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28100212 No.28100212 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, I have a million dollars in life insurance money accruing 2.5% interest per year. Should I take all that money out and market buy bitcoin right now. I have spent like 100k on it but I want to go all the way.

I figure I just buy bitcoin right now and just hold and it will hit 100k probably by end of year.

What do you think /biz/?

Serious replies only

>> No.28100550

This is how you end up killing yourself. Spread it across real estate, stocks, crypto, gold, different currencies, machinery, livestock, etc

>> No.28100718

To me its a sure thing. I don't shit about any of that but crypto and stocks. Stocks is funny money, I'm not investing in that.

>> No.28101160

if you're already 100k in, I think it is enough ...

>> No.28101569

Enough? People are putting millions into this. Without even blinking, how is that enough?

>> No.28102801


>Spread it across real estate, stocks, crypto, gold, different currencies, machinery, livestock, etc
Real estate is a hyperinflated bubble along with unreasonable property taxes, stocks are fake and propped up by the Fed, precious metals like gold aren't actually scarce and the markets are too easily manipulated, machinery and livestock idk where you were going with this but that shit is overpriced too and farmers are getting bent over the barrel unfortunately.

>> No.28103320

It’s not a terrible idea. Don’t go all in at the current price though. Acquire half your position now, and put in buy limit orders for lower prices.

>> No.28104379

this. BTC isn't going up, the dollar is collapsing. Owning land can make your machinery pay for itself in tax breaks. I would Invest a quarter in btc. Put half in a desirable piece of land and spend part of whats left on equipment to fix up or maintain the property. If it's raw land just putting a house on it can get you pretty good returns investment wise. crypto is a fucking harsh mistress anon.

>> No.28104540


I can’t tell if land is a meme or not. Where do you recommend acquiring land in the U.S.??

I live in California and everything here is already expensive AF.

>> No.28105070

I would buy land with water rights. It is a meme but clean plentiful water is going to be the next gold rush imo. PNW is cucked but cheaper than cali and still on the west coast.

>> No.28105187

Do it and do not look at graphs for a year or two. Go 100% in.

>> No.28105275

>believing doomsday preppers
lmao, he might be serious, but that doesnt mean you should take him seriously.

>> No.28105466

>to me it's a sure thing
this post and papa elon's purchase are a surefire sell sign get out before the crash anons

>> No.28105586

Why would adoption by institutions cause a crash? If anything it's only going to go up.

>> No.28105639

You fell for the whole life insurance scam?

>> No.28105855

My mom died of breast cancer like 3 years ago and I got a million dollars. I took 150k out of the bank from that 2.5% interest per year and invested it in cryptocurrency. Life insurance is awesome.

>> No.28106145

>buying real estate is prepping
is this bait? I'm not gonna guess what level of kike you are but the goyim know.

>> No.28106158

lmao machinery. buy tractors and hide them nigga

>> No.28106787

>BTC isn't going up, the dollar is collapsing
buying land isnt doomsday prepping.
Thinking a doomsday will happen, and prepping for it by investing in things you perceive as safe, is literally doomsday prepping.

Sorry m8.
Im not at all against owning your own land, and doing off the grid stuff.
I actually plan on doing the same.
But not because Im so scared of the future, that I need to completely restructure my life to feel safe.

Thats how your brain acts on pol propaganda.
the immediate jew namecalling confirms it.
Grow up

>> No.28107373

>/pol/ living rent free on your head
At least they already own a nice piece of land under your skull

>> No.28107489

oh it is bait. Bill Gates must must be a doomsday prepper as well. All the people on Airbnb waiting lists for mountain cabin stays are definitely preppers too right? What are your recommendations?

>> No.28107586

I don't even get posts like these. How can anyone not see that jews are literally evil and want us fucking dead? How many coincidences do you need?

Does every person on bidens economic team being jewish not bother you or something?

Help me out here.

>> No.28107624

Sorry about your mom anon

>> No.28107813

>accruing 2.5% interest per year
nigger you have a million dollars and it's not even in an index fund?

and no, I doubt you have the mentality to handle the price swings. It's going to "crash" this year like it always does and then you'll panic sell and fuck yourself.

