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2828618 No.2828618 [Reply] [Original]

This guy was right about Eth and he wrote this over a year ago.


>The manual on Solidity opens with “Solidity is a high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript”, as if that were something to brag about. But apparently Solidity has much more than just a superficial resemblance to JavaScript. Solidity is like programming in JavaScript, except with your bank account accessible through the Document Object Model.

>A sign that no one is prepared to write smart contracts in Solidity is the fact that the Ethereum dev team, the people who designed both Solidity and the DAO, could not even fix their own bug. They don’t have the ability to approach these bugs correctly, and neither, in my opinion, does anyone else. It may be possible to reliably write smart contracts that work correctly, but currently no one knows how to do it. The dev team is not likely to figure it out any time soon because they still think that this is just a bug in the DAO rather than a serious problem with their entire system. If you want a smart contract that you can actually use, you have to be certain that it is bug-free before it is deployed. there are no known tools or methods available to Solidity developers which could provide an appropriate level of certainty. Such tools will take years to be developed and until they are in common use, no Ethereum smart contract should be trusted. Ethereum is doomed.

Why are you still holding this shitcoin? The bitcoin maximalists were right.

>> No.2828629

Holy fuck history is repeating itself.

>> No.2828642

a lot of smart people have been saying this for a while, yet ETH still made it to $400+ and almost challenged BTC with a flippening... and there are still plenty of nerds throwing $ at ETH expecting it to overcome all the technical concerns. who knows, buy bitbeans.

>> No.2828646


I've been saying this for a while now.

ETH is a good idea, but in practice, it doesn't work because the EVM has code that is flawed and riddled with potential security problems.

>> No.2828668
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Meanwhile ANS converts whatever code devs choose into its native.

>> No.2828684
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>> No.2828686

hoddlers would be better off diversifying into ETH competitors honestly and the smart ones did around 400

>> No.2828716
File: 20 KB, 480x360, i bet chris has ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the flippening" page is pretty funny as well as it seems to think there are only two TRUE and HONEST cryptocurrencies. those metrics don't account for many other factors.

>> No.2828734

But I actually like mi eth bags

>> No.2828806
File: 23 KB, 547x402, ancap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw future programmer and all out of bitcoin to pay the BANCOR Crypto Change machine exactly 0.1763 BTC so you can write an ethereum dApp to automatically contact and schedule the local "cleaners" to come to your house to dispose of the dead child hooker from your closet and the methyl-jenkyl-fentanyl-alpha traces off the bathroom sink because you spent all your bitcoin on golem tokens to fund a distributed computing project where the end goal was to calculate the true metrics behind the ponzi scheme that is ethereum

>> No.2829014

He's still right, but it seems ETH still has a lot of hype to ride

>> No.2829088
File: 86 KB, 850x400, quote-just-watch-pigs-get-fat-hogs-get-slaughtered-when-you-try-to-take-it-too-far-people-mark-cuban-62-96-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Warren Buffet

Spoilers: the hogs are the ones "accumulating" ETH

>> No.2829106

I thought ETH was good tech but it looks like Solidity is full of bugs atm. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14807779

>> No.2829189

It's official

>> No.2829682

man i predicted something like this in a 4chan thread months ago and everyone called me a retard.

>> No.2829710

nice just bought 100k
you're trying to hard, fuds..

>> No.2829717

who are ETH's main competitors?

>> No.2829728

ANS/NEO is going to crush ETH in the next weeks.

>> No.2829736
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also more actual cryptocurrencies, but you are supposed to do your own research

>> No.2829781

NEO is so far ahead of them tech wise. They just need to sort out the marketing

>> No.2829833

None of these are bugs. Some of these points are arguably bad features that many other programming languages also have. Some of these points are normal programming language features that the vast majority of languages have and that the poster added to the "bad things" list to trick people who aren't programmers. Some of these things are bad features in the context of a programming language designed for smart contracts, where having zero errors is critical.

>> No.2829854

your prediction was correct anon
you're still a retard though sorry

>> No.2829870

How is it any better?

>> No.2829873

Neo is going to crush ethereum easy.

>> No.2830222
File: 42 KB, 504x415, erwy5wy7er7y65e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shorting ETH nao

>> No.2830264

Goddamn those people are annoying. Anons bitch a lot about reddit, but "hacker" types are reddit on steroids.
Some of their points might seem to make sense, but seeing as the Hacker News crowd has been almost universally wrong on politics and social issues since 2007, I'm holding even tighter to my ether. Two things remain constant about neckbeards, their inability to attract women and their inability to predict events. And there's a link there.

>> No.2830290

Nice, sold 100k

>> No.2830308

>seeing as the Hacker News crowd has been almost universally wrong on politics and social issues since 2007

>Implying any of that matters when discussing Ethereum or crypto in general

>> No.2830450

Are the EEA retarded then?

>> No.2830461


>> No.2830473

>shorting any crypto ever

is this a meme or are people actually doing that ? I would break out in a cold sweat knowing that crypto is so volatile. how do you go without looking at the price every hour and waking up in the middle of the night knowing you could lose a shitton of money in mere hours when shorting crypto ?

>> No.2830499

Kek no it won't, you vastly underestimate the language barrier between China and the West, chinese are really reactive in cryptos and they basically provide the hardware backbone of the sector but that's westerners who drive the innovation, most of the market for smart contracts is in North America and Europe.

>> No.2830523

>tfw I got a $10k load and invested in ETH at $300USD
I almost killed myself, I'm considering leaving the country