably bought DGB and thought it would go to 1$ because of muh minecraft instead of thinking like an adult and realizing people like the winklevoss twins and martin shrekli want a coin that pays a dividend to hold it instead of being merely for speculative value

>> No.2860740

but the dividend is paid in the same coin
it's just inflating itself, and at a faster rate than most of the civilized world

>> No.2860749

That's exactly the same thing that happens to a stock. But stocks are tied to something that has a critical weakness: a corporation. Cryptocurrency that pays you in cryptocurrency is akin to having USD in your FOREX account pay you the FED set LIBOR rate as a minimum. That would be fair, but the kikes don't do that for you because they keep it all to themselves.

I guess what 'm getting at is you don't understand the concept of inflation because you probably believe you and I somehow get the benefits of inflation within the context of meatspace CPI and things like that. But your cash doesn't generate cash for being cash. That's why cryptocash that pays you in itself is inherently superior to fiat dollars.

>> No.2860764

no, i believe you and i are getting shafted sideways by inflation and crypto should be a store of value rather than bloating up in number for no reason

>> No.2860778

Hmmm... i think suprnova pool is getting close to half of the hashing power? Anything to worry about?

>> No.2860794


Think of it this way: the USD (united states dollar) is a stake coin in many ways. How? It's a unit of currency, it has an inflation rate set by a central actor, and only certain places of storage provide you payment in the form of USD. But, there's also "tiers" to how USD can be staked. At the fastest rate the USD is staked in the federal reserves central banks. But there's a key difference between where you stake your dollars and the federal reserves: the federal reserve makes ALOT more in terms of percentage. That's horseshit. This is inherently why inflation is a double whammy on the normal worker, because many don't have enough savings to cover the difference between the pricing squeezing them with the subsequent increase in amounts of USD they have in total.

In short: stake coins are a USD equivalent without any of the manipulation, depending on the codebase, obviously. This is why I believe SIGT is a major difference: it began decentralized and will continue to be from here on out.

>> No.2860815

anyone having any luck getting the wallet to sync?

i added some nodes to the config file but it still isn't pulling a connection

>> No.2860820

Chain split

>> No.2860837

Chinks hopped on. Global went up from 250 to 400

>> No.2862255



>> No.2862355

difficulty is rising nicely. Need strong hands on deck now to nurture the growing market, a single guy from the rich list could still knock down the paper-thin buy walls on this alt-exchange.

>> No.2862600

Getting 11.3 mh/s on my GTX 970 Strix in ccminer, wonder what i can do to make it better...

>> No.2862608

same here

15 mh/s on a 1080

and suggestions anons?

>> No.2862621

The sig miner keeps closing instantly and intel graphics are not my primary, what gives?

>> No.2862624

Probably not setting your intensity up

>> No.2862653

whats the highest recommended intensity on a 1080 that WON"T burn my house down.

>> No.2862686

Dunno, try increasing it one step at a time? You can do it while the miner is running, just keep an eye on the temperatures and your fire extinguisher and you're fine. I'm using 20 intensity on my RX 480

>> No.2862703


intensity 20 @ my 1070s (3 fans, mem cooler) running at ~55 celsius max

> buying the cheapest model of a card
> not investing in cards that will never reach 60 celsius

>> No.2863007

Is it too late to buy? Got almost 0.1 BTC to chuck on if it's worth it

>> No.2863016

somebody's dumping on that small exchange, might be a good time to gobble up cheap coins if you're one to believe it's going back up.
Heard they're actually going to publish a paper and roadmap, so that's obvious room for speculation... or spectacular failure.

>> No.2863060

rx480, sgminer wont work
comes up with first line then shuts down instantly

fml, probably a waste mining anyway, ill just buy

>> No.2863584

How do I get into this if I can't mine?

>> No.2863601

>Why are you not buying the next chit coin?

>> No.2863617

buy in cryptopia

at 1000 satoshi it's still a steal

>> No.2863734

I know this anon is probably not in the thread anymore, but what do I need to look for when increasing intensity?
My card is running at 18 intensity and staying coolio at 75C 55% fan speed

>> No.2863746

note hashrate. change intensity, compare new hashrate. You will have significantly diminishing returns for increasing intensity at some point.

>> No.2863761


Dude... turn your fan up. LOL

>> No.2863765
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I advise anyone to buy 100k here, while you still can!

