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2800992 No.2800992 [Reply] [Original]

The federal reserve has exhausted all means of economic intervention.

Bond market is shit.

Illinois municipals will be junk status soon and pull pensions to attempt a cover.

Tech stocks for companies that have no viable revenue stream are valued at insane p/e ratios. Even if revenue improved, no foreseeable cash flow models.

Entire industry built on people cannibalizing vehicle value for interim cash flow, mostly on debt (lyft, uber, doordash).

Auto market debt about to pop.

Student loans are starting to be wrapped into CDO like instruments.

Canada real estate in free fall.

Restaurant industry (I run a few) a ticking time bomb as our primary customer base (retired boomers) are dying or becoming immobile.

Yellen says "unlikely to see financial crisis in our lifetimes" which I can't figure out if she is delusional or sees nuculear hellfire on the horizon.

I'm in crypto with every dollar I have saved, but I want to know how are people still talking about economics as if we aren't about to see bread lines again?

The only way out I see is if Trump goes natsoc and nationalizes everything.

>> No.2801006


> The only way out I see is if Trump goes natsoc and nationalizes everything.

That's only postponing the next depression.

>> No.2801047


Fuck no, that ensures you become a third world shithole

Let stuff crash find clearing prices, it will stabilize and flush the trash. Saving trash helps no one

>> No.2801070


>third world shithole

>United States

Unlikely. Depends on demographic shifts

>> No.2801071


>he doesnt know about hitlers economic miracle

worked out pretty well for germany anon

>> No.2801075

Also no fucking bailouts and government subsidizes

>> No.2801077

It won't collapse so long as you have industries that produce value and investment in the economy. Financial crises (as opposed to recessions) are largely caused by a loss of investor value, which almost definitely won't happen with anything you mentioned, unless there's a series of unlucky coincidences (which you can't control for). And the United States produces too much wheat to ever see breadlines (unless there's a political collapse).

>> No.2801093

god damn you are a retard arent ya

>> No.2801099

This, best thing to do is let it happen and let the weak, city cucks, starve off

>> No.2801105

the wheat we produce is garbage, im more worried about ricelines desu

>> No.2801115

or even potatolines fampai

>> No.2801144


I'm irish, family in Dublin.

I could do potatoes a while.

>> No.2801150

Yeah, I think I could manage that as well. Got a million different ways to make em

>> No.2801178

back there

>> No.2801185


Economics and politics are spiteful spouses who cannot file divorce.

>> No.2801738

To be fair, Hitler did turn the German economy around in a big way, and unless you're extremely bluepilled and subscribe to the "Hitler's economy ran purely on stolen Jew gold" theory, a strong nationalist economy can work to an extent.

That being said, it's obviously not a long-term solution. Nazi Germany itself was already beginning to build a sizable debt before the war with runaway projects and public programs that were just too much, and our free market system would be much stronger if we just didn't prop up debtors so much.

>> No.2801747

>student loans wrapped into CDO

Wrong. Can't do that with federal student loans, which is far and away the majority of student loan debt.

>> No.2801757
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good for you for investing in crypto

.....but you are a fucking DUMB ASS for thinking Trump is gonna save the day

don't you get it? Trump is IN on it

we haven't had a real president since JFK


>> No.2801765

oh sorry you dumbfuck
come on my man
the fuck off to whatever you came from you little shit, this place is obviously not for a little bitch like you

>> No.2801767


history class
back there

>> No.2801896
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>diabetic, on insulin since age 15
>meds currently cost about $1100usd a month
>Big Pharma has a monopoly and fixes inulin prices
>lifelong disease

If a crash happens am I fucked? Would an economic dpression ruin my chances at being able to afford my life regenerator injections?

>> No.2801926

If the economy collapses, the weak will be culled from the herd. We will round up niggers like it's WW2

>> No.2801949

Just buy your insulin on Mexico or Canada, don't be a pharmacuck

>> No.2801955

Convert all of your crypto unto wojacks and send them here.


>> No.2801962

Yeah, actually, I'm white like printer paper and live in a state with socializd healthcare, buuuuut, you're probably right......
....crypto becomes the new global money system C:


>> No.2801970

Weak city cucks?

Your entire rural lifestyle is subsidized by us, you guys pay no taxes and take most of the tax revenue

Your entire farming business model is propped up by taxpayer dollars. You people are weak financially and uneducated morons too.

>> No.2801971

>I'm in crypto with every dollar I have saved, but I want to know how are people still talking about economics as if we aren't about to see bread lines again?

