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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28007949 No.28007949 [Reply] [Original]

Any GME marines still standing? Three shares at $80. Last week was a fucking trip, and I'm wondering what will happen this week.

>> No.28008202

It will hit $10k a share
Trust in the sQueeze
2 more days

>> No.28008320

Price will stabilize back to 15$. Many suicides will be had. SAD!

>> No.28008994

It will drop to $30-$40 while people panic sell. Then hedge funds will move in the afternoon and push it back to $200+. To which the world will go back in and push it to $800 for a few weeks. Causing suicides to last minute panic sellers from Friday and Monday. SAD!

>> No.28009182

Definitely not this.
Probably this because life tends to be anticlimactic.
Hopefully this. Imagine the fomo. Imagine the fun.

>> No.28009413

GME? Isn't that a $10 stock?

>> No.28009818

>Then hedge funds will move in the afternoon and push it back to $200+

I know that would let you sell your bags but I think it’s funny you think they would want in on your brilliant play. GME is still an absolute turd of a company that is losing money and closing stores.

>> No.28009885

But this whole thing has had absolutely nothing to do with the company

>> No.28009980

State of gamestop is irrelevant.

>> No.28010078

It is the most heavily watch stock last week and this week for sure. Every news channel, financial magazine and youtubers are talking about.
This is the perfect storm for stock investment for hedge funds.

>> No.28011098

I bought 1000 amc

>> No.28011246

until numbers are released on tuesday short ladders, FUD and shilling will continue. If the SI is still absurd on tuesday, normies will rush in to buy at a discount

>> No.28011470

is anyone going to get fined/prisoned for all this blatant manipulation? If not, then why wouldn't ((they)) just pump and dump it again ad infimum for maximum profit?

>> No.28011541

Because you’re attributing something you simply don’t understand to boogeyman jews because it’s easier than reading

>> No.28011576

how's life under your rock

>> No.28011637
File: 233 KB, 1913x1028, gmebloomberg27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image that kills the shill

>> No.28011784

Well the theory was because it was a company losing money it was a bad investment. But now that it is a household name then they have a growth possibility.

>> No.28011814

Do you think they put down some shorts months ago and didn’t think of shorting at 400, increasing the short interest percentage?

>> No.28011878

Honestly i wish u fags get out with gains and spend the money instead of dying and be buried with ur money like those old farts

>> No.28011894


>> No.28011898

>didn’t think of shorting at 400
So they dug their graves and now built their own coffins? Nice.

>> No.28012010

The only way they’re in trouble with a 400 short is if stocks go above 400
There’s no catalyst to do this
Proof: look at your portfolio

>> No.28012038

>There’s no catalyst to do this

>> No.28012123
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Diamond hands brother

>> No.28012170

This is brilliant. They re-take control of the market, refute DFV's short squeeze thesis, punish the paperhands, and obliterate WSB's reputation in one smooth move.

I'm in.

>> No.28012219
File: 83 KB, 600x867, waitingforGMEsqueeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diamond hands brother

>> No.28012345

I need it to go under $5

>> No.28012454
File: 224 KB, 373x481, 1596358435349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people panic sell
If it's already that low and that much of a loss, you may as well hold until it hits absolute zero and dies. If you hold there's a tiny chance it spikes back up again. If you sell low then you lost, not just in the literal sense of losing money but if that tiny chance I described happens and you miss out.

>> No.28012522

just put it all on red at that point

>> No.28012618

>the price isnt at ATH therefore the hedge funds shorted at ATH and are in profit
Sounds like a no true scotsman situation. Theres also no way to actually tell where they snorted at.

>> No.28012675

youre so retarded, it's old fucking data. no one has the updated short interest.

>> No.28012738

Tell me more about how a bloomburg terminal uses old data based retarded shill

>> No.28012751

Oh wait, no. NASDAQ will halt trading every time it rises more than 20%. The momentum will get completely shot.

>> No.28012846
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>Theres also no way to actually tell where they snorted at.
why are people going all in on these many variables

>> No.28012925

It isn't on the fucking NASDAQ you financially illiterate swine

>> No.28012957

Hedgies care about fundementals, that's why they shorted the stock in the first place, they were unironically right.

>> No.28013032
File: 202 KB, 550x308, sMOsgCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please let this happen

>> No.28013139

This is the dream scenario

>> No.28013381

How is synthetic long printing to keep the price down since $4 the boogeyman nigger?

>> No.28013440


your average retail investor just bought it thinking they were gonna get rich quick. They don't give a fuck about fundamentals.

>> No.28013705

>Oh wait, no. NASDAQ will halt trading every time it rises more than 20%.
Lol. Also, try 10%.

