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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28113536 No.28113536 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if you buy your house in cash, you only need to make $75k a year to live an upper middle class lifestyle in luxury and still have enough money left over to fuck hookers every week.

>> No.28114014

What is everyone's passive income strategy of choice? ETFs/Dividend yielding stocks? Stablecoin farming? GICs/CDs from the bank?

>> No.28114189

Gic is garbage, barely matches inflation in a regular year. For safe gains im opting for stable coin deposits in defi like compound, aave, yearn etc

>> No.28114195

Here's a monthly budget for anyone who doesn't believe me.

>$200 property tax
>$100 home maintenance
>$100 home insurnace
>$400 health insurance
>$100 car insurance
>$100 gas
>$500 groceries
>$300 utilities
>$100 clothing
>$100 entertainment
>$4000 left over for hookers

>> No.28114410

I agree GIC is garbage but some people are too pussy to put money into anything with even the slightest volatility. I'm sure if you had enough millions you would probably diversify your streams anyway.

>> No.28114419

>what is income, Social Security, and Medicare tax?

>> No.28114475

Based. I've had 75k as my income goal for a few years now. Currently around halfway there due to a job but I'm looking to escape the wage cage too. There's a tacit agreement that in the near future I'm just going to live in one of the houses of my dad. He's already paying 2/3rds of my rent as is.

>> No.28114589
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Things you don't have to pay on capital gains income.

>> No.28114757

And home repairs, car repairs, a whole lot of other taxes and bills you're not mentioning

>> No.28114912

You shouldn't own a car in 2021. You're paying out the ass in insurance, gas bleeds you dry, and the car itself depreciates insanely fast. Just get a comfy place in or near the city, and Uber everywhere. And get groceries delivered.

>> No.28114969

I'll probably get to that point when I'm 40 at least. Hopefully my peenor will still work by then.

>> No.28115291
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Man fuck you I could do it with 50k almost nothing I really wanna buy anyways

>> No.28115314
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It's peak made-it lifestyle to mog on a wagie who literally does your shopping for you, sits in traffic, and delivers it all to your house like a servant --- bonus points if you throw a couple of measly bills at them to stock your shelves too

>> No.28115408

I listed all of that, and you should never own a car past its warranty.

>> No.28115498

Rental properties and coin farming.

>> No.28115644

Well yeah, if you don't want to fuck hookers you can do it on $24k/year, as per this budget >>28114195

>> No.28115695
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Funny how these proles simply can't picture life without some form of (((taxes))) and bullshit shackled to their necks, huh? It's for the best that they're ngmi -- they wouldn't even know how to live

>> No.28115801

>he thinks yield farming will be a thing for more than 2 years
top fucking kek

>> No.28115885

You retards are still having sex with women?
Just get a real doll with that kind of money.

>> No.28116262

Ideally you want to save up half of your monthly income anyway. $75k means you can live without looking at price tags so long as you're not larping as a billionaire. Esp. if you have a paid off house. I'm a pretty frugal guy but when I get to that income level, I'm getting a cleaning lady, grocery delivery, sauna, rudimental home gym, all that shit.

>> No.28116457
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$ALEPH staking fren

>> No.28116673

wtf, don't tell the wagies the secret.

>> No.28116946

It's not a secret dumbass, you can't buy a house cash because they're too expensive.

>> No.28116971

I think that
figuring I'll buy some land for $400k in debt and just put $400k on aave or yearn and arb the spread

>> No.28117160

> just make 75k/yr on capital gains income
Even if you beat the market every single year (let's say you average 10% gains), that's still over $1mil in investments to get 75k in yearly returns.

>> No.28117357

>having minorities drive you around in a 10 year old shitbox
yeah sounds based

>> No.28117361

>Even if you beat the market every single year (let's say you average 10% gains), that's still over $1mil in investments to get 75k in yearly returns.
Are you new here? Plenty of /biz/raelis have 1mil+ and soon there will be plenty more.

>> No.28117821

The entire crypto market is up 1000% this year. Even boomer stock indexes are up 100% from a year ago.

>> No.28118237
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>>$200 property tax

Laughs in NJ

>> No.28118244

if you can buy a house with cash then you dont have to worry about money one way or the other anyways ...whats with this mentally retarded herbalife tier thread

>> No.28118272

By the time we're making it whites are gonna be the minority Anon
Besides, how the fuck are you not structuring your life in such a way you need to barely take a car?

>> No.28118415

New Jersey is a disgusting shithole populated by the worst subhumans in the entire country. You get what you deserve for choosing to live there.

>> No.28118969

>$500 groceries
How many meals do you eat a day?