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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27786962 No.27786962 [Reply] [Original]

oh shit. man yeah thats a rough way to go. my aunt almost died from that. She he had just gotten her master's degree after going back to school in her late 30's. One day she had run out of hand soap so she had to use dish soap instead for the next few days until she could run out to the store; she had no time because she had 5 young kids, including infant twins. They barely made it along financially. Right so naturally they had to save money any way they could and she was one of those people who would buy bulk products to save on cash. So anyway, she had this big bottle of toothpaste she'd always keep on the bathroom counter. That night she was so exhausted keeping up with the kids she almost went to sleep without brushing her teeth. So she got up and went to the bathroom in the dark; she didn't want to wake up any of the kids or she wouldn't get to sleep that night. Anyway she made her way into the bathroom and went to grab the big bottle of toothpaste, but accidentally grabbed the bottle of dish soap. Long story short she ended up in the hospital with burns covering over 50% of her body and severe internal injuries. She made a recovery but she was never the same. All I can say is thank god the my cousins weren't tall enough to reach the dangerous chemicals on the counter.

We lost her to cancer a year later. The damage had taken a such a toll on her she couldn't even go for in chemo. There were no treatments for her and she died in hospice.

I don't even buy dish soap now I just wont even risk it. I wash all my dishes with hand soap and water and dry then by hand. Nothing is worth more than one's life.

>> No.27787153


>> No.27787439

I fucking love triggering redditors. All of you faggots need to blogpost elsewhere

>> No.27787534

based time waster

>> No.27787585
File: 8 KB, 402x462, 0C772090-230C-4A21-8116-EACAC8002EA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, like who the fuck asked?

>> No.27788569
File: 480 KB, 206x196, 1266388117387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put me in the screencap

>> No.27788712

OP is a reddit tourist nigger and I will applaud the day he is gassed for being a massive faggot

>> No.27789963

I’m not reading your gay essay but here’s a pity (you) now fuck off

>> No.27790295
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 1612475534433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get bent not reading your pathetic call for pity.