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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28024234 No.28024234 [Reply] [Original]

People aren't actually cucked enough to report every single shitcoin trade from uniswap, right? Lot of us have literally thousands of trades per year on absolute shitcoins, many of which rugged and don't exist anymore. I'm pretty sure the average crypto trader is just reporting their final USD cash out amount. That is the only sane way.

>> No.28024333 [DELETED] 

nice thot

>> No.28024410

God white people are just perfect

>> No.28024418

I do. If the coin doesn't exist or I get rugpulled, I can just send it to a burn address and count that as realizing the loss.

>> No.28024503

Yeah, nah. That's cucked. I'm pretty sure most people aren't paying until they cash out a final lump sum to their bank accounts.

>> No.28024566

People confuse realizing with taxable event. Taxable event is a balance check of gain and loss. If I trade my stack of shitcoin I made profit on for USDT, I've realized gain. If I now trade USDT for fiat I've initiated a taxable event but I gained and lost nothing. There's no new tax obligation to report.

>> No.28024653


>> No.28024764

>I'm pretty sure the average crypto trader is just reporting their final USD cash out amount.
>Reporting crypto
Ok cuck.

>> No.28024845

Had a summer job at a hotel she visited, served her water.
True story.

>> No.28024881

Doesn't coinbase give your info to the irs?

>> No.28025414

Most people on /biz/ don't use coinbase.

>> No.28026118

What do people use if not coinbase?

>> No.28026290

I live in CZ and I effectively pay zero tax on stocks and crypto, due to the local administration not caring about anything I own.

>> No.28026328
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why the fuck would i "cash" any of my crypto for worthless usd shekels

>> No.28026856

I report things like when I buy 50k rubic at .10c and sell at .50c since I'm afraid that if I don't report such amounts I will get killed my an IRS agent in my sleep. I also report whenever a trade goes sour and I lose money including the gas fees since this lowers my overall tax liability

>> No.28027255

I'm a mess I have shit all over the place

>> No.28027575

Can you describe your cashout strategy in minecraft pls?
>t. another czechchad

>> No.28027667

Did you sniff though?

>> No.28027671

pay income rates on what you cash out and just keep DEBTMAXING and you will never get an audit
if the IRS jams you up flee the country and let the bank worry about what to do with your bags

>> No.28028069

>Most people on /biz/ don't use coinbase.
Bulllllshit. What does everyone use?
Coinmetro, gemini, binance and kraken report to the IRS as well. I have an account with each of them.

>> No.28028078

this is just unnecessary. IRS wont let you off the hook just because ure in debt

>> No.28028218

They'll also come after you for backtaxes (almost) anywhere in the world even if you renounce your citizenship.

>> No.28028333


>> No.28028336

sell everything, transfer to Germany/Lithuania based internet banks, profit. I almost never use my CZ bank.

>> No.28028499

Exchanges based in other countries and decentralized exchanges

>> No.28028517


>> No.28028580

but how does it matter whether it's CZ or GER/LIT bank? don't they all work together and report to your country of tax residence?
for an example if I cash out 100k in LIT bank, is that really going to be unnoticed by financni urad?

>> No.28028674

Oh you thought you could escape taxes? That’s cute. You do all the work, deal with all the stress and take all the risk; government takes a big chunk and gives it directly to niggers and illegals.

>> No.28028738

That is right. I am not paying tax on unrealized gains. Right now I would have to pay tens of thousands of dollars on a minimum wage job.

>> No.28028866

Americans are fucking gay.
I'm moving to Portugal this year and paying NOTHING.

>> No.28028906

My broker doesn't report anything, and I cash out little by little.
These countries don't know my tax residence is in CZ. And if the tax office don't get you in 3 years, you're clean.

>> No.28028923

>reporting your crypto
>not just trading it for USDT or another stable coin and buying everything with a crypto debit card
Haha I'm just kidding your honor this is a sarcastic post I would never not report my crypto gains to the god blessed federal government.

>> No.28029017

Her ass is flatter than Texas
Do not post asses like this again

>> No.28029047

behave faggot behave.

