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File: 74 KB, 500x500, ltc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2816905 No.2816905 [Reply] [Original]

Slow and steady wins the race.

>> No.2816914
File: 84 KB, 480x346, 1500317567571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good beans take time to sprout.

>> No.2816941


Wonder what china will do once they wakey?

>> No.2816974

You lost your money dude. Cut your losses.

Screenshot this, BTC will experience a loss again and we'll see minor gains on LTC.

>> No.2817025


>implying china isn't ahead of the game
>implying china doesn't have their margins set before going to sleep

theres a reason why ethereum went up to 26bil marketcap and is now at 22bil

chinese cashed out

>> No.2817050

which races are won by being slow?

>> No.2817052

The ones where your car doesnt explode

>> No.2817062
File: 44 KB, 480x270, normhungerstrike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what doesn't kill you makes you very very weak

>> No.2817068
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>slow and steady
But i thought you guys were called LITE coin?


>> No.2817085
File: 62 KB, 400x400, gotta_wear_shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whale is endangered, while the ant continues to do just fine.


>> No.2817102

then dont enter the race in the first place

>> No.2817130
File: 1.16 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots still don't get it

You invest in these currencies based on long term viablitly and how much you think their market cap will grow

You're only flipping coins if you're trying to make money trading a few thousand dollars

Ride out the storm, get as much Bitcoin, etherium, litecoin and iota as you can (depending on which is trading the Cheapest) and you'll see the rewards in 10 years

I've been consistently buying since 2013 and only work at this point so I can continue to buy new mining hardware and currencies

Another peak will come

Another dip will come

I suggest stockpiling cash and buy when you see hard deviations down but never sell

>> No.2817158

why ethereum and litecoin? they're doomed to fail.

>> No.2817184

Eth is going to be viable as a tech

Bitcoin will be ungodly expensive in a few years, litecoin offers more units and is quickly transactionally

It's about 1/20th the market cap of Bitcoin right now as well, lots of room to grow

>> No.2817204

Litecoin is expensive and doesn't put anything new on the table. There are much better options out there with actually interesting tech and good growth potential

>> No.2817215

Litecoin will be a payment mechanism

I'm not doubting there are other coins, but it's going to obtain market share faster and retain it as a result of being ahead of the curve in terms of market cap and it being on Coinbase

My point is, if you think there is a tool/coin then buy for the long term

People here are looking to make a quick 5k and would be in a much better position 10 years from now if Thur simply accue over time

For example, putting in 10k a year into Bitcoin since 2013 has served Me much better than trying to make a quick grand buying and selling

>> No.2817227

I think the rise of superior coins is going to make Litecoin obsolete and pretty much worthless, but it's your call

>> No.2817237

Any in perticular?

>> No.2817249

litecoin has no advantages over bitcoin. its absurd people still keep pushing this.

its only differences are a slightly faster block time, thats still in the minutes (i.e. way too long to make a difference) and a larger block size per hour, which is meaningless given nobody uses litecoin, and at the rate litecoin is growing by the time it even gets close to fees starting to rise everyone will be on off-chain transactions anyway.

litecoin is just a china playtoy and is an absolutely terrible long term play. it probably has the worst future of all of the top 5, maybe even top 10 coins.

>> No.2817255

"Chink who wakeup, no buy white pig's bags"
- Confucius

>> No.2817293
File: 93 KB, 1918x566, btc-eth-ltc-mediantxfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>litecoin has no advantages over bitcoin
>its only differences are a slightly faster block time
False, the transactions are MUCH cheaper.

>> No.2817297

DGB for example
It was the first SegWit activated coin, not LTC

>> No.2817325

necause nobody uses litecoin. do you even understand the tech you're shilling?

litecoin is no more efficient than Bitcoin, its fees are cheap because NOBODY uses it for anything other than sending money to and from exchanges to speculate with.

and you can't still think that cheaper fees are important, right? litecoiners have been crying for years about their cheap transactions and they still have no users compared to bitcoin. dogecoin has some pretty cheap transactions too, you know.

>> No.2817352


And what did being the first Segwit coin do for it in terms of market cap?

>> No.2817362
File: 120 KB, 1916x578, btc-eth-ltc-mediantxval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody uses litecoin
False, on most days more $ value is sent per transaction than bitcoin and ethereum. (Again, for a smaller fee.)

See also http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/volume/monthly/ this 2B market cap coin sure is moving a lot of volume...

>> No.2817381

nobody cares about segwit on anything but bitcoin. segwit is about paving the way to high volume transactions off chain, literally no point in deploying it for coins like litecoin or digibyte that nobody actually uses transactionally.

>> No.2817407

yes, transactions to and from exchanges, i mentioned that in my post. i'm talking about actual real world use, of which litecoin is even lower than newer coins like ethereum. its use isn't even growing at the market rate of crypto.

>> No.2817438


Yea whoever claims litecoin isn't used has no fundamental understanding of markets

The market cap and price prove absolutely that it's used often

There's value on it being on Coinbase

Which all of you should have gotten the day it was placed on there

>> No.2817446

Bitcoin it's going to get too expensive for normies

Litecoin will be the next well known option

Few free to post a specific currency you think will be better

>> No.2817453

you understand what price speculation is, right? that's what litecoin is "used" for, but when it comes to actual real world use, nobody reaches for litecoin, because veen with higher transaction fees, its only the speculators that want anything to do with that coin.

