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28105957 No.28105957 [Reply] [Original]

There’s no point investing in Bitcoin anymore, especially if you’re going to go into a career that’ll make 100K+

The train has been missed. It’s not going to x5, x10, or anything anymore. There’s no point. Just focus on your job and invest in standard 401k’s and stuff

>> No.28106177

Imagine living on only 100k/year. What's that, 60k after taxes? LMAO

>> No.28106281

imagine getting cucked so hard that you dont live in an area that costs 30K/year to live a middle class life

>> No.28106377

Nocoiner cope.
I make $80k/y (graduated a year ago) and am literally a newfag who just invested in crypto a couple weeks ago and my portfolio is already up $1900. With the Tesla news all big companies are going to scramble to get in deeper and shit's gonna skyrocket. The next 'crash' will be when BTC crashes from $80k to $50k.
I wish I started sooner.

>> No.28106502

Checked and based

>> No.28106837
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1A4C3C3B-157A-4B13-9F9B-97945C8834D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point of investing in Bitcoin now. Unless you’re a retard and think it’ll go to a fucking billion per coin. Everyone’s saying it’ll go up to 100K soon. So I’ll have a x2 profit? That’s not that much.

Should I treat Bitcoin more like a highly growing stock? So I should put money for “saving” into Bitcoin like I would a 401K or retirement account, since it’ll generate more money for me? And the rest of the money I make, I’m better off putting in alts for a x5 or x10 or x100

Like I put $1000 in Bitcoin now. A few years from now I might have $2000 - $5000? Whoopy freaking doo

Can someone explain why I’m dumb?

>> No.28107492

Holy shit this is some newfag reddit level of cope. You're ngmi anon.

>> No.28107609

it's going beyond a million

>> No.28107685

You said the same thing back in 2017.

>> No.28107746

I mean you do have a point, the game right now for newfags is to sift through all of the scams and rugs and find something that is sub $1, and hope it 20x

>> No.28107831

Not that Bitcoin has widespread media attention it CANNOT go to a million a coin. It simply cannot. Even if it dose, that is absolutely best case scenario. You know what that’ll be? A x20

Why shouldn’t I dump my money into stuff that can get me a x100 right now?

>> No.28107947

came here to post this, normies see big number and think "uh oh, I missed chance to make da moneies tiem to invest in penny stocks or shitcoins hehehe" yeah you couldve made more money if you got in sooner but BTC and things like it mooned for a reason, I rather have something that is somewhat stable instead of shilling alts like a retard and wondering why I make no money

>> No.28108105

you should but ignoring BTC completely just because of that fact is retarded, Im reluctant on using it too because of attention like you said, hell even niggers are trading it. However, its the big coin right now and even if it goes to shit its best to at least have some in your wallet

>> No.28108327
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>Not that Bitcoin has widespread media attention it CANNOT go to a million a coin. It simply cannot.
Bitcoin had widespread media attention back in 2017 newfag, my fucking grandmother was asking me how to buy BTC
>Why shouldn’t I dump my money into stuff that can get me a x100 right now?
That's great if you know what's going to 100x. Liquidate your house and everything you own to invest into it. Retard.

>> No.28108345

Tesla bought Bitcoin. Now every company will start buying Bitcoin. YOU WILL SEE

>> No.28108590

NORD will make x100 easy sure thing

>> No.28108674

Musk pushed Doge to x15. Imagine what is happening with Bitcoin now

>> No.28109022
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>hurr durr coin with <1B market cap comparable to coin with 800B market cap

>> No.28109071

It ain't a fucking casino retard op

>> No.28109095

there never was a fucking train, if you dont cash out in the next 6 months youre gonna lose it all

>> No.28110263

Oh for fucks sake. RISK retard. RISK. The "point" is Bitcoin is lower return:lower risk.
"100x" shitcoins are sky-high risk:high return. Neither one is better or worse, it depends on what risk you are willing to take on. 90% of shitcoins are pajeet rugpulls, so sure, you might make 100x on one, but you could very easily lose everything. It all come down to what you can afford to lose.