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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28024712 No.28024712 [Reply] [Original]

was there a certain event / happening that made you racist? did it ever affect your business decisions in a bad way?

>> No.28025079

It wasn’t any particular event, but for decades, listening to blacks and minorities complain about racism and privilege, and having this narrative of forced equality pushed down my throat for almost thirty years has made me lose a lot of respect for those people.

>> No.28025248

Went on a cruise to relax and get away from the world a few years ago. The boat demographics leaned at least 70% Indian. One of the worst weeks of my life I’ve never been surrounded by a more rude and smelly group of people.

>> No.28025408
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I'm not but after everything that's happened this past year, I realized /pol/ was right.

>> No.28025458

Indians suck

>> No.28025556

I'm not a racist BUT hundreds of youtube videos of the illegal inmigrants of Europe made me reconsider a lot of shit. I put most of the blame on the {top ranks} of the government, especially the European Union and the PC crowd as well as "intellectuals" from the education system. Obviously these inmigrants are responsible for how they act, so they should face consequences if they commit crimes. Not punishing these criminals only makes things even worse than just letting them in.

>> No.28025566

the more sjw pity party bullshit i see on a daily basis, the more i hate blacks, women & jews. i never was racist or misogynist before that

>> No.28025842

This. Sad to admit but true

>> No.28026086

2015 Paris Terror Attacks was the main one + regular jogger behaviour over the years.

>> No.28026276

racism is like the basement of humanity