>> No.28108336

this, did you not reply to a thread? kek

>> No.28108478

if bill gate thinks the US dollar will collapse in his lifetime, and to prepare for it he is buying loads of land and btc.
Then yes, he would also be a prepper lol.

>jews living rent free
>spooky biden boogeyman
I mean come on dude.
Ill help you all you want though.
Have you looked at bidens econmoic team though?
Its for sure not 100% jewish. There are like 2 black people in it, that are for not jews.
I know neera is not a jew.
I think there is literally 2 jews, jared and janet.

>> No.28109217

thanks anon, its easier now, thats how loss is

>> No.28109356

can an index fund give 2.5% back to me per year?

>> No.28109384

Go all in with 100x leverage

>> No.28109425

It's a sure thing now, at 44k? Why didn't you dive headfirst into this in the summer, anon? Why would you make a pump thread now, when it is super high?

>> No.28109639

Because its fucking annoying to take out a million dollars and place it in my savings account, then the hassle of getting that money to an exchange, I didnt want to deal with it, but I always knew I had money to throw at btc if institutions got in. Just not a million dollars worth.

>> No.28109757

sounds like a jew bot thread but either way its too late for you jewboy u can nly make about 2x from now if 100k is ur goal
better luck next time jew boy bot

>> No.28109902

2xing a million and thats understating the potential is dumb. I am abandoning fiat currency, I don't give a fuck about bitcoins price.

>> No.28109904

dont go all in at once. DCA each and every asset you believe in

>> No.28110094

anons scoff but you're right. Society isn't going to collapse because democrats are in power or because of 'duh juice', you've spent too much time on /pol/ if you really believe this unironically. It didn't collapse under two world wars, I think we have some staying power.

Yes most empires fall after a few hundred years, but it's not like it just poofs out of existence. Even if US balkanizes there's still governments, taxes, industries, etc. Life goes on everyone doesn't just dissapear or go into the woods, and we definitely don't turn into a mad max dystopia because le dementia man is president

>> No.28110155

Put 500k in index funds, 250k in crypto and keep the rest in your bank account.

>> No.28110175

invest half of it, save the rest so you don't off yourself if it turns out you're retarded

>> No.28110197

Every market is priced so far from any rational basis right now that it's unreal. If you buy 22 BTC right now, you are buying in very close to a historic high, during a huge pump triggered by nervousness in a market, institutions buying in moderately (all of which is IN THE PAST and is PRICED IN ALREADY), while the stock market is inflated, fiat is being zipped out everywhere, and metals are even more manipulated than normal.

Basically this just seems like a really strange time to become a bitcoin maximalist. If you envision a future where 22 BTC is an amazing stack, why not start with like 5? Is there a world where 22 BTC is perfect and 5 is not adequate?

If bitcoin crashes for awhile, you could easily end up with 22 BTC being totally dead to you, possibly for years.

Anyway you do you, I just think it's insane to go from nocoiner to a million worth of bitcoin near the ATH.

>> No.28110217
File: 2.31 MB, 2553x3000, bhs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When gold and silver break free from COMEX manipulation, the dollar will dump as the world-reserve currency, gold and silver will replace it, and BTC will immediately crash to zero without tether-printing or the alleged reserve-currency use-case. Bitcoin has a $600 billion mc, you won't make any real money with it. Silver juniors like BHS still have mcs like $20 million. Even silver's mc is only a few tens of billions. Buy silver and silver small caps to get in at the bottom of the greatest investment ever instead of buying the top of a bubble and a ponzi scheme.

"In the '60s precious-metals bull market, a mere doubling of the price of silver caused the average silver penny mining stock to appreciate 150 times in price. One went up 1000 times." -- Doug Casey, "Crisis Investing"

>> No.28110332

If you're already wealthy why would you degen gamble everything on one volatile asset? It will just go down 10% and you will sell then. You should be trying to turn 10K into 20K, 20K into 100K, through safe moves like yield farming

>> No.28110363

Exactly. Just invest up to 25 - 50% of the $1M. And wait for the market to settle a bit. You gain nothing by jumping the gun here.

>> No.28110558

and how many coin would that be right now you dumbo ?
u are too late to the game if you think btc is going to make u rich u dumbass

>> No.28110664

These guys here. They are your frens. Listen to them. They care about you.

