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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28142045 No.28142045 [Reply] [Original]

If your a poorfag you are not going to make it by apeing into something that has already mad significant gains 10x dont have 2 - 3 times in a row for the same coin they go up then dump, what you need to do is get in early.

what to look for - locked liquidity - so you can sell
doxxed team - not indians not chinks
small circulating supply and maketcap - people like this shit
current hype

a good way to tell is by how many thread there are for it, if there are lots and organic chat and it has not 10x yet then FOMO in.

more advice:
time in the market > timing the market
swingies get the rope
do your own research
diversify over 10k
know when to take a profit
Never go all in unless you have little to lose <10k
Don't bother with coins in top 100mcap
Always check holders
Don't buy anything that is being shilled. Red signal: There is edit of some meme with the shilled image
Don't spend more than you can lose without impacting your life.
The more threads there are about X, the more late you are
Have an exit strategy for both gains and losses before buying
Actually follow it
TA is actually useful to keep you from buying at the top and buying the bottom before a pump.
Don’t stay committed to your crypto. 95 percent of the shit shilled will be gone in the next 4 years.

If memes are consistent then expect that crypto to actually pump(in other words if it’s still around after a week)

last thing DYOR but look into Decentr ticks all the charts and is about to boom its just had its first leg up with almost zero attention on biz


this is like rubic, you hold for a week to get your 10x and then watch the growth happen, expect to see more and more threads on it

>> No.28142246

>shill thread disguised as a helping thread

>> No.28142334

spoon feed me, thats actually a pretty big jump

>> No.28142591
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anyhow on more civil matter i shared my interesting find with no shilling, this is a help thread and i put out a lead on something i found interesting

>> No.28143335
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bro dont DYOR me, why are so many people buying right now if not /biz?

also eurpoors are the master race