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28133783 No.28133783 [Reply] [Original]

what caused this? why is iota soaring all of a sudden

>> No.28133877


Try to read for once

>> No.28134062

Yes, I know they post updates there. But why NOW? What is so important that happened, they've been saying the same stuff for like years now

>> No.28134176

smart money gets in before big happenings not during. unironically 2022 is gonna be the year of iota

>> No.28134290


Buy the rumour sell the news

>> No.28134395

you fuckers what the fuck are you talking about

should i just buy or not, is it too late now? 35% in a day wtf

>> No.28134472


I don't know your situation. You might buy or you can wait. It's up to you. Make up your mind. Gosh..

>> No.28134601

just wait retard, don't FOMO in. if you're in crypto stay in DeFi where the gains are currently made. if you're in fiat, wait for the bubble to come down and DCA your way in

>> No.28134640

>saying the same stuff for like years now
But you havent kept up with them in years. You only have knowledge of 2017.

>> No.28134648

German government announced they will use IOTA to test vehicle to vehicle transactions

>> No.28134746

they just released plug n play browser oracles. Chainlink costs thousands of dollars per data request and IOTA is free. This is unironically huge

>> No.28135007

IOTA re-built silently the whole past year.
The things they were promising now start to look suddnly feasable. EU institution based some stuff on IOTA. Smart money now see that is possible and not just promises like in the past. The whole "new paradignm" narrative now seems legit. Nobody wants to risk missing a piece of this opportunity now that is cheap. That's it.

>> No.28135266

C'mon is not even such a big deal. Doge, that's just a meme pushed by a meme, made much more than this. IOTA starts to get real and is only making 35%.

>> No.28135343

>vehicle to vehicle transactions

>> No.28135424

I hate myself. I knew this would happen - I have been such a coward not going all in with IOTA.

>> No.28135498

>pink id

>> No.28135518

Do NOT buy IOTA. At the very best? this pumps to 5$ and all the 2017 bag holders finally dump their bags. But thats the "moonshot" 1/10000 chance it happens. Whats more likely is that it will dump back to 25 cents in the next few months.

>> No.28135664


Why are you posting these same copy pasted fuds to every IOTA-thread? Do you have some personal vendetta against IOTA?

>> No.28135830

Probably something like this:
He bought in Dec 2017.
Then he sold in 2019
And now he feels stupid to buy again at 0.6

>> No.28136106

Where can I buy Iota?

>> No.28136215

just admit you bought the top and youre begging to break even.

>> No.28136219

>soon all designated streets in mumbai will be registered in the tangle

>> No.28136381

Buy now or cry.

>> No.28136598

No, I did my own research and I bought some at avg 0.20. My only regret is that i didn't turn my whole eth bag (quite a good one) in this.

>> No.28136660


Bought yesterday since somebody posted a bullish chart of IOTA with some good context regarding why it will pump. If you're reading this, thanks anon your thread was highly appreciated.

>> No.28136694

You tried to throw your curry powder into my eyes. This would be big, but India is banning crypto. And we will be free from pajeets finally.

>> No.28136770

Just admit you bought at the top back in 2017 and sold at the bottom.
t. bought at .08

>> No.28136959

I bought 200 GIOTA average price 35 cents over the course of the last 6 months. Fuck off nigger. Only 2017 bagholders schizo post as hard as you

>> No.28136975

BTW just stop "trying to save us" and go buy your XRP. Someone says it is the future.

>> No.28137103

wow this is a big sum.

>> No.28137109

people here been telling you to buy iota all weekend. a few people listened. quite a lot more posted old fud as if that was going to stop the price going up. everyone here was warned ahead of time.

i picked up 110 Gi myself on friday for 50c. everything according to plan so far.

>> No.28137206

when idiots like this stop posting, that will be the time to sell iota. that time is not now.

keep fudding, brother!

>> No.28137454

Frens, how much to make it unironically? I have only 15 Gi. Is this even a suicide stack?

>> No.28137574
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>> No.28137961

>buying AFTER it reached a new high
Yeah, that's the way we do it around here, anon. Buy high, sell low. You wanna be one of us, don't you?

>> No.28138103

So if this is a feeless network, what's the incentive to hold IOTA?

>> No.28138297


>> No.28138389

youre seething because you know the price will plummet when 2017 fags unload their bags. I didn't know shit about crypto then so im not bagholding. I'm sorry but the max your coin is going is maybe previous all time high, if. I'm 5k link/5k AVAX life's good for me.

