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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 193 KB, 1936x1350, paypal visa mastercard crypto late 2020 early 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28377724 No.28377724 [Reply] [Original]

>this bullrun isn't organi....

>> No.28377784

Link stops this.

>> No.28377809
File: 92 KB, 1600x800, pundi-x-supporte-paypal-terminaux-paiement-xpos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28377816
File: 189 KB, 2114x714, paypal paxos chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean "Link facilitates this".

>> No.28377862

>production at all time low
>people's wealth increasing 5-10x+
nothing is organic right now you moron

>> No.28377913

i don't want to use visa, paypal, mc, elon approved currency though. i thought the plan was to escape these ghouls.

>> No.28377916

People have been saving a lot of cash by largely staying at home.
Shit like interior design has been booming because that's what people are spending their money on after being locked in for a few weeks.

>> No.28377978

>i thought the plan was to escape these ghouls.
This is exactly how that happens.
First they adopt it, then they are made obsolete by it.

>> No.28378150

sir OXEN is literally bitcoin jr right now. Some amazing stuff going on over there.

>> No.28378167

>Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.

wtf I love trusted third party financial institutions now

>> No.28378241

We're at a point where the trusted institutions can no longer ignore the peer-to-peer cash that will eventually overthrow them.

Try having a little perspective that goes beyond what you're having for dinner.

>> No.28378270

>People have been saving a lot of cash
What about the millions of Americans who are either unemployed or aren't working enough to pay bills. The economy is the weakest it's been in decades, and with more government spending and the fed keeping interest rates near zero, the purchasing power of any stimulus given to citizens is further drained. This is not sustainable.

>> No.28378374
File: 78 KB, 1200x900, robinhood record new users bought the march crash retail investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the unprecedented millions of Americans who actually made money by buying stonks at a historic low?

Stop being such a doomtard.
Yes, things will change; but humanity has seen much worse and rebounded better than ever.

>> No.28378493
File: 58 KB, 580x552, bitcoin transaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right this is just a stepping stone to the adoption of pic related right?

>> No.28378659

Which do you think is better for fostering mainstream adoption:

1) all the major financial and governmental institutions everyone uses actively vilify, suppress, and memory hole crypto
2) all the major financial and governmental institutions gradually introduce normies to crypto in a palatable 'crypto light' format and give crypto legitimacy

Again; you need more perspective.

>> No.28378704

we're literally about to enter the medieval 2.0 and that sucks

>> No.28378788

I agree, limiting bitcoin transactions to 144mb/day so that mastercard can make money transacting it custodially is great perspective

>> No.28378796

It probably just displays the currency in crypto like Paypal does. The transaction is still in USD

>> No.28378878

Better sell everything and go hide in some woods then.

You sound like a salty nocoiner boomer in reverse lmao.

Doesn't matter, they're legitimizing crypto to billions of normies.

>> No.28378881
File: 103 KB, 400x470, 1582295260932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Premarket opens in a few hours, lads. Chances Bobo returns to his cave today?

>> No.28379092

what do you mean? I agree with you
how could we have gotten trusted third party intermediaries (paypal, mastercard etc) custodially transacting bitcoin off chain capping it to 144mb of transactions a day. When blocks are full it forces financial institution adoption because no one can on chain cost effectively

>> No.28379113

Yeah and I'm going to be feudal lord, and so will the next 10 generations of my family. It's based, fuck proles and the poor.

>> No.28379193

>what do you mean? I agree with you
Not sure if double sarcasm.

You every clearly hate the idea of financial institutions getting involved in crypto.
Much like salty nocoiner boomers hate the exact same thing but for opposite reasons.

>> No.28379441

stop projecting.
mastercard is based, they funded blockstream who made this possible. if we had allowed more on chain transactions than 1mb/10min there never would've been a reason to use mastercard and paypal to custodially transfer your bitcoin. We never would've got this financial instiution adoption without it. It's like if apple let samsung sell it's own phone as apple, 4d chess genius

>> No.28379517
File: 134 KB, 768x835, 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets go

>> No.28379543

>stop projecting.
Haha what?
You're saying I'm the one who's opposed to major financial institutions adopting crypto?

>> No.28379688

>You every clearly hate the idea of financial institutions getting involved in crypto.
I clearly don't >>28379441

>> No.28379768

I guess you forgot to switch IDs lol.

This is you: >>28378167 >>28378493

>> No.28379830

that's the bitcoin whitepaper you can find it here https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

>> No.28379848

>What about the millions of Americans who are either unemployed or aren't working enough to pay bills.
a meme; our unemployment rate is about 6%

>> No.28379892

And you used it to chastize the way Paypal/Visa/Mastercard/... are implementing crypto.

>> No.28380085

no I'm saying that if we'd allowed more than 144mb of transactions a day no one would have ever adopted third party off chain custodial transactions. There would never have been this financial implementation because people would've just used bitcoin transactions

>> No.28380214

Anon, Paypal/Visa/Mastercard/... aren't adopting crypto because normies are being bottlenecked by network congestion lol.

>> No.28380314

no but people will use the cheaper off chain transactions and it's no different to existing to the fiat system so they'll understand it

>> No.28380400

miners make too much co2 aswell so we can reduce bitcoins footprint by using mastercard

>> No.28380420

>it's no different to the existing fiat system so they'll understand it

>> No.28380498

the trusted intermediaries could even issue more bitcoin credit than they have to increase economic growth

>> No.28380711


>> No.28380780
File: 203 KB, 1024x836, 1611567638121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no other room for interpretation, Chainlink is directly involved in the cryptocurrency services offered by PayPal
>dumps -3.4%