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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2819957 No.2819957 [Reply] [Original]

Ready for round 2 bitches?

>> No.2820019

sticky this shit mods we're going way back to $300

>> No.2820232
File: 21 KB, 300x225, rhsbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no

>> No.2820236

You mean $400

>> No.2820245

This one flips it, lets fucking do this.

>> No.2820246

You mean $1k

>> No.2820277


>> No.2820305

should have purchased in sections

oh well, Ill send you a postcard from the Rolls Royce auction

>> No.2820308

Should of hodl'd. Look at your fiat

>> No.2820328

Of course. My 30 ETH will remain untouched. I just thought that I might actually have a chance to substantially increase that amount...

>> No.2820341

Hedge your fiat into food. Then eat it lol

>> No.2820348
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>> No.2820352
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>> No.2820354

Still can anon, don't look back and sweat not getting the lowest price, if you think it's good may as well go now

>> No.2820361

Aw yeah. OP called it.

Here we go lads.

>> No.2820366

MOONING IMMINENT. Round 2, then pullback. Source: whale group

>> No.2820404

I just sold all my ETH

>> No.2820405

Mission aborted?

>> No.2820427

its a stall, look at the volume

Might have to wait another 2-3 hours for that earl-rye morning pump

>> No.2820437
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>tfw missed local bottom price by 3% and order didnt go off
>tfw will be sitting out possible pump because of it

>> No.2820453

why didnt you buy sections when it dropped from 0.121? I started buying at .106 half an eth at a time all the way down to .075

>> No.2820480

It will briefly dip below $100 in a few days, then rebound to $600 by September. Save this post.

>> No.2820485
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I bought at 0.08 on sunday and sold after pump stopped. Was looking to rebuy around 93 but it didnt go off.

>> No.2820506

>missedthedip the post

>> No.2820547

My body is ready.
Bought in at 290 a couple of months ago and been holding with titanium hands. Will hodl through any shitstorm. Fuck the fuds and shitcoiners.
Im goimg to lamboland

>> No.2820600

Moon mission cancelled.

>> No.2820614

1k satoshi,not $1k

>> No.2820620

Dump before friday.Weekend Crash II incoming

Inb4 "FUD"
Buy during the crash

>> No.2820623

This. Too close to Thursday for my liking.

>> No.2820630

are you fuckers new? you realize thats not always true right? its almost always different each week by a a day or 3

>> No.2820665
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Just because not all Muslims are terrorists doesn't mean I'm going to trust Muslims on my plane the same way I would a normal person.

I almost said "Swedish woman" until I saw the irony.

Anyway, you can go balls deep in ETH if you like, this is a high risk high reward scenario, I already fucked myself really hard with ETH so I'm not willing to dump any significant money into it until there's a nice pullback. It went up way too much for one day, and for no real reason. This is beginning to look like bubble 2 forming, and this time it could pop sooner than last time.

>> No.2820679

Im not Ive been selling off what Ive been holding for weeks

I still have 3 ETH to sell but I want it to get to at least .108

>> No.2820686

>no real reasons

>> No.2820694

I seriously fucked myself the other day by selling 100 ETH off in the 100's because I was convinced that it would drop lower than it did.

I still have 30 ETH + I secured about 3k profit back in USD but I'm really pissed at myself, I did it to secure back my initial investment in case of complete collapse, and I came out on top technically, but I missed out on a huge profit.

It can go the other way too, don't get greedy when this shit is getting pumped by everyone because the rug will get pulled out from under you as soon as you step onto it. I'm waiting for a pullback before I even consider stepping into the ring.

>> No.2820721

That's great and all but it's just a bunch of bullshit to the average person putting money into it, nobody really knows what it means for the future of ETH. The news will be sold, and then immediately after the conference you can expect a huge dump on all of the people who bought it.

I like ETH and I made some money off of it, but people are reacting to it with their lizard brains way too much.

>> No.2820762

This is not about people buyimg it. This is about major corporations starting ti develop on the blockchain. Whats the fuel for it? Ether.
Icos may dump their eth for funding, but to actually work on the blockchain they're going to buy it back. They need it.
Its not that complicated, really. Unless you're retard daytrading with ETH, going long its going to pay off.

>> No.2820798

These corporations aren't using the public ETH chain though. They're using their own private version so how does that translate to being worth anything for us?

>> No.2820825

What happens when ETH becomes so expensive that it no longer becomes feasible for the companies to use it?Also since its openly traded by autists and whale groups it is extremely volatile. Would Vitalik be forced to raise the maximum ETH amount so it becomes inflationary? Basing a fuel on a limited cap of it while simultaneously redditors and other neckbeards just “HODL” doesnt seem like a practical system.

I am genuinely curious how this situation would be dealt with. Greed is overwhelming the development of ETH and far outweighs its practical use.

>> No.2820833

Ahahahahahahahahha fuck you anon . Jk good luck in the future

>> No.2820843

You're thinking this whole thing wrong. Its not "us" and "them". This technology is beyond that. For the noobs around, Ether is a (ridiculously scarce) form of money that can be directly exchanged by computing time in an incorruptible worldwide computer. Now, let that sink in. Do you know anything more valuable than computing in nowadays world's? Neither do I. Now think about the value of running programs in a worldwide neutral computer. Can you even fathom how much valuable that is? No, you do not. It is beyond what you can comprehend.

Fast-forward 5-10 years from now, when big companies such as Google or Amazon make a partnership, deal or anything, where do you think they'll put that agreement? On Amazon's computers? On Google's computers? Will it be a paper contract (LOL)? No, it will not you dummy. In the age of information, such agreement will be a fucking contract on the Ethereum network, because that's the most obvious and neutral place for it to be.Ethereum is the rising backbone of the internet economy. There will be a point when people talk about it just like they talk about UDP, TCP, HTTP. Now, realize every single major company, government in the world will be doing the same thing. They all need Ether for every single fucking thing they do. The Ether that is in your hands right now.

