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28583370 No.28583370 [Reply] [Original]

Blockchain is as revolutionary as the internet. The decentralized GLOBAL blockchain is the future.

What comes next? Fucking dickhead pieces of shit are now trying to get your information and steal your crypto.

This over 9000 IQ shit coin is the response to the whole Ledger Email list drop. Imagine an address drop?

It's also pumping. Don't miss out bros.

Orchid is pretty good as well. Untraceable blockchain use.

>> No.28583615

ez 10x team is autistic

>> No.28583652

it only goes up!!

>> No.28583701
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Might FOMO in. Talk me out of it lads.

>> No.28583863

vc trash
look at the team tokens

>> No.28584447
File: 77 KB, 602x598, nu_release.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks pretty good to me, especially compared to 99% of projects on eth these days.

>> No.28584547

Predictions for next week?

>> No.28585141

I would. Crypto is fucking mooning.

>> No.28585224

Just solid. No curry threads all of the time. I know I am OP and could be pajeet but I am not. Send vagine.

I just bought it awhile ago and took a look. Hot damn bros. Let's show GRT what real men shit coins can do.

>> No.28585347

$1.50 ez maybe 3 as crypto gets popular and more people worry about privacy with their sensitive info. The big bois gotta support it because they get fucked if people start stealing their coins.

>> No.28585567

What do this mean?

>> No.28585700

But I want you to make money and not be some poor nigger down the road. You filthy chimp. Buy some fucking shoes already.

>> No.28585922


also when retail starts fomoing into nfts everyone will want booster packs and eth cant do that without nu

>> No.28586266

Checked. Bro I didn't even think about this. Thank you. I moved all out of GRT lol.

>> No.28586336


>> No.28586346

team good

>> No.28586556

Easiest money play; I can see $1-$3 soon.

On top of that, a binance listing will take this to $6 or $7 without a drop of sweat.

>> No.28586603

It's gonna go full GRT.

>> No.28586651

:) freeeEehhhHhnn!

>> No.28587126

have binance announced they were gonna list cypher?

>> No.28587143
File: 38 KB, 450x450, 311212 cryptodiffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked into it. One dude has a literal unibrow. Explain yourselves NUfags

>> No.28587229

This or algo if you had to choose?

>> No.28587583

Put in an order at .78 to get started since this feels a little like GRT. Hopefully I don't get fucked for buying near the ATH.

>> No.28588937

$317,342,561 market cap, #111 soon to be #24
isnt co creator with curve dao

$1 incoming

>> No.28589021

That’s how you know he’s good. Unibrow make brain go faster

>> No.28589072
File: 3 KB, 823x81, 1609347352550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, I've got a buy order in for a puny stacklet.

>> No.28589137
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, randy-jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a nigger stage name, going to be a big no from me dog

>> No.28589280

Is like racing stripe for brain

>> No.28589307


Binance will add any shitcoin they can make a profit off of. Bonus because they can also offer it on binance.us

>> No.28589400


>> No.28589438 [DELETED] 

Дa тoвapищ

>> No.28589495


But honestly that's the look I trust for shit like this.

>> No.28589564


>> No.28589643
File: 55 KB, 730x870, F4ADB2B7-D8F2-4A20-9067-5A7351DAAEC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had two close friends shill me on this coin - both fairly new to crypto

What does it mean

>> No.28589745

only thing worth buying on coinbase right now so retail gravitates

>> No.28589867
File: 807 KB, 1125x1412, 7503B9FF-1CAC-4A52-8B3B-A3A691E1DDA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $28k USD in CoinbasePro

Should I dump it all in Nu? I need to triple or quadruple this to afford a condo in Florida.

>> No.28590020

if digits, do it
not financial advice.

>> No.28590129

can you affoard to lose it all really?

>> No.28590172

We're on the clouds right now, if it starts to rain will you panic> If your heart can take it, then do it anon, you will regret not so. we're definetly breaking a dollar .

>> No.28590227

It's pretty crazy how some Anon shilled me into buying this before Christmas in one post when no one else was talking about it

>> No.28591278

im over $100k deep, sleep fine

>> No.28591595

It's one of the few lowcap gems on normalfag friendly exchanges like coinbase that hasn't mooned. I'm surprised pajeets haven't started shilling it yet since it'll be easy to get gullible normalfags to pump it

>> No.28591690

GRT got most of the shilling after it 20x'd on mainnet launch then dumped. This has a usecase as strong as GRT with better tokenomics.

>> No.28592170

I have about 6k in GRT now, made nice gains. Should I jump ship into NU now or hodl the line? And why?

>> No.28592336

Update I did it anyway

>> No.28592404

They'll probably do it soon. It's a solid coin so I doubt they're going to sleep on it forever