>> No.2863769

tfw i can only afford 10k with my current shitcoin fund

>> No.2863775

nice just bought 100K

>> No.2863798
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>> No.2863804

Nothing wrong with 75 C and fans over 40% are usually loud as fuck.

>> No.2863836

>trying to sign up for cryptopia

>> No.2863852
File: 16 KB, 384x384, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My siggies are already making gainz. Feels good man.

How can we meme this coin with anime?

>> No.2863877

This coin is about to moon so hard! Hold onto your hats

>> No.2863879

First we need a pepe with a sigt mask.

>> No.2863889

holy christ on a fucking stick i literally unironically and not even kidding can't log in to fucking cryptopia lmao

>> No.2863895

Why not? RIP you right now

>> No.2863898


Ehh, maybe I'm just spoiled. Mine sits at 50C with 40% fan. RX480 master race I guess.

>> No.2863907

i have probably done 100 captchas by now

>> No.2863913
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>> No.2863919

I'm praying to the crypto gods for you!

>> No.2863924

is this coin worth mining with a r9 280x?

also i'm thinking about buying a new gpu for gaming , and mining, it has to be quiet
what's a good one for 350€

>> No.2864011

the fuck is up with the captchas on Cryptopia? CANT GET IN!!!

>> No.2864019

Try using a different browser, maybe?

>> No.2864095

I had this problem, just reset my browser and it worked

>> No.2864185

Did you really believe you would be able to mine with your 5 year old card forever. Wait...I'm mining with a gtx670 (+ x6 1070's x6
1080tis) ...Whats the issue here? Oh wait AMD lel

>> No.2864207

Not sure if the r9 can run the algo sorry

>> No.2864217

>Oh wait AMD lel

>> No.2864994


>> No.2866187

>tfw waiting for my BTC deposit to confirm before buying 10k

>> No.2866384

>tfw bought before 100k sats

>> No.2866451

any idea when this will hit other exchanges than cryptopia?

>> No.2866463

never. its a shitcoin

>> No.2866469

forgot. it's a shitcoin. DUMP NOW

>> No.2866508

in your bat file :



>> No.2866517

I've read of it coming to bittrex in 1-3 months

>> No.2866794

>jumped 400sats in a few hours

>> No.2867571

Have my BTCs in my wallet balance but can't use them on exchange, what's going on?

>> No.2867584

Site is killed. It couldn't handle the moon mission, so we have to wait until Bittrex

>> No.2868480
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I made $500 overnight thanks to this coin, just wanted to thank you guys. Don't get too greedy, if you've made 2-3x profits I'd suggest selling some of it to be safe, and hold onto a lot less if you believe it will shoot up even more. Again, thank you guys for bringing this coin to attention.

>> No.2868489

Fine if people are shilling to make money, but is anyone not seeing how shallow this order book is? anyone dumping even 1 BTC will rock this thing down tonnes.

Not only that, no website (current one doesn't count), no whitepaper, nothing. It's a miner pump and dump. Try and cash out on this if you like, but it's the definition of a shit coin.

>> No.2868519


Let the kids enjoy their euphoria, tendie money is tendie money.

>> No.2868529

It jumped 400 sats, but there isn't so much as a single BTC of resistance until you go back down to 2200 sats, and none again after that until sub 2000.

>> No.2868543

Resistance won't form when the price is rising fast /is extremely volatile

>> No.2868573

it's already performing better than digibyte lol. it wont last.

>> No.2868581

this has over 100btc volume now, you'd have been right back when it was fucking a measly 8 btc yesterday but it's developing itself now

>> No.2868596

Check out the order book. Numerous .2 btc buys but fucking nobody wants to sell.

>> No.2868616

Yea whales waiting for it to pump more and then boom, they sell the entire order book

>> No.2868674

You can't dump on the willing

>> No.2868719

Lower the fan speed and increase gpu temp. It'll lower ambient room temperature

>> No.2868727

>tfw missed the mining extravaganza and got it as difficulty skyrocketed

who wants to help a poorfag out?


>> No.2868748

>Yea whales waiting for it to pump more and then boom
there aren't even whales yet you dingus

>> No.2869012
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screencapping this
we will see who gets the last laugh
also whale here every hold ur buys im about to buy a sht ton when my btc confirms

>> No.2869359
File: 40 KB, 628x472, Bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fomo is strong.
Every bitcoin that goes in, 2 bitcoins must go in after for the coin to get a 2x price increase.

Initial pump cannot last forever.

Pic related, it is sig buyers in a week