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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28487728 No.28487728 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28487782

most of the tokens won't exist for decades

after about 10 years the supply will be about half the lifetime supply. Diluted isn't really that great of a figure

>> No.28487862

they do this so dumb people think it's current mcap is small not realizing how over-valued it already is. its like rank #3 now if all tokens are out

>> No.28488302

Read a fucking white paper you utter moron.

>> No.28488331

720M is just the theoretical max. in reality AVAX won't have even 360m circulating (total supply) even in 10 years.

Enjoy missing out on 3 bull cycle because "muh the valuation 100-200 years from now is 30B"

>> No.28489082

Most of it will be burnt as transaction fees.

Anyway, Zero Exchange (the1st DEX on AVAX) is up over 100% since the C-Chain fix.

>> No.28489593

Why no new transactions for the last half hour? Did it crash again?

>> No.28489895

Still updating the nodes, they’re not flipping the switch until morning EST

>> No.28490013

I’ve been using it this morning.

>> No.28490092

whitepapers are only useful to some degree. i bet you their whitepaper doesn't mention how their tech just chokes on horse dick on day 1 of eth bridge & dex. whitepapers can claim miracles for all i care

>> No.28490113

DOT is waiting for you & only you!

>> No.28490178

They still updating nodes and working their way through c-chain transactions. C-chain is moving steadily.

>> No.28490858

Good to know, thanks anons