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28294201 No.28294201 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

I've worked like a madman for the past 8 years and I pretty much don't need to work anymore (small business that I sold, invested the money in real estate).

A big problem for me now is that I am a loner. I have basically never really used social medias, and I focused all my energy on work instead of socialising.

I tried volunteering to meet new people, but it's hard because everyone is in the mindset of work-netflix-sleep, which I completely don't judge but I'm not looking for that anymore. I'm 29 and my dating life is daunting, because girls are either utterly focused on a career or want make a family asap.

I was wondering if improving my social media games could actually allow me to meet younger people, that still have the will to go on adventures and do crazy stuff. I feel like I missed out a lot by working so hard. I'm not uncool but I'm not cool either, and I feel now to be "cool" you need to have some kind of social media footprint. Could you help me out with that ? I was planning to post my former holiday pictures on instagram, make a snapchat and so on.

I don't use dating apps but I'm open to it. But should I mention straight away my particular situation (for example: "Successful man looking for adventurous people" ?)

I'm good socially but I'm faking it, deep down I'm kinda awkward and that's why I ask you all these questions. Feel free to roast me if necessary. And yes this is /biz/ related faggots, it's about what comes AFTER having /madeit/.

>> No.28294315

Just be yourself.

>> No.28294462

I tried the firm handshake and maintaining eye contact - I didn't help me be popular with the zoomers.

>> No.28294531
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Some anon in /smg/ uses CCP spy dating app called Tantan. You might get a cute chink spy as a gf if you want.

>> No.28294677

Don't tell tell ANYONE that you are actually rich. Or else you will just find golddiggers, anon, it's for your own good.
>I'm good socially but I'm faking it, deep down I'm kinda awkward
It's an average trait, fag, the truth is: everyone are awkward virgins deep down even the people who we call "socially successful"
> I'm 29
it will be pretty fucking hard trying to find friends at 29 desu.
kys reddit tier advisor

>> No.28294849

Get a hobby. Actually LIKE the hobby, this shit won't work if you hate what the actual THING of the pastime is. Discuss the THING. You'll make frens naturally.

I've played board games and miniature games for years. I go to events, play and talk about the games. You can ask where people are talking online and if you can join. Over time you get to know people. I bet it's roughly the same with sports, crafting, etc.

If you're primarily interested in women & dating: Women are only needed to continue your lineage. Only do serious dating, it really isn't fun just hanging around with women with no intention of taking it further. Trust me, hanging around with the guys is far more fun.

>> No.28294920

True, i found most of my friends by writing.

>Only do serious dating, it really isn't fun just hanging around with women with no intention of taking it further. Trust me, hanging around with the guys is far more fun.


>> No.28295122

realise that every single person on earth is a disgusting normie and living on your own is the life

>> No.28295294

I'm in western Europe...

>it will be pretty fucking hard trying to find friends at 29 desu.

I tought about going back to Uni... So I can chill a few more years but studying something interesting.

All my hobbys got cancelled pretty hard with rona (drawing, theater), just looking for something cool to surround me with like-minded people I guess.


I've studied engineering before and I'm kinda sick to be surrounded by guys desu

>> No.28295385

He said he lives in western Europe and uses that app. Notice how one chink wrote in german?

>> No.28295520

This sounds silly but.... Get a part to job at Starbucks. I'm serious. You'll come into contact with lota of people while also improving ypu social skills. Also...

Embrace your weird. Just means be yourself unapologeticly.

Be patient. The right person will come along.

Above all, love yo awesome self.

>> No.28295723

Oh right now that you said it...

To be fair, I've already met plenty of wife material girls. I give the vibe of the well-educated, funny and responsible guy. But I'm not looking into that right now.

I never had a rebelious, wild phase. I just want to do crazy stuff now, plow younger girls and be done with it afterwards.

>> No.28295956

>All my hobbys got cancelled pretty hard with rona (drawing, theater), just looking for something cool to surround me with like-minded people I guess.
Who said you can't draw at home with corona?
You guys can still go outside for a walk in the park, it's always good to have some fresh air inside your head.
As of theater, you can always act like a retard at home as long as nobody sees it.
>spend 30 years miserably watching anime and consuming products, die alone surrounded by anime figurines
kys incel

>> No.28296059

Are you attractive? Try lifting.

>> No.28296362

Yes I've been drawing, sculpting, making apps and shit at home but it's quite lonely, and I can't meet new people aaaaaaahhh

I might be a strong case of a 7/10 who think he is a 5. I just need to be more confident I think. I tried lifting, hated the gym culture so I'm just doing stuff at home with basic dumbells and shit

>> No.28296439

>>spend 30 years miserably watching anime
Well I kinda agree there, last year was kinda whatever. But to be honest the current season's pretty great for once. Yuru Camp, Non-non Biyori, Mushoku Tensei and Wonder Egg Priority are all pretty great.