Take off the tin foil hat, Yellens not delusional but you are

>> No.2801983

I actually live an hours bicycle ride from Canada. Cheapest fucking deal on ball surgery I could get.
Anon>>2801926 is probably right though...I had ball cancer and I have diabetes...my ass is gonna get purged :C

fuck off with your despair memes, I'm hodling for the collapse
Nice dubs tho

>> No.2801989

> I'm afraid of addressing facts and reality that scare me

>> No.2801993

just buy some sheep and make your own dood

>> No.2802000

>farmers are gonna suffer soooooo much too when the dollar crashes

(You) should try growing a years supply of food in the city for one or more people... Ruralites will thrive in a crash.

>> No.2802004


The Fed always says it's fine, until it isn't.

Crashening soon.™

>> No.2802025

>Those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it

>> No.2802086

I've thought about this, actually... maybe I could sell insulin for bitcoinz?

>> No.2802088


>live in illinois and...... all in on bitcoin and one DeLorean.

This state is going to shit because of gibs.

>> No.2802191

rural and suburban retards like you should stay the fuck away from economics, it's city people that keep things running

>> No.2802260

You guys grow food, big deal. We figured out how to do that like 10,000 years ago you pathetic cuck

You don't contribute anything valuable to society, you're just food-producing slaves who think you're better than us because you're more primitive.

Rats don't even need to grow food, are they better than us? They will survive an apocalypse but they will never get to the moon

>> No.2802320

>Fed has exhausted all means of economic intervention
They could use negative interest rates, expand quantitative easing beyond mortgage-based securities and bonds, or do a helicopter drop.
>Auto market debt about to pop
It's the auto market, it's not the same thing as housing. You can easily repo a car and avoid the toxic asset situation we saw in housing.
>Student loans are starting to be wrapped into CDOs
Student loans are owned by the government and you can't default on them. Bigger long-term threat is from millennials who won't be able to afford houses and have to rent because of their student loan payments.
>Canada real estate in free fall
Rising real estate prices in metropolitan areas are the result of higher demand. People would rather live in a place like NYC, San Francisco, etc. than have to commute. Canada's real estate market is fucked, but we're unlikely to see another 2008-style crash in the US.
She said a repeat of the 2008 crisis is unlikely, which is true. We'll definitely face another financial crisis, but once based on the exact same premise of 2008 is unlikely. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/13/yellen-can-never-be-confident-wont-be-another-financial-crisis.html
>Trump goes natsoc and nationalizes everything
Federal Reserve still has more monetary stimulus options (point 1) and the Treasury can still do deficit spending. Our debt is denominated in our own currency and most Treasuries are held by Americans, not foreigners, so we essentially have a blank check in our hands. Foreigners are already incentivized to buy Treasuries in places like China as a means of getting money out of the country. At worst, if we really need to prop up demand, we could do a helicopter drop and debt monetization (https://www.brookings.edu/blog/ben-bernanke/2016/04/11/what-tools-does-the-fed-have-left-part-3-helicopter-money/)) or we could make Treasuries tax-exempt or even put a tax-credit on investing in them, like we do now with muni bonds.

>> No.2802361

ya cause you are a special metrofag that doesnt eat right? all that food you shit into your ass sink comes from a wherehouse dwontown right

>> No.2802375

>it's city people that perform nation-scale pump-n-dumps on the economy and profit off of them

>> No.2802405
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lolz wow guys showing your ignorance much?

Ok lets say the economy crashes. You live in a city. Have you seen what happens in a city during a great depression? Check your history books.The farmers and rural people who could hunt, grow food ,had wood to cut for heat, wells and lakes not polluted for drinking water, and know how to repair their own houses, cars etc... had it much better off.

What happens when your local market runs out of food, you get fired from your jobs entering shit into a database, selling shit no one needs in a survival situation or some other city work?

Can you survive without someone else who actually knows how to build, grow, or repair things that actually contribute to your survival? Because in that situation no one cares what care you drive, title you have, how far up on your social ladder you are and by the way no tendies for you to microwave.

Yeah you're gonna die.

>> No.2802431

We're not going to be in a survival situation without food you moron. What's going to cause that?

>> No.2802443

literally happened thousands of times before

>but mommy my tendies have always been at the grocery store on friday night

>> No.2802456

>America one of the largest agricultural exporters is going to starve

>> No.2802473

Putting aside the survival stuff, during the 2008 recession it was California, New York, and New Jersey that were hurt the worst, plus a few bubble states like Nevada. Many states less dependent on finance money like Kansas and Nebraska were relatively unaffected.

>> No.2802682

Useful idiot. You will be the second to go.

>> No.2802686


Mass vehicle repos... so people cannot go to work, plus they depreciate quickly unlike housing, bad for balance sheets..

Helicopter cash. I knew bernanke was delusional at QE3, but that takes the cake.

Regardless of hedges on student loan debt, assuming the bubble is "unpoppable," we will still see mass nonpayment and a financially crippled generation, killing retail consumerism.

>> No.2802707

Bluepill: the post

>> No.2802748

The economic illiteracy in this thread is hilarious, talking about nationalising everything and what Hitler did, sometimes I forget where I am...

