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28191657 No.28191657 [Reply] [Original]


Number one privacy solution on Ethereum - like Monero on ETH.

Launched yesterday with sub $100 trades and now almost $300. Market cap still tiny.

Blue chip project. This is going to $1000 easily.

Major exchanges already listed. Farms launched with huge APY on sushi and oneinch.

>> No.28191949

are you fucking retarded
the market cap is already insanely large
5,672,644 / 10,000,000 circulating
5,672,644 * 290 = 1,645,066,760
that's right, its already 1.6 billion
fully diluted you ask?
10,000,000 * 290 = 2,900,000,000

it's already a multi billion dollar coin the fucking coingecko assumption of 50 million is wrong

>> No.28192078

Still a bit ass mad I bought 20 in the low 200s when I wanted to buy at 110 but the slippage and gas fees were insane. Could have bought at 160 if I waited 10 minutes godamnit I want to swing it just have to setup TPO with tradingview on wrapped ether.

>> No.28192524

as a general rule, I never buy tokens for projects that already existed and worked just fine before the token was introduced. like this....STAKE....DEXT...ect. there's absolutely no need for this token. the tornado when it's used, introducing a meme token to PnD for profit is just pathetic

>> No.28192569
File: 180 KB, 1660x1323, 6ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be ok fren. I believe in you

>> No.28192587

>the tornado when it's used
the tornado contract can just claim it's fee when its used.

>> No.28192758

so.... what tokens have you bought that are novel? asking for a friend who wants to get into low cap.

>> No.28192821

Thanks fren. Predictions or info about this coin would be appreciated since it's brand new.

>> No.28192858

Easy 10x anon

>> No.28193007

I'd love to tell you, but am currently in a swing on my #1 and don't want the price to rise at the moment. ask me again tomorrow

>> No.28193163

When should I dump my airdrop bags?

>> No.28193769

Already up to 350 in past 30 mins. Have you looked at diluted cap for literally every other project? You are a fucking idiot

>> No.28193840

>81 privacy project coins/chains/project
and 17 on ethereum, the point is privacy is the next steep.. can someone with more knowledge make a privacy general coin?

>> No.28193853

wasn't like 90%+ of it locked? CG MCap says sub 50mil. your math is right if all of the coins were circulating.

>> No.28193996

oh nvm didn't read your whole post.
but still, the what about the locked coins?

>> No.28194247

You are all retarded do you really think privacy matters on chain for eth? The fact of the matter is anyone holding substancial wealth thats not actively gambling shitcoins has their money in BTC which has pretty good privacy

>> No.28194494

This board is full of idiots! If you are in Defi you aren’t letting your wealth sit doing jack shit in a bitcoin utxo. Tornado is the only solution for ETH privacy

>> No.28194622

Have fun from the inevtiable rug of your lp farmers, I am sure multi billionaires are using your shitty alts as a store of valu as seen by $TSLA's disclosure yesterday

>> No.28195163

Wrong thread little boy. Charles isn't here to rim your asshole.