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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2783787 No.2783787 [Reply] [Original]

Why are nearly all CEOs and people in leading positions male? Why is there such a lack of women?

Could it be that women aren't good for anything else besides blowjobs and house work?

>> No.2783804

men do desicions based on absolute logic and end result
women do it following their emotions which is a very big tradeoff

>> No.2783807

Why are they all jews?

>> No.2783817
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>> No.2783825

Jews have the highest average IQ and a culture that promotes good work ethic.

>> No.2783831

Women tend to not have the mental stability to make the cold, rational decisions that are needed to be an efficient CEO.

>> No.2783839

Jews have connections and institutions and governments and banks and view non-Jews as chattle, i.e. they're sociopaths.

>> No.2783880

women should not be in positions of power. they are molded by men

>> No.2784324

>good work ethic
oy vey

>> No.2784551

This meme again.
Askhenazi Jews are supposedly one standard deviation above whites.
So 50% of the best jews should be = to 16% of the best whites.
There's about 6 million Jews in America and 200 million non-hispanic whites.

16% of 200m = 32 millions
50% of 6m = 3 millions

And yet, half of American billionaires are Jews...

Work ethic alone cannot explain 1 out of 10 turning into 1 out of 2. Top Jews benefit immensely from nepotism.

>> No.2784581

I love how /pol/ sounds exactly how BLM talks about white people

>> No.2784604

top kek

>> No.2784617

>Could it be that women aren't good for anything else besides blowjobs and house work?

Nope, you're just a loser dating other losers. 2 losers need each other.

>> No.2784640

>men do desicions based on absolute logic and end result.
Half of this board sells their losses during crashes. Shut up.

>> No.2784641

Because it's really fucking hard to be a top CEO and it involves living an always-on lifestyle where you're doing business shit almost every waking hour.

It's way nicer and honestly probably a much more satisfying life for the type of women who could be CEO to instead be a VP of some department, go home at normal hours to be with kids and hubby. The only reason why dudes do it is because bitches love money and power associated with it.

>> No.2784653
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It's great to know I might find my own loser one day

>> No.2784664

Carly Fiorina was the president of HP.

>> No.2784674

those arent logical men
only manchilds

>> No.2784681

wow, congrats op youve finally used your brain enough to discover the patriarchy that controls everything. this is why im a feminist

>> No.2784694
File: 65 KB, 641x594, 10-ceos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are nearly all CEOs and people in leading positions Indians? Why is there such a lack of whites?

Could it be that whites aren't good for anything else besides clapping on baseball games and eating burgers ?

>> No.2784695
File: 301 KB, 389x411, ed4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2784697

>If you dont like jews you are /Pol/!!!!!!
What then you fucking kike shut up

>> No.2784706

Go buy some bancor Golem And patientory then you Go girll

>> No.2784708

Is the little girl mad at her inferiority? Way to show more proof that men make better leaders.

>> No.2784747


cuz white males are evil , and thats a good trait to be ceo.

thats why jews are like 50% of the 1%

>> No.2784748

thats not true though, only retards do this

>> No.2784759

>Could it be that women aren't good for anything else besides blowjobs and house work?

what's always funny to me is 4chan will constantly shit on women for being stupid/bitches/worthless and in the very next thread be screaming SAUCE or WHO IS THIS SEMON DEMON??? like thirsty fucking teenagers in the very next thread.

>> No.2784775

>t. woman

typical female using logical fallacies

>> No.2784792

How do your examples contradict tho?
A women can be a bitch, stupid and worthless and still be a semon demon, that's exactly what women are good for, being fap material.

>> No.2785820
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>being a wet hole / object to fuck is supposedly the opposite of "stupid and worthless"
If anything you've just proven the point.