>> No.2817467
File: 46 KB, 761x541, ltc-sent24h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

litecoin has plenty of ATM and point-of-sale support from being so similar to bitcoin (a feature many criticize as being "just a clone"), and it continues to gain exchange support, bitFlyer (Japan's largest) and QuadrigaCX (Canada's largest) added just this week.

it's a week old screencap but here's a day where 1.8B was sent on the LTC blockchain (the exchanges only showed 350M volume for that day), there are many days like this.

you are free to ignore LTC if you prefer other coins, but using strawmen arguments (dogecoin? an infinte supply coin...) to convince yourself that everyone else is ignoring LTC, especially given the recent uncertainties with BTC and ETH, is pretty foolish.

>> No.2817469

only in a world where segwit does not launch on bitcoin can it ever become too expensive. people who just want to buy things using bitcoin dont care how many coins they get for a dollar, and the people who do, are just speculating. litecoin has enough of those, they're the only reason litecoin's maintained its top 10 position for as long as it has.

litecoiners have been dreaming about the scenario where people switch from bitcoin to litecoin, but i dont see a world in which this starts happening if at this point now it isnt.

>> No.2817489


Time will tell

I bought the majority of my litecoin in the 4 dollar range from 2013-2017 up until a few months ago

I traded a lot of cash or converted it to Bitcoin

I still think something will take the place of transactions as Bitcoin is going be priced out for pleebs

>> No.2817499

>litecoiners have been dreaming about the scenario where people switch from bitcoin to litecoin, but i dont see a world in which this starts happening if at this point now it isnt.

>litecoiners have been dreaming about the scenario where people switch from euro to dollars, but i dont see a world in which this starts happening if at this point now it isnt.

>> No.2817525

i can't say ive ever encountered anywhere other than those bitcoin atm's that might have altcoins that actually accept litecoin.

you can't just talk about volume sent. look at the previous chart you showed, median value being nearly a thousand dollars. thats not people using the currency, thats people using it for arbitrage or other exchange withdrawals/deposits.

im ignoring it because it's bitcoin with even worse chinese ownership and no real developers, just fancy code mergers. technology is not the reason bitcoin is the number one coin right now, that much is obvious. and litecoin has the same tech with none of the non-technical benefits that bitcoin has, its a lose-lose unless youre in for quick pump and dumps, in which case there are better coins for that purpose.

>> No.2817541

you cant be this delusional. if you want to compare currencies, litecoin is more like the australian dollar than the euro.

this is exactly my point. time already has told, for over 2 years now with all the stalling by the chinese and constant rising prices, litecoin remains nothing more than a speculative asset, and only gets its place in mindshare/adoption grandfathered in because of its legacy as the number 2 coin, at one point.

personally, i'm looking for coins that might be valuable in the future, not the past.

>> No.2817568


I havnt heard any of you mention a specific one

Please name one so we can at least have an objective comparison

>> No.2817601

comparisong for what?

transactions? bitcoin, obviously. no comparison, and with segwit/2x nobody is going to get "priced out" of transactions before full second-layer usage takes over.
transactions where privacy matters above all else? monero.
anything "smart", sub-tokens, decentralized exchanges? ethereum.

not many other niches out there after those three, and i'm sure they'll be even more consolidation in the future.

>> No.2817631
File: 109 KB, 1787x650, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTC is lower than where it was at this time two years ago. Slow and steady my ass. Worthless fucking coin.

>> No.2817639

litecoin's "niche" would be "cheaper transaction fees providing bitcoin doesnt get segwit/2x and litecoins blocks remain mostly empty", and theres no evidence the market cares about that niche given the complete disinterest in litecoin, and services would clearly rather re-architect for segwit than they would add litecoin as a payment option, given how much pressure is being put on bitcoin's scaling.

>> No.2817651


>doesn't give an example

>> No.2817679

i gave you three coins that have a high chance of being more valuable in the future than they were in the past. do you want me to spoon feed you everything?

>> No.2817728

You posted literally dogecoin

You posted one with a 100m market cap

That's 1/20th of litecoin

>> No.2817729
File: 107 KB, 852x520, 2017-07-18_18.39.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My picks
Monero, LTC, BTC, Elastic

>> No.2817743


and litecoin right now is overvalued. the valuations aren't the point, the point is they're both pointless. a "scarce" supply of a coin nobody actually values doesn't mean anything.

your entire argument is based on the flawed assumption that litecoin is in a better position to pick up bitcoin's slack than some other coin. with the volcanic rise of so many other alts especially coins like ethereum, (which is already getting pois/card services integrated into it), i think the market has showed they dont value a clone coin just because its been around for a while. litecoin's lunch has officially been eaten at this point. it had it's chance to step up, but i think once ethereum recovered from its bear market last year that sealed the deal.

newcomers to crypto dont care about a coin's "legacy", the only legacy they know if any is bitcoin, and once you stray from bitcoin it doesnt make any sense to simply move to a coin that's going to inevitably have the exact same issues as bitcoin if enough people switch to it.

the people who would be making these integration decisions are much more well informed about the technologies these days, and they are much less likely to fall for something like litecoin now, than they were 3/4 years ago.

>> No.2817754

>its only differences are a slightly faster block time

btc 6 conf 1hour ltc 6 conf 10min "slighty" kys

>> No.2817760

any reason to care about elastic other than hoping to get in on something from the beginning?

>> No.2817785

you mean 15 minutes. and given litecoin's network is secured by less power than bitcoin's i would expect higher confirmations are neeeded for the same protection.

waiting 10 minutes vs waiting 2.5 is hardly a difference to be proud of. its either <30 seconds or its too long for actual payments. and once you go off chain it doesnt matter.