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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28084886 No.28084886 [Reply] [Original]

One more day until Anatoly's Eth Denver conference, and we're hold steady above 1.30 now.

>> No.28084975

I thought ETH Denver was that Twitch live

>> No.28085063

No, that was just a more minor event, just think what tomorrow will do for us

>> No.28085090

That was only his first round. I believe he has a full showcase tomorrow.

>> No.28085125

Parsieg heil

>> No.28085171

ah so thats what they meant with opening ceremony

>> No.28085209

There is a panel tomorrow with Near, Polkadot, Cosmos, and Parsiq

>> No.28085235

It’s going to crab for another month now isn’t it?

>> No.28085373

Nigger it was 6 cents this time in January, stop being a newfag you aren't gonna become a millionaire in a week

>> No.28085680

Devs make mash

>> No.28086155

no it wasn't you retard
it was 40c

>> No.28086244
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lads .. haha
Gas Price: (44 Gwei)

>> No.28086743
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I know, it’s just FOMO looking at everything else mooning, we will get there in the end

>> No.28086833

Is this you having tried to buy 16 hours ago?
Sorry bro. I still think it's a good time to hop in.

>> No.28086964

no just transferring from wallet to exchange, what do anon?

>> No.28087021

OH that's it? That's good.
I have no clue. Best of luck though. The only time I've ever done a personal transfer in the past few years was moving all my PRQ off CM. I wouldn't know what exactly the issue is in this case.

>> No.28087238

I meant 60, but yeah it was oscillating between 40 - 60 like how it has been doing at the current price range since the pump

>> No.28087351

I actually think that 1.30-1.40 is looking to be our natural floor.
The only reason we were hovering around $1.05 was because of the wash trading bullshit. Which means the pump will be even sweeter.

>> No.28087443

2 dollars tomorrow bro, trust me

>> No.28087542

Looking forward to the panel tomorrow, and hope that chinks dont go back to trade washing

>> No.28087568

I don’t believe you, everything is pumping that means we will dump

>> No.28088219

What other coins do you guys hold? i hold rbc and dna

>> No.28088299

Some whale wallet worth $4m is accumulating. Buying 2000 PRQ at a time

>> No.28088327



>> No.28088385
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QNT and XCM.

>> No.28088454

Only PRQ for now.
Going to start loading my bags back up on XCM and am looking into LTO and DEXG.

>> No.28088456

Just Monero, BNT and LINK did have a pretty fat bag of GRT as well but sold that when it was bleeding for weeks and stuck my profits in XMR and PRQ

>> No.28088492

I was considering DNA a week ago, kinda kicking myself now given yesterday's activity
Seems Coinmetro lists some real gems

>> No.28088576

dangerously based portfolio

>> No.28088644

Bought 100k DNA a month ago, feelsgood.

Shill me on qnt, also thoughts on Kadena?

>> No.28088689
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COSMOS, ONE, ETH, BTC, LTO as well as a stack of parsnips

>> No.28088714

Do you not feel like it's too late to get into XCM now? I was thinking about it as well, but it 5x'd recently and doesn't look like coinmetro is that big of an exchange.

>> No.28088826


>> No.28088917
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oh and FRONT

>> No.28089037

In all honesty I am on the fence. I was in the ICO but got burnt on another coin and then, being broke, wrote off crypto for like 3 years and only just came back around the time it pumped past 0.12 euro's due to the price floor shenanigans.
Kevin is an incredibly smart man and can do some great things but I'd be lying if I said that I think it's a perfect bet. It is, sorry, but is it the best still? Eh.

>> No.28089359

Kinda want to sell my rbc for more prq, but i have faith in both projects, what to do

>> No.28089510


>> No.28089595

I'm all in on parsiq. My body is ready for 10$ by end of Q1

>> No.28089611

Rubic still seems like a scam to me, the shilling was so unnatural. Glad people have mad some money from it but I don’t see a future long term, could be wrong though.

>> No.28089636 [DELETED] 

Okay this is gonna sound stupid but im tryna dox a retard so have fun with this number:
07948 659095
I swear it'd appreciated if you called them, chatted shit and just scare them.

>> No.28089734

why are you posting this here anyway?
fuck off to /b/ with that bollocks

>> No.28089737

shilling is really unnatural, i was thinking of it more as a short to medium hold, getting out before 1.5 dollars, id be mad if i sold now and it pumped, but i know for a fact that prq will pump tomorrow, decisions decisions

>> No.28089825

PRQ, IOTA, and UBT... plus a small holding of a few random shitcoins.

>> No.28090149

Cudos, Parsiq, Mir, BMI

>> No.28090618

After seeing that pepe in the teams AMA I’m almost certain the team made about 10 pepe edits and then went on a massive shilling spree here to pump it and it worked.
It’s got its own legs now though so yeah, wouldn’t surprise me if it has a few more pumps left in it yet, but those people saying it’s a multi-year hold are mongs

>> No.28090746

If it works it works, but I don't think it's ever a safe bet to trust a lot of your money to a coin with such unnatural shilling.
It reeks of Tron bullshit; and yet TRX is rank 25 so who the fuck knows.

>> No.28090815

How confident are we that a pump will happen tomorrow, considering moving some rubic profit into prq

>> No.28091085

Add ALGO and you have the most Chad portfolio

>> No.28091238


>> No.28091354
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honk honk

>> No.28091513
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>> No.28091545

Nice, I'll give it a read and then throw money back at Money Forehead.

>> No.28093076
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