>> No.28013728

GME came up on the NASDAQ Trading Halt feed several times last week. That's how I came to that assumption.


>> No.28013971

215. If it breaks above that then moon

>> No.28014159
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Holy shit the amount of delusion ITT is insane. Nobody fucking cares about gme anymore, it had it's 15 minutes of fame and now it's going to bleed to $10. People are literally going to lose another 80% from here if they keep holding. Reddit deserves this. If you're holding, this will be yfw the market opens tomorrow.

>> No.28014262


I only blew like $500 for the memes, if I lose it oh well but if I gain I gain.

>> No.28014407

What price did you buy at? $200?

>> No.28014564


around 230 actually.

>> No.28014580

If I lose if will sting for sure, but I will recover. If I win I've made it.

>> No.28014877

>if I lose it oh well but if I gain I gain.
literal delusion
>If I lose if will sting for sure, but I will recover. If I win I've made it.
Literal delusion.
I can tell that you are both extremely new to trading, and probably came here from Reddit.

>> No.28014998
File: 250 KB, 1288x1356, 1598410439307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$80 pre market
>40 open
>20 close
It's over and done with, my guy.

>> No.28015113

The reddit suicides will be glorious.

>> No.28015629
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>> No.28015783

This reads like a trump tweet

>> No.28015978
File: 11 KB, 606x135, 1598761423048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditor who arrived 1 second ago here, what's the board patois for people who only stick around for loss porn to the point where they turn into brazen lolwcows, begging random passersby to sell low to get their fix of pink Wojaks like a bunch of junkies? I suggest "faggots."

>> No.28016085
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>> No.28016298

You have to go back

>> No.28016446

What a little smartypants you must have been to hold all the way down from $400. But that wasn’t your fault, right? You have to go back.

>> No.28016530

Airplane mode gang

>> No.28016634

>800 for a few weeks
utter retardation

>> No.28016710

you don't understand how short interest is calculated. firstly it's simply not possible to know the true short interest in real time. the terminal only uses the most recent filings to calculate %. You can see what's up to date in the file date column. This screenshot has stale data because filings are done bi-monthly. You can even see the date says 1/31. the FIRNA report will also be 2 weeks old by the time it's reported.

>> No.28016712

open bellow 40$

>> No.28016913

FINRA is simply going to stop making real public reports on this data, you'll need to be a 9+ figure guy to access it.

>> No.28016950
File: 2.06 MB, 2160x1884, CA22A70D-9D9C-4921-9214-B5F660F8A898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.28017107

It’ll hit $80 at open and I’m out. The Reddit tears will be sweet.

>> No.28017166

It will spike but nobody will sell cause “wait for Tuesday”, Tuesday it tanks.

>> No.28017196

the last desperation squeeze as the dead cat bounces to zero before the remaining holders buy rope

>> No.28017770

It didn't have a -10% or greater day on Friday, so there's no limit on new short positions being placed on it. I've seen a few analysis saying that fair value is around $40-$50 a share so at it's current price it's technically overvalued.
For those two reasons at least I feel there will be downward pressure on GME.

We have new short float numbers coming out which, if they are sufficiently high then regardless of fundamentals there could be another hype pump although based on how much blatant market manipulation there's been I'd doubt we ever see it go higher than $150.

Other interesting catalysts could be the upcoming congressional hearing, but that will just be an opportunity to make some fresh memes more than any meaningful moment in history, unless it also results in some new regulations for retail investors "for their own financial safety, especially during a global pandemic/ climate change future"

Even if there's a lot of downward pressure, it's actually a good long term hold at any price under $45, which is where my buy limits are set currently.

>> No.28017955

god i hate reddit niggers

>> No.28018076

Anticlimactic? Go outside and do something. plebty of shit in life to raise your epinephrine levels

>> No.28018798

no u. faggot

>> No.28019027

I have no idea what i'm looking at

>> No.28020274

The console rush is over. The stock is dead. There's 2,799 other companies on the NYSE stop thinking GME is the magic Powerball out of all of them

>> No.28020497

It'll go close to $80 and then drop down to $50

>> No.28020554
File: 181 KB, 720x694, 73756300-5C3A-493F-83DA-03B72922C100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sad because GameStop actually had a surprisingly bright future before all of this shilling and momentum, they had 0 debt, 400 million cash on hand ready to spend, positive revenue, and were changing management and slowly switching to e commerce. Not to mention a deal with Microsoft that could eventually turn the tides. Liquifying locations for additional cash on hand to change buisness style. Who knows now lol

>> No.28020910
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1611128356638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw redditors still here