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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28475626 No.28475626 [Reply] [Original]

what's happening

>> No.28475717

>what's happening
It dont work

>> No.28475738

update which fixes the bug is getting pushed out right now

>> No.28475761

the turkish scammers have most investors trapped and can't sell. now they're trying to do some damage control.

>> No.28475778

i bought the dip
im retarded ?

>> No.28475824

Yeah I've seen copium here saying it's being pushed out "right now" for the past hour and a half. Shit's DOA

>> No.28475856
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KEK. You bought a broken Turkish Dreidel! HAHAHAHA!!!!

>> No.28475917

it cannot scale

>> No.28476029

when something is too good to be true, ask yourself why

>> No.28476063

What is your main motivation here?

>> No.28476210

Dunno about the other anon, but it's like watching a trainwreck. Sucks for everyone but I can't look away

>> No.28476273

for you to stop shitting up the board. we all know A16z pays you pajeets to do so.

>> No.28476297

once the network is fixed, can't see why it would dump significantly more. gonna buy back once things are operational again

>> No.28476305

You've no idea how bullish your comment is to smart anons. It's a validity check bug, Meaning NOTHING about the core protocol, design, Is in question, If it was "too good" before there's no reason it's not rightnow.

Bug fix patch currently rolling in as we speak.

>> No.28476375

Are you retarded?

>> No.28476394

It's a revenge because you AVAX faggots always shit our coin on every thread and shills it everywhere

>> No.28476418

way to out yourself as being a total dipshit with no knowledge of how distributed systems work

>> No.28476496

>it's just a bug!
Is this going to be your excuse everytime your shitcoin shits the bed? This shows that the team is rushing out untested, shitty software. The tooling for AVA is completely garbage too.

>> No.28476503

Joke's on you then, I'm actually a computer scientist who specializes in distributed systems. I know anyone can lie on 4chan but I'm actually telling the truth.

>> No.28476588

yes but that has nothing to do with this faggot

>> No.28476719


Damn, you guys sounds pretty stupid.

>> No.28476824

get mauled by a bear, lying faggot

>> No.28476825

Literally an exit scam. 3 billion mc the devs have made hundreds of millions they know the blockchain will never work and now its all damage control till they dump all their shares

>> No.28476916

There isn't a single innovative tech that didn't experience multiple bugs, It took 5 months for AVAX to have their first one, A massive achievement.

This is the first but not the last one for AVAX for sure, If you're looking for a platform that never experienced bugs (Don't think it exist but to make the point) then you're looking at forked trash that didn't innovate shit.

Tooling need work but it'll come, Anyway this will only keep brainlets like yourself out of the project.

Kill yourself

>> No.28477159

yeah, I'm sure a Cornell professor would perform a multi-billion dollar exit scam and Vitalik was stupid enough to give props to his project

>> No.28477249

C O P E harder cunt

>> No.28477263

>what's happening
devs found a bug and temporarily took down the api nodes to slow traffic down while they debug.

And now every pajeet on /biz/ is taking the opportunity to fud the project while shilling their bags of vaporware

>> No.28477361

Bro. It did nothing of value for 5 months. What are you even taking about. This its first attempt at doing anything worthwhile and it shits the bed.

Why would I use a platform that has bugs that completely lock users out? Do you even hear yourself? Stop pretending this issue is the same as a UI rounding error. There are billions of real dollars on the line. I expect there to be minimal bugs.

They wouldn't be having these issues if they spent their budget on engineering instead of biz and marketing. This is the most over hyped, under developed piece of shit.

AVA shills will get roped when the price tanks 90+%

>> No.28477432

It's almost as if every product ever released was without issues

>> No.28477473

avax is dead just look at all the devs moving from it to cardano

>> No.28477501

such as

>> No.28477663

>It did nothing of value for 5 months

AVAX had the fastest growing network ever existed during those 5 months. Neck yourself i'm not bothering replying to you again, If people get fudded by utter retarded comments like yours they simply don't deserve to make it.

>> No.28477872

I'm not interested in Avax, but to be fair, Eth also had to be rolled back.