>> No.28029068

don't forget tranny confirmation surgeries. Straight into the surgeons pockets.

>> No.28029120

is purchasing boomer rocks "paying for a good or service"? i need to know.

>> No.28029262

they should. I had a coinbase account since they launched but they never asked for my legal documents. When i go to the taxes section they have no information and I have no statements. Regardless Im not cashing out with coinbase.

Crypto.com will cash me out. I will send multiple 4000 dollar deposits over a longer course of time, only sending eth to my crypto wallet when I want to cash out and hold everything on my local. Crypto.com isnt going to report shit to a foreign government.

>> No.28029365

Ass is for subhumans and degenerates.

>> No.28029512

SK bro here. I have read multiple times that there is a loophole in CZ regarding taxes and crypto. You can gift your crypto to your family and they can cashout without paying taxes. The profit would be only the value it would gain between the moment the gift is given and selling it.
Unfortunately it doesnt work that way here in SK. And btw. you have a 15% tax on crypto, that is quite good. We have to pay 25% + 14 % HEALTH insurance on tax. Yep, fucking zdravotné odvody from crypto. So 39% tax.

>> No.28029543
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God.. paying taxes sucks balls. Especially if they give it to illegals, single moms, niggers, bailots, corporate welfare.
The rich subumans avoid paying taxes and we have to pay up and fill that void.
Whole system is rigged.

>> No.28029565


>> No.28029574
File: 335 KB, 1420x686, AMERIGAFUG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please stop making us aware of how shit out country is
lmao land of the free?
land of the eternally btfo more like

>> No.28029617

what could be considered small cash outs that go under the radar
€1000 per month?

>> No.28029625

are you kidding? she's built like a dude. weird faggot

>> No.28029647

Yes we are.

>> No.28029671

Hanna-Maria Seppälä. Seen her multiple times irl.

>> No.28029711

This make tax real simple, track how much capital you start with every fiscal year and how much capital you add through the year.
Track everything you remove throughout the year.
That's it all there is to it. Set up back acc for trading and a tax acc. Then your set.

>> No.28029743


>> No.28029778

He’s referring to something like converting ETH to LINK - a taxable event

>> No.28029834

I do, most exchanges aren't available for Americans, and even if they are, they don't support ACH with instant trading.

Of course, I'm talking about coinbase pro. If you use coinbase blue, you're just a normie idiot.

>> No.28029945

Is it easy to set up a bank acc in LIT? Can you do it online?
If you have a telegram or discord would you mind adding me so I could ask you about these minecraft strategies there? Thanks

>> No.28029985

Lol the crypto tax is 15% in CZ. I'm just going to pay the cuck tax and have light sleep knowing that no one from bank or financial bureau will knock on my door asking about how I was able to buy a land and house.

>> No.28030080

What happens if you move before cashing out then cash out in the foreign country? 'this is just an asset i brought with me, it's not income'

>> No.28030238

Tax fraud --> Jail

>> No.28030268

This. I find it funny that if you have 15% tax that you are not paying it and try to send the money to your money thinking everything will be okay.
As I mentioned in another post - here in Slovakia we have 39% tax on crypto. I am considering moving to CZ for half a year to become a tax resident in your country and cash out while just paying 15%.

>> No.28030379

Tax fraud from who? the country you left or the country you entered?

>> No.28030733

even paying 1% to these kikes is too much, stop living with this cuck slave mindset

>> No.28030940

I agree with you but there are ways to pay 0% tax and sleep well knowing that it is all legal. So I would prefer those. Examples:
-becoming a tax resident in Slovenia/Portugal/Germany (well the last one is bit risky) and cash it out there and then move back
-using the tax loophole with giving it as a gift to your family in CZ

>> No.28031045

Usually there is a certain residence time needed before you become a tax resident.
If you live in a slave colony like the USA you get get pretty fucked.
Since they tax unrealized gains from conversions, tax you on income that never touched the US, and have long painful processes to renounce citizenship that almost costs a fortune.
USA already functions like a prison run by a mafia more than a country.
It'd probably be easier to start a corporation in another country then have that entity cash in, that's already what most of the people with their hands in your pockets do.