>> No.2802759

>largest agricultural exporters of non-digestive drinkable sugars is going to starve
Also invest in gold and guns now

>> No.2802799

Stock market crash = Crypto boom.

This is a good thing.

>> No.2802918
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The majority of farms are corporate entities, and corporate entities of all sizes care about one thing: profits. If there is a collapse, the areas that will be left to rot are the rural areas, since Cleetus and Jim Bob no longer have their disability checks to buy groceries with. Cities will suffer too, but food will continue to flow into them, because that's where the money is as well as the infrastructure to actually distributed goods (that includes the rascals and insulin the ""rural ubermench"" need to survive (pick related))

>> No.2802944

Oy vey tone it down with the chutzpah, Shlomo, or the Goys will find out what we're up to!

>> No.2803209
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>Hurr durr, government is fucking up everything and turning the economy into a shit
>I know what will help, even more government intervention!

Some of y'all are verry special

>> No.2803217

This is what half these faggot Bernie voters are saying fucking ovens can't come soon enough

>> No.2803234

black market that shit, when regulations run tyrannically, your fellow man provides

There was even a mother on the news talking about that's what she is doing for her child to get good prices.

>> No.2803263

Keep cash on hand, OP

>> No.2803297

Negative interest rates has shown already to have some bad side effects, and punishing people and companies to not sit on money is as stupid as forcing people to buy high and sell low just because, also an actual helicopter drop just increases inflation, something that will only hurt spending power even more as the dollar value drops, any short term gains in economic wellbeing from such an action would be negligible.

And we already are doing deficit spending. That's all we have been doing consecutively for years in a row.

>> No.2803449

>Real Estate market going to shit is due to increased demands
It is because Chinks are laundering the commie money through Western real estate

>> No.2803465

So, there used to be a cholera outbreak every few years too. Doesn't mean it is coming back

>> No.2803820

Came here to post this

>> No.2803832

there is no way out. all this will crash and burn, then we'll rise from the ashes and learn from our mistakes. we'll make new, better markets with different regulations that prevent all this from happening. we'll be more responsible and have new insight from our mistakes. and then slowly human nature will creep back in and we will crash and burn all over again.

We are born to die, so are the entirety of our creations. Don't try to fix this shit because it will just continue happening forever.

>> No.2803856

Rough day, kiddo? You wanna talk about it?

>> No.2803874
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Give me one more year. I am almost ready.

>> No.2803910

Lmao fucking low IQ /pol/tards getting triggered

>> No.2803916
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Back to plebbit you ignorant, virtue-signaling faggot

>> No.2803932


>diabetic can be reversed
>go paleo
>change your beliefs
>do your homework

>> No.2803982

Ignore pseudoscience nonsense like this

If paleo cured diabetes it would be suggested by doctors over anon's meds

>> No.2804181
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More specifically:

>a guy stood on the moon decades before I was born, so metro sexual clothing brands are more important than food production

Cities seem to be the entities supporting the economy because the dollar value of their goods has been inflated by near endless cheap credit,
allowing every McDicks(TM) employee to demand only the finest Italian name underwear. This causes the paper value of name branded crap to
be higher than the paper value of a loaf of bread; however, when economies contract and everybody needs so spend their increasingly worthless paper value
on food, the "GDP" figures for cities will fall dramatically with the disappearing demand. This causes all the aforementioned urban cucks who specialized in
underwear warmers to no longer be able to produce anything worth enough to trade for bread. Meanwhile, Cletus's acre of corn is still an acre of corn,
which he can eat when he is hungry.

Bonus points when the crash is so sever Cletus can afford a lambo because their owners are willing to trade them for enought corn to survive

>you guys grow food, big deal

What is a big deal anon?

>> No.2804194

>im in crypto
>post is biased toward crypto
wow what a surprise. enjoy your 50% loss.

>> No.2804588

No, we will round up you.
Crony capitalists and their retarded racist puppets will be gulag'd so fast you all will get whiplash.
Honestly, part of me can't wait.

>> No.2804614
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>He thinks doctors would go against the financial interests of big pharma.

>> No.2804661


Watch this video about how the ketogenic diet (Which is similar to paleo in that it's very low in carbs and high in fat) reverses diabetic complications and reduces blood glucose levels. Then pay attention to what he says at 5:47.

>"We don't want to put anyone on the diet itself, we just want to figure out how the diet works so we can replicate the effects in a drug."

That's how they think. If big pharma can't profit from it, they won't prescribe it.

>> No.2804666


Crypto is long, long term for me.

Aside from my two firearms and an acre I own, I don't see the point in fiat investments atm

Hell, when pensions explode, it gonna take the military to enforce property rights.

>> No.2805106

wtf i hate tnlompfg now!!!