>> No.2820884

I wish I was as confident about processor technology remaining as static for the next 5-10 years.

>> No.2820904
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J-Just bought 100

>> No.2820917

I think ETH is a good investment but anything could happen between now and when it is ready for widescale adoption, something completely new could come out of nowhere that does everything ETH can do but even better, or some monster upgrade to existing technology that renders ETH obsolete, if ETH was as promising as the people on /r/ETHtrader think it is, people like Warren Buffet and George Soros would've already scooped up millions of it by now, if it was really as silver bullet of an investment as you can think of.

>> No.2820924

Hodl through thick and thin, my friend. This is not a day trading token. I almost never look at the price. Im aware when it crashes or takes off, but im going long for years.

>> No.2820930

Stop LARPing as an omnicient mastermind with the world in his hands.

>> No.2820956

Hey, im not saying i know whats going to happen. Neither did people about the html, but look at that now. I might lose the money i put in, yeah, which is half of my savings, but im not going to be cautios on what i think its going to be the future.
Take it or leave it, im not even shilling nor i know jack shit about TA or trading, since im not in this for it.

>> No.2820957

i dont know I always day trade it and it seems to work out... I do however have long term years holds with ANS and few select secret others

>> No.2820963

Gi buy digibyte, you fat neckbeard loser.

>> No.2820970

Hey, if it works for you, then godspeed, my dude.

>> No.2821001
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The thing that makes me the most skeptical of ETH and it's use as a practical asset is that anyone can trade it 24/7 on exchanges, greed takes over and fuck shit up. Imagine seeing huge 1000% increase in the price of it and then the bubble popping again and rinse and repeat. When ordinary people get involved who don't know what the fuck they are doing and start trading such an important resource the price is going to fluctuate too drastically, if I am a business or entity who needs an ETHer for something but it's way too overpriced because reddit-tier neckbeards only know how to "dude HODL lmao" that presents a problem because it's not like a barrel of oil, only so many ETHers can be on the market at one time (Max of 100 million I believe?) so what the fuck is going to happen in this situation? Will there just be privatized ETHers for corporations and businesses to use, while the public gets the pokemon-card tier version to trade amongst themselves for the sake of stealing money from each other?

Granted I don't know a fuckton about the technical details behind this technology but I don't understand how these problems are going to be dealt with.

>> No.2821037

The whole shitcoin market is only around 100b. By the time your average joe will get involved into any kind of blockchain interaction price wont be so easily manipulated.

>> No.2821051

I feel the same way on many of the points you just mentioned, and like I said before, i do not know what is going to happen. Im mostly invested in the technology due to what it offers right now and whats happening around that. If an upgraded version of it should arise, ill jump ships without thinking about it. But tbvh, i doubt that will happen in th next year or so.
I like to think about this point in history in the words if a very close friend of mine. Political democracy begun with the french revolution. Economical democracy begins now.

>> No.2821053
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this is pasta

>> No.2821057

So, is it false? I totally agree with that.

>> No.2821065

I'd sell ETH now and wait for the final pre-august 1st dip desu

>> No.2821089
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Fair enough but then once the tech finally gets implemented, the question then becomes what does 1 ETHer offer a business or corporation, and from a business standpoint would it make sense paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for it instead of just using traditional networks?

The price right now is driven 99% on hype and speculation right now, most people who are buying it up have no fucking idea what it is or why in the fuck a business would spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy just one ether. The more intelligent 20% of the people buying it might have some vague idea of what it does, but that's it. I've watched videos and read up about it and I still don't fucking understand it. When you don't understand something and you point out flaws in the logic of the group flocking to buy it all up at premium prices, you get called a fucking moron and "dude it's internet 2.0 lmao". and "it's gonna change the world" but even the people who regurgitate this shit tend to know even less than I do about it.

>> No.2821102

The gas price is not set, it is dynamic and will scale down as eth price goes up, it already has been reduced by 84% like 1 month ago

>> No.2821132

>traditional networks
Who would you rather trust, a corporation or a neutral open piece of code?

>> No.2821182

Honestly I'm not debating the fundamentals of the technology, but I am asking what value an ETHer would have to a company that would justify it paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for one? Seems like quite a lot for an expendable resource. I'm not saying that it's not worth the price we are paying for it right now, but I am asking why someone who actually needs to use ETHer would pay that much for it?

On top of that, as I mentioned before, reddit and basement dwellers alike have scooped up huge amounts of it already and are DUDE HODLers, this is going to be a problem when the price is disproportionate to it's usefulness, and the ease of trading it will be hell on earth when trying to make purchases for your own company/business. Half of the ether is going to be locked up in hardware wallets of some fat neckbeard fuck and these types of people are only going to sell it off slowly over time to cover their monthly chicken tendie purchases. And guess what, can't just manufacture more because it caps at 100 million.

>> No.2821199

Won't be much difference soon anyway.

>> No.2821222

Same here, daytrading works alright, enough volume to make decent recurring margins, not gonna get me to lamboland by tomorrow but slowly and steady

>> No.2821241

Gas per 1 eth can always be adjusted and hoarders honestly arent much of a problem.

>> No.2821301

What's the timeline for $250 and $300, you think?

>> No.2821434
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Official lock of bip91 will drag out until friday(saturday in china), maybe a small sell off on the weekend. So like sometime next week?

>> No.2821984


Fuck off, Felix.
You lost your money, and you're gonna lose more of it when McGregor loses.