>> No.28031119

If you make capital gains from trans Deering ETH - LINK that is a taxable event. However cashing out isn't. Transferring back to your countries Fiat, doesn't generate anything because it is the measuring stick they use.

>> No.28031215

Well we're luckily not from the US and the scary stories about tax agencies hunting you down like a dog are mostly about IRS.
Here in SK or CZ if you don't pay taxes the worst you can get is a small fee or an interest, but as long as you pay that you're fine.
I agree with you that getting a tax residency in tax haven is a better plan though but it's not always worth it unless your networth is 7 figures or so imo.
>-using the tax loophole with giving it as a gift to your family in CZ
Isn't this just up to some amount though?

>> No.28031332
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>> No.28031348
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>> No.28031417

ATO, in Australia hunts people down.
Due to our tax system, it's even easier than in the US that said our tax system is pretty much automated at every level.
Pretty easy to hunt down people on a automatically generated report.

>> No.28031453

I'm thinking about just making thousands of 1$ trades back and forth and reporting them all. Automate it all, one trade per hour. Process that you fuvksing shitbags

>> No.28031477

hey dummy.
you have to calculate the gain/loss on every trade, every purchase. different countries have different rules but for the US, this is the case. there is no grey area here. the IRS is also tracking wallets now and using firms that try to tie wallets to people's identities. you will get assfucked if you do not comply. The path forward is to uncuck the tax laws. Support Wyoming as they're fighting the hardest for this. Also, the Cardano foundation has a lobbying group that is lobbying US lawmakers to create more reasonable (favorable) tax laws, so you can look into that lobbying group and maybe contribute something.

>> No.28031594
File: 50 KB, 645x973, 16333432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sees one slightly above average girl
>"White ppl r perfect"

>> No.28031733

>Isn't this just up to some amount though?
I think it is up to 5 million CZK but you can use it multiple/infinity number of times. But better check it if you wanna use it, I have just read about it once.
But yeah, I agree with you. All depends on the amount of money we are talking about. Few hundreds or just a couple thousands? I wouldnt worry at all about it. Tens of thousands or lower 6 figure? That one is the worst but still there are options. 7 figure - change tax residency to a country with 0% tax and be done with it. This is probably universal for any EU bro.

>> No.28031768

Shes a perfect human female fuckwit. Find a single flaw

>> No.28031845

Well I dont know much about other legal systems aside from US and Europe, I was mostly commenting on those.

>> No.28031888

But US citizens are taxed even if they live abroad (above 100k) and this is not the case in Australia, or is it? I know it is really pricey and hard to manage, but if you would have 7 figures then you could change your tax residency by living somewhere else and cashout, then come back to Australia.

>> No.28031906

She's orange.

>> No.28031911

What about gas costs? Do you write those off immediately or roll them into your cost basis? Does it matter whether or not Ethereum is a component of the swap?

>> No.28032019
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>God white people are just perfect

>> No.28032140

im not reporting anything. i'll pay the taxes on my gains when i decide to go into fiat and that's that.

>> No.28032180

>tying an identity to a wallet without any sort of kyc when monero is a thing and linuz distributions dedicated solely to lurking the internet encrypted and invisible
>only pay chump change to hackers to figure out monero and they haven't made any progress for a year
Okay dumbass.

>> No.28032798

okay leet hacker guy, good for you. meanwhile 99.999% of the rest of burgerland has to pay their taxes.

>> No.28032963

If you're using an exchange that reports to US authorities, there is literally no point in what you're doing. Just day trade penny stocks.

>> No.28033222

You're on a board that gripes about taxes and old fags telling stories how how they evade them and you're talking to anons here like they're a bunch of normalfag boomers who use internet explorer and google search engine.

>> No.28034271


>> No.28035862

What about this?
>cash out $200 a week from your savings account
>spend it on all your bills like food, petrol etc so no trail
>slowly buy silver direct through bitcoin
>cash up your silver and if the taxman asks where you got the silver tell them that you had been stockpiling it with that 200/week and you were living off rice/beans and walking everywhere

>> No.28036118


I like this idea