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File: 168 KB, 640x480, pepe thinking about the billionaire lifestyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2856825 No.2856825 [Reply] [Original]

Let's find out the type of people who we interact with on this board.

I just bought my 21st BTC 10 mins ago, basically who here has "made it".

Oh and since this is biz I have to shill or FUD something, BTC will be 5k by end of July, ETH will $55 by end of August.

>> No.2856833

well faggot the 21 meme is as shitty as your predictions

>> No.2856835

Rich fags reveal yourselves, this is a safe space, nobody will shame you here.

>> No.2856840

>jealous no coiner

like clockwork, when will they learn

>> No.2856976

102 btc reporting in and adding more and more to it daily by botting,lending, and mining with asics all while working full time at my job making 42.00 an hour as a Canadian plumber. That's right boys I unclog shitty toilets and will be richer than any fucking doctor or lawyer in a few years.

>> No.2857061

Millionthaire reporting in.

>> No.2857093

I m half way there I dont think I ll make it in time..


>> No.2857101

Holy shit ! turning shit into virtual gold. keep up the good job anon.

>> No.2857133

25 btc and 2500 xmr here. Just waiting on the icos to crash and the low iq posters to blow their brains out (or just give up and leave).

>> No.2857138

21 was a good idea 3 years ago, by now you should be at 210 at least

>> No.2857145

Would anyone mind explaining the 21 Bitcoin meme? It just seems like really shitty viral marketing from some company slinging ASICs lmao

>> No.2857153

>Tfw spent like 70BTC on a shitty 20 bag of weed bakc in the day.
God I hate how much of a spac I used to be as a teenager.

>> No.2857159

bitcoin total cap = 21 million. Having 21 btc means you are 1 in a million, but obs a lot more valuable than that because btc is not completely uniform with its distribution

>> No.2857244
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>new to bitcoin (and investing in general)
I want to buy in since it seems like its making good profits, but how do I know when to buy? It's at $2,792 now but in April it was about $1035. It's better to buy when the price is lower right?

>> No.2857326

Dollar cost averaging. Google it.

>> No.2857358

So I'm half right, it's still better to buy more while it's at a low? I'm going to invest a small amount first just to learn how this shit works but I have about $5k I'm willing to invest if this will be profitable and won't just shit the bed one day and never recover

>> No.2857377

>it's still better to buy more while it's at a low?
Probably, but how do you define a low when the market you're dealing with is autistic about its swings and where TA doesn't always apply? We could be in a low at this very moment.

>> No.2857396

youre so smart well done good job its better to buy at a lower price, god youre so smart

>> No.2857410

So since I'm new should I buy a small amount now or study the charts for a week first? If I'm reading into this right there's no exchange charge correct? So I don't really have to worry about buying too small of an amount

>> No.2857421

nigga I never claimed to be smart, I literally claimed to be a newfag to this

>> No.2857422

just dont buy. accept that you missed your chance. buy when there is blood in the street.

>> No.2857452

>So since I'm new should I buy a small amount now
It's a good idea to get a small amount first in order to learn how to move it from one wallet to another or checking how the software you'll be using functions.
>or study the charts for a week first?
If you're not looking to daytrade, and just hold for a few years, you can safely ignore them.
>If I'm reading into this right there's no exchange charge correct?
This is untrue for most exchanges. Also converting fiat into crypto means you'll be paying a premium on certain sites unless you provide identity.

>> No.2857546

Awesome thanks this is pretty helpful. I do plan on holding until I buy a house in a year or two. Actually the main reason I want to invest so I can have a good down payment

>> No.2857598

>I do plan on holding until I buy a house in a year or two.
While I am strongly advocating crypto I do not think that a 5k investement will give you back a house in that time-frame. Then again, I could be wrong and we'll see bitcoin explode just tomorrow.

>> No.2857622

you're wrong. BTC is going to explode in value. it's going to shock the entire planet.

>> No.2857686

I'd prefer steady and healthy over explosive growth to be honest.

>> No.2857707
File: 41 KB, 540x537, f16716a0799b1964f3e4da2966a469d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is the 400 btc club.

>> No.2857734

I'm not saying I'm going to BUY a house with my profits, hell I almost have enough for a down payment right now. But hell if bitcoin can increase how much I can put down so I save money on my mortgage I'll be happy

>> No.2857779

how does one bot? jesus I ll never get to even close number....godamnit

>> No.2857902
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6 btc and 300 xmr, I feel ready for the future.

>> No.2857942

21 BTC is just a silly meme. the only correct answer is to stack as much BTC as possible. but even a few BTC will make you very wealthy in the coming years.

>> No.2858230

holy shit, good on you mate. You are set for life as long as you hold and keep accumlating.

>> No.2858235

there is no time limit, even when hit 5k or 10k it will still be "cheap" compared to where it will be in the next 3 to 5 years.

>> No.2858260

for all you newbies out there, just do this every single week for atleast a year, don't trade just hold, you will make significant gains.

>> No.2858294

also an insane amount of private keys have been destroyed since bitcoin's early days, when most people who mined it even didn't believe it'd ever get anywhere near its current scale

i personally lost a private key w/ 2 BTCs in 2012, i could have recovered it back then but didn't think about it until the end of 2013...

so the supply is an insane lot SMALLER than 21 million
can't say that for any other coin, cuz in the era of copy cats everyone was a lot more careful with their coins even if they weren't particularly valuable at the time

>> No.2858333

GGWP, mechanical systems wins. Fatality.

>> No.2858346
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>> No.2858413

Didn't think of that, good point. Makes bitcoin even more valuable.

>> No.2858432

I hope you 21 memers have a suicide prevention counselor on retainer

>> No.2858653
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thanks for caring.

>> No.2859749

in a way there is a limit, I dont wanna day trade cause I suck at it.. the btcs i have now are from the gpu mining days so any new investment for me at even this price if way over my budget..
but hey! thanks for the pep talk.. fucker

>> No.2859755

>ETH will $55


>> No.2860528

>also an insane amount of private keys have been destroyed since bitcoin's early days, when most people who mined it even didn't believe it'd ever get anywhere near its current scale

yeah, mt gox alone is 850k BTC gone right?

Does anyone have an educated guess on how many BTC are lost out of the current mined supply? I bet its more than half...

>> No.2860575

it's not that much. most estimates put it at around 2-3 million.

>> No.2860630

~.15 BTC and 5LTC.. Just started a week ago, wish I was born earlier. I do not make enough to invest more than a few hundered every couple weeks. So my plan will be just hodl my ass off. I do not understand how bittrex works yet so I rely on Coinbase for now.

>> No.2860799
File: 3.02 MB, 4048x3036, image-20170627_002920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

84 here... 1/250000 btc is mine