>> No.28111188

bro, the US is going to collapse in 5-10 years tops, the entire fabric of our society is so fucking rotten that nothing can save it

What do you do when a forest is rotten? Raze it to the ground and use the soil to fertilize the next set of trees.

I just want to make money before that happens.

>> No.28111288

But if bitcoin ever goes to 150k I would be dumb to not have put my money in all at once right here no?


>> No.28111567

>the entire fabric of our society is so fucking rotten
I actually want to hear your reasoning, why we are 5 years away from a complete collapse within the USA.

>inb4 stuff about degneracy, whores, lefty ideals, and other generic incel pol shit

>> No.28111908

You could go the income property route but it would help to be handy. tenants literally cannot be evicted now though and no one knows when that will change. there may be a glut of rental property coming in the covid aftermath, may be a good idea just to wait it out for now and do the legwork on setting up a business entity with which to invest some funds in anything from property to crypto on the next dip.

>> No.28111925

Because we have printed 40% of our monetary currency in the last 8 months. Because millions of people are losing their jobs and becoming homeless. Because the U.S is a disease filled piece of shit where the vast majority are obese by european standards. Our quality of life, the food we eat, our health care is so fundamentally broken that nothing will ever fix it.

Half of the country literally thinks the election was stolen, most of those people still want civil war today. We are entering a mass surveillance police state due to the false flags that will soon be happening. This shit has nowhere to go but fucking down.

Don't even get me started on stocks. The fed is bad enough. Our central bank isnt even a U.S owned bank, its a private bank. The reserve ratio on banks is also 0% which means that all money that is lent out from a bank is based on nothing. We are on borrowed time, and if you don't see it then you wont till its too late.

>> No.28112259

kike hands typed this post

>> No.28113210

these gets

check out thecryptosniper, he stays on top of the crypto market and has been pretty damn spot on for the past few years. I haven't joined his premium community but I imagine it would be worth it if you have that kind of money to sling around.

>> No.28113239

The employment numbers are bouncing back with a lot of strength.

Idk, it sounds like most of these are covid related issues, and trump causing chaos.
And no, I dont think this silly virus and a crazy ex-president are going to single handidly take down the entire USA.

Stuff like the reserve ration being changed, was again, a temporary covid change.
The 0% change was made like a week after the pandemic started

With the new framework, the Fed oversupplies reserve balances, driving the federal funds rate down to the “floor” established by the interest rate the Fed pays on reserves; so using reserve requirements to establish a stable demand for reserves is unnecessary.

But idk, if china can be the fastest developing country and a major world power, while sounding like a worse version of your hypothetical doomsday for the USA, then we're probs aight.

I think were in a dark time, the pandemic, and youre getting spooked m8.

>> No.28113944

Americans are retarded. China is doing fine because they kill muslims and don't racemix and hate niggers. This is a critical weakness that spells our demise. You think mexicans and blacks being a majority is good for business and the economy? You think Biden's plan for 75 million immigrants is good for the economy?

>> No.28114439

thanks bro will check this out now

>> No.28114625

ahhhhhh, the generic pol incel shit finally comes out, after having your original argument challenged just a little bit.
>americas gonna collapse cause racemixing and bad man biden

you should of stayed on economics

>> No.28114816

I only bring it up because it brings China's greatest strength to the forefront, unity and racial homogeneity. We can never have unity because diversity does not lead to unity, it leads to isolation and hatred.

>> No.28114853

Jannies did you ban me?
I made a quality chainlink thread, why is that not allowed?

>> No.28114968


>> No.28115899

>With the new framework, the Fed oversupplies reserve balances, driving the federal funds rate down to the “floor” established by the interest rate the Fed pays on reserves; so using reserve requirements to establish a stable demand for reserves is unnecessary.

Copy pasta faggot (https://medium.com/bank-policy-institute/reserve-requirements-should-and-must-be-set-to-zero-68692a0435e6).). You have zero understanding of what you pasted, nor do you grok the catastrophic effects that zero reserve requirements have on the value of money. This isn't something that is "temporary" and can easily be shifted.

>> No.28115989

>ahhhhhh, the generic pol incel shit finally comes out, after having your original argument challenged just a little bit.

It's time to return to reddit, midwit.

>> No.28116558

>forcing jews
Oh, fucking off.