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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28181958 No.28181958 [Reply] [Original]

It’s over

>> No.28182008
File: 405 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210208-024931_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel to well.

>> No.28182071

top 4 coins are the only based assets in ur portfolio

>> No.28182095

it's fine.


>> No.28182115

bonkers levels of greed to be playing with shitcoins with a million dollar portfolio. fucking idiot, go put that in vanguard etfs and bluechips. are you retarded?
also probably a larp anyway

>> No.28182128

Get out now! Everything about to come crashing down.

>> No.28183212


>> No.28183423

where are those 'hop on board before $1 threads?', yall got rugged by discord trannies - sad!

>> No.28183471

wtf happened to this piece of shit

>> No.28183586

>he bought the tallest building in the village

>> No.28184154

How did you fuck up so badly? -1million incoming

>> No.28184269

Imagine not knowing how useful this is to the Chinese, how they've cottoned on to it now.

Imagine not researching a little and discovering that the CCP have endorsed RBC

Imagine not realising that the chinese bagholders are price controlling RBC lower than .4 for a reason.

Imagine selling before the end of Q1, when nothing has been done yet.

>> No.28184320

holy based

>> No.28184381

Just sad how many people still trying to push this scam.

>> No.28184481

I will never listen to /biz/ again

I have lost over 5 grand on this Pajeet shitcoin scam in just a couple of days and you promised it would reach 1 dollar EOW
I can't believe u fell for the fiverr actors talking about th coin, i should have known better
FUCK you guys
All my Bitcoin earnings for the past months all wiped out

>> No.28184499

the moment I sell, it will stop dumping. No choice but to hodl.

>> No.28184507


>> No.28184542

you only lose if you sell, nigger

>> No.28184567

People were calling it.
You can only blame yourself.

>> No.28184574
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Good for you

>> No.28184775

I just doubled down. Thanks for the dip Bois. Keep selling as I haven't accumulated enough yet to retire at 10$

>> No.28184970
File: 116 KB, 1302x752, pajeet coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most obvious pajeet shilling operation of all time

>> No.28184995

This was one of the most blatant scams I have ever seen, what the fuck were you thinking?

>> No.28185056

RBC "shilling" started on 4chan like a week before the WSB GME AMC shite

>> No.28185120

Anyone who invested in this OBVIOUS scamcoin deserves to lose their money. Look at all the inorganic memes and imagery that gets spammed on this board about this literal vaporware. This technology has no footing in the real world, and will not be adopted.

>> No.28185292

Just keep hodling BTC, ETH and XMR. You'll be sitting pretty by EoY. Can't believe you went that hard into Rubic though.

>> No.28185778

how is it a scam? Their exchange works. The roadmap has been fulfilled so far. Right now limit orders and the L2 solution to combat eth fees are being worked on right now. The team is doxxed and they communicate with the community.
And I still doubled my investment because I got in early despite the dump. Kys

>> No.28185918

Maybe next time wonder why a random coin doing nothing spectacular shows up with multiple threads at once out of nowhere complete with remakes of pepes and wojaks with Rubic branding. You could even check the chart vs. Rubic activity here and see it clearly started after some group filled their bags lol. Maybe there is a working product but the hype isn't organic

Babby's first alt season.

>> No.28186163

man what is up with all the fud? i need to take a break from watching rubic for a week

>> No.28186476


>> No.28186894
File: 66 KB, 1246x897, photo_2021-02-01_04-56-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic quietly in accumulation phase, hundreds of pajeets screaming and seething about how it's a scam. Hmmm.

>> No.28187023

enjoy my bags boyo, sold at 75c, never looking back

>> No.28187050

Rubic is not a project you should be investing in long term. Reasons:

1. Market cap: $34M !!! For a swap exchange that has a really shitty UX and product, cannot be even compared with 1inch (used by Rubic primarily and has stellar product with $172m market cap and 8b monthly volume). With 98.4m circulating supply, reaching $10 is not possible in a gazillion years looking at this shitty product.

2. Usecase: Who the fuck wants to swap on Binance chain outside of Binance!? Also why the fuck would I use Rubic when I can easily get the best prices on 1inch, Uni or Metamask swap?!

3. Contant shilling: Pajeets scamming this board with stolen link memes just waiting for you poorfags to pump the price so that they can dump on you!

4. Inexperienced tech: Their dev team/tech is really inexperienced compared with dev teams of the defi world. Check the dev teams at Sushi, Aave, 1inch, YFI, CRV, Uni, SNX. These guys dont even stand a chance.

Worst part: The website was down for almost 2 hours which has happened 3-4 times so far (server load is a shitty excuse)! Imagine website going down during a swap.

That being said, yes the constant shilling on biz might pump the price a bit maybe but this is never a safe long term hold, because either you might get rugpulled or whales might dump hard and the price would never recover and you would be holding these coins forever.

So DYOR. There is no reason for you to use Rubic when there are literally 100x better products in the market.

>> No.28187323

this coin always gave heavily pajeet vibes

seemed to appear on biz suddenly with the usual flood of posts and threads which is usually telltale signs of a PND scam

>> No.28187339

Get out while you still can.. can't believe this shit has gone on for this long

>> No.28187629
File: 143 KB, 1194x1106, rubic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah all this fud for nothing when you're early and have a good entry point nevertheless

>> No.28187681

I paniced during the 20 to 13c dump and reduced my stack 133k stack to 100k but somehow I don't care that I lost practically $50'000 in a single day

>> No.28187690

Zeedex! 1mil Market cap feeless!

>> No.28187722

based and same

>> No.28188062


Again this copy paste...

>> No.28188189

I'm comfy at 15k profit. Might buy more

>> No.28188428
File: 442 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20210209-150346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28188693

27-28 cents you say?
I can get more Rubic like that

>> No.28188710

I will never listen to /biz/ again

I have lost over 5 grand on this Pajeet shitcoin scam in just a couple of days and you promised it would reach 1 dollar EOW
I can't believe u fell for the fiverr actors talking about th coin, i should have known better
FUCK you guys
All my Bitcoin earnings for the past months all wiped out

>> No.28188849

Nice larping, now buy the dip and enjoy 5x eo march

>> No.28189045

>and you promised it would reach 1 dollar EOW
lmao everyone was saying $5 on Q2
don't believe 1 week predictions

>> No.28189516

just let the chart bottom out, chill, dont fall for the fud, be prepared to buy more around 20c if it happens, if btc takes a big dump we will be around 10cents, be prepared to buy that too as it wont last long... whales are increasing their stacks
>t. top 10 wallet

>> No.28190379

>buy high
>sell low
The /biz/ way

>> No.28190509

>t. top 10 wallet
screenshot or gtfo