>> No.28138547

also the most embarrassing shit about IOTAfags is when they schizo post shit about partnerships when the companies are referencing the internet-of-things lmao

>> No.28138671

IOTA is feeless for L1. You got fees on L2. The mechanism for Smart Contracts and Oracles will be based on DPoS. You should possess IOTA to get the capability to forge the L2 coin.

>> No.28138679

>I'm sorry but the max your coin is going is maybe previous all time high

this was never posted as the absolute biggest gainer in crypto. it was posted as easy money because the accumulation and breakout was obvious as fuck. i'll be over the moon if it reaches all time high, even half that would be great. at 50c this was an incredibly low risk and lucrative trade to take.

>> No.28138759

Link & AVAX - everything is clear now, thank you.

>> No.28138936

fucking ternary processors bro

>> No.28139048
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Yes IOTA tokenomics look perfect. They are based on ACTUAL UTILITY, not scammy staking or fees

>> No.28139148

The are implementing something called mana. It's sensational.

>> No.28139303

Ahhhhhh a roach that is having his linkes BTFO.
Fuck man your FUD is so bad it turns into a shill.

>> No.28139523

They backstepped on that. Don’t think it’s a thing anymore. I thought the idea was cool from a tech perspective but understand why it’s viewed as unreasonable.
They also are making their seeds reusable. Most of the major criticisms are gone now other than coordinator

>> No.28139699

im advising people not to FOMO in at 70 cents. Its not worth the risk. Im fine with you guys giving each other hopium but dont make this guy lose money.
stay poor. Potential infinite TPS scaling on AVAX, Link is the most important chain agnostic token. Again im not saying IOTA is shit (its not really comparable to avax or link), just that it won't moon to a high price, dont try to create bagholders fomoing in at 70 cents
Fees on a network "sensational" jesus christ you're a faggot

>> No.28139724

When IOTA pumps, OGs know the top is near. sad

>> No.28140303

Wanted to buy this morning at ~0.55 but I didn't. Fuck. Also what exchange are you using? I have an acccount on Bittrex but the graph sucks, its hardly updating.

>> No.28140449

Same. I had to set up a binance

>> No.28140485

bitfinex. iota has more volume on binance though. bittrex has had a shitty site for years.

>> No.28140919

Idk if they answered your question but this is why


Basically got a grant to do research and development and intergrate IOTA Into smart streets.. Basically the German ministry plans on putting sensors throughout roads. Here's the video explaining it much better


Keep in mind IOTA has patents with Intel and jaguar and Germans leading microchip creator. Soon iota will be in most cars sending and receiving data to give accurate reports of roads and more

>> No.28141010

nice, so the BMW partnership wasn't a ruse after all

>> No.28141744

brainlet here.

so. iota is used for encrypting traffic data which is then used to manage the traffic in autonomous driving. okay cool. but why would they use a token that is on the free market and has a fluctuating price rather than just having a token that has is off market and has no value beyond its utility? this is a question i've had for lots of crypto desu and never understood it.

>> No.28141999

Shut up you absolute cretin.
You have absolutely no idea what mana is, and it will completely decimate your price scalping models based on staking.
Fuck yourself roach fudder. AVAX will be as dead as Lisk in 6 months.

>> No.28142114

And tomorrow the IEEE will present IOTA as the base layer for smart cities.
The good news just never stop!

>> No.28142130


>> No.28142436

Well essentially IOTA is supposed to be in the majority of IOT (Internet of things) technology.. Which means a lot of devices will be connected to this tangle. The government isn't going to spend money and create an in house software and maintain servers for it. It cost money. And the token itself is able to send a lot of information (iota refers to them as messages) and data isn't free either so whatever institution adopting iota will be saving money in general.

This is a brief articles explaining SOME of the tokens economics

>> No.28143063

Ever notice how IOTA is only shilled when the market picks up? Might be a PR campaign.

>> No.28143131
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this is what we will see in the coming days/weeks/months/years.

for reasons that you will understand by joining the iota discord.


>> No.28143487

people were advising others to buy this before it started doing over 20% every day. so no, no one has ever noticed that because it's literally never happened. until the other day it was still stuck inside a 2 year long accumulation and underperforming the whole market. we only closed outside that range yesterday and that's why it's going mental now.

>> No.28144328

absolutely. i ve been posting msgs here for months, and more regularly since two weeks.

>> No.28144370

Because I bought at 40c in july 2017 and sold at 14c in march 2020 kek

>> No.28144525

New protocol. New wallet. Oracles PoC. Lots is going on.

>> No.28144749
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Nah ppl only listen when the price is up.. Take your meds schizo

>> No.28144909
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>> No.28145105
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you can still buy now
eth has soared massively in the meantime.