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2806208 No.2806208 [Reply] [Original]

Is this /ourcoin/???

>> No.2806216

Yes and I obviously just bought 100k

>> No.2806257

>>Despite the obvious social and humanitarian crimes that Orania revels in
>choosing where you want to live is a crime

>> No.2806394
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>Created in 1991 by Afrikaners on private land, ahead of the democratic elections that brought South Africa into the modern world in 1994, Orania was created as a bastion for believers in the cruel and inhumane principles of Apartheid to continue existing.
Why is it cruel and inhumane to separate yourself from a bunch of fucking savages?

>> No.2806407

Whoa, the owners of the land decide who is allowed to live there. Terrible crime.

>> No.2806427
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>blacks genocide whites
>media is silent
>whites attempt to defend themselves from genocide in the most peaceful way possible
It's hard for me to believe that people with triple-digit IQs can look at this and not awaken to what's going on. The conditioning runs deep

>> No.2806428

>South Africa's ANC proposes land expropriation without compensation

Don't worry, those racist crackers are getting theirs soon enough.

Communism and mandatory race mixing coming SOON for all crackers, you know, for a more equal and non-racist society.

>> No.2806450

Do they truly support the apartheid or are they just trying not to be killed by niggers?

>> No.2806455

They are trying to preserve their own unique culture and community which is BAD when it's whites doing it.

Only minorities are allowed to have a space of their own

>> No.2806461

Coming to America soon

>> No.2806471

They claim it's mostly about afrikaaner identity and preserving the culture, the town is fairly small too I dont see why it's a big deal

>> No.2806480

whites in South Africa are a minority though

>> No.2806493

Whites are also a minority worldwide and soon in many European capital cities, but because whites are evil nazi racist oppressors they shouldn't get any minority cred for it

>> No.2806494

They're a minority majority, it doesn't count

Because I said so!

>> No.2806498

No whites aren't a minority anywhere in the world minorities are the ones that make up to 90% of the world population.

>> No.2806535

Low IQ nigger spotted

>> No.2806628

We need to make a coin that is based on PoAH

PoAH (Proof-of-Aryan-Heritage) will consist of uploading a DNA test made through https://www.23andme.com/ --- if the DNA test shows 99%+ Aryan, the person will receive 100 coins. if it shows 90%+ aryan, eh will receive 10 coins, etc.

Isn't this a good idiea?

I AM going to write a WHITEpaper now

>> No.2806684

>giving jews your DNA

>> No.2806697

>niggers slaughter white settlers in SA

go on then, m8s

>whites build nigger-free city on private land


>> No.2807282

I'm starting to think its the same. Look at botswana (zimbabwe) how well that went. SA now has a president that cant read. Apartheid was better even for the blacks.

>> No.2807330

>Darryn is a freelance writer from Durban, South Africa. He is a professional journalist with a keen interest in innovative digital technology. He has written for a host of newspapers and digital sources in South Africa, and around the world, on topics such as sport, business, technology and cryptocurrency.
Mark my words, this faggot sucks black cock.

>> No.2807362

If this is allowed to reach an exchange, I would be legitimately surprised

>> No.2807749
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>giving your dna to 23andme

>> No.2808110
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The best part is all the starvation in Africa could have been avoided by killing/banishing the skilled workforce

The apartheid system was naturally dying out. The future was bright. So they reverted to a tribal system that gives all wealth to the ruling family and everyone else can die..

>> No.2808826

Were basically the Dwarven race of skyrim. After we are gone there will be some remnants of our technologies but the rest of the world will be plunged back into the dark ages.

>> No.2808833
