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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2772202 No.2772202 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short, I got enough money to start a pizza place.

There's a lot of shit pizza places in my city. I can start one and I know for a fact I can be the best pizza place in town.

One of the places was literally caught putting bleach in their food.

My problem is if I start a pizza place, I will literally put others out of business. How can I be happy if I am literally destroying people's livelihoods?

>> No.2772208

Whats your background in businesses? Restaurantfag here. Making food is literally the bare minimum you need to succeed, what else are you doing to find and retain customers? How are you advertising and offering a service that is going to be accessible. Ive seen a lot of restaurants with fucking amazing food close down/lose money because they werent able to handle the businesses side of things.

>> No.2772209

Your pizza will be shit, stop lying to yourself. You wont put anyone out of business because your pizza will be shit. Shit pizza

>> No.2772213

Quite easy to be happy when you're comfy eating half-decent pizza and most of the town's thankful for it.

>> No.2772214

fuck you anon, just fuck you. I come in this thread expecting an actual ethical dilemma and you feed us this shit? the fuck is wrong with you.

this. you're just making excuses because you'll know you'll fail. how about you start up the pizza place and prove us wrong.

>> No.2772215

Take heart in the fact that 80% of restaurants fail in the first 18 months and 90% in the first 36 months. You're not putting them out of business. Owning and operating a successful restaurant is one of the hardest things you can do.

>> No.2772230
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Associate degree in accounting. I've made websites for small business in the past and can take care of the business aspect of things.


How is this not an ethical dilemma? I've been cooking since I was 10. I know what I am doing.

Literal rednecks run these places. One place literally put bleach in the food. I know I can take them on.

>> No.2772236

Youre wrong for business if you cant stand putting someone out of business as a competitor.

Not saying that to be an asshole, but that empathetic mentality will end up giving you tons of guilt and youll be unhappy and stressed.

Go trade shitcoins kid

>> No.2772239

It's called competition, look it up

>> No.2772245

>How is this not an ethical dilemma?
let's see...you're concerned about putting other people out of business....are you for fucking real?

you MUST be 18 and still live at home. there's no other way you're this naive to the world. the entire point of life is putting other people out of business. making money is a zero sum game. for every dollar you earn, someone else loses.

no shit

>> No.2772252

post pics of your pizza OP

>> No.2772261

wow you can make a website? 10/10 restaurant would go to again and recommend to my mom sister brother friends cousin uncle aunt. anyone eEVERYONE This guy makes WEBSITES that means he'll keep you HAPPY and he'll have GOOD SERVICE!!

>> No.2772263
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Would I be a bad person for doing that? I KNOW I can demolish these guys. Median income here is about $40000. People have money. The restaurants overcharge for shit. I can come in and take the customers.

But is that evil?

Or should I just go Conan the Barbarian mode and think about this bullshit later?

I don't have any made. But what I do is I use fresh cheese, I make the tomato sauce myself fresh. Also the dough is strong and crunchy. The pizza doesn't bend when you fold it in half. I also add some garlic to it for extra flavor.

>> No.2772264

Can I pay in Ant shares?

>> No.2772268


you sound soft mate. are you a recent graduate?

>> No.2772272
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See >>2772263

My quality is literally better than 80% of the places out there. 60% of small businesses have no accounting system. I'm an expert on bookkeeping.

Nothing fancy I'm just saying I can make it work.

>> No.2772275

are you literally stupid, there's nothing evil about winning a fair competition

>> No.2772278

do u think it's moral that ppl have to pay for shitty pizza? srsly. why's it more moral to let someone make shitty pizza than it is to let ppl live a life of eating shitty pizza ? do you think it's okay for ppl to spend their hard-earned money on a sub-par product?

>> No.2772280

ya but if ur good enough at making pizza, that 3 extra hours u spend a week bookkeeping would beb etter off making pizza and hiring someone else to do it. in which case, it still reduces to hwo well u can keep a flow of costumers

>> No.2772281
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You can pay me in BitBean :^)

I graduated just a few weeks ago. Grandfather left me some money. Told me not to touch it until I got at least an associate degree so I did it.

>> No.2772285

This. Nobody should have to live that way. Fucking save them OP

>> No.2772288

you would be a bad person if you didn't try. you're literally saying, "hey guys I'm going to cuck myself because I think I might feel bad about out-performing these other people and I don't want to do that."

listen to yourself. anyone who has had to search for a job in this economy knows this already. it's sink or swim out in the real world, and you need to learn to swim.

>> No.2772293

Do it for your family honor, your grandfather wouldnt want a moral pussy as a grandkid.

>> No.2772296
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It's not fair if I am better than them which I am

Good point but what happens to the competition I drive out

I understand what you're saying. I'll definitely have to hustle to make sure people know about my business

>> No.2772306

Just look at it from the perspective of the customer. Do pizza aficionados deserve good pizzas at a fair price? I think it is hard to argue against this. If the competition is unwilling or unable to produce pizzas as good as yours at prices as reasonable as yours, then they do deserve to be put out of business.

Think about it from another perspective: do you deserve to run a restaurant, if you produce bad food at high prices?

>> No.2772309
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>It's not fair if I am better than them which I am
literally retarded, literally, please get better

>> No.2772315

The competition can work in some other field. Maybe they can go do what you did before you started your pizza parlor, or maybe they can mine bittcoin, or go work on an oil rig.

>> No.2772320
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What if they lose their house? Is it their fault for over extending?

>> No.2772322

you really need to ditch this mentality about how winning in a competition somehow isn't fair. did you try to get Cs in school because it wasn't fair to the other students if you got an A? no, no you didn't. you will be eaten alive in the real world if you don't get your head on straight.

>> No.2772327

Hell, if you get the balls to do it and come back with an update, I'll buy some pizzas from you to give to the homeless.
A good deed and a good sale.

Post your btc wallet and I'll send you the money.

>> No.2772331

that's not your concern. if you are in fact better than them, then they will 1) try harder and beat you, or 2) have to find a new job.

you'll be the one losing your house if you stick to this absurd "I shouldn't be better than them" mentality you are stuck in.

>> No.2772343

It is an unfortunate consequence if they lose their house, but its not your fault. It is like blaming the car manufacturers for the bankruptcies of the horsecart bankruptcies.

But lets be honest, do you expect ALL pizza restaurants to lose out to your restaurant? I think there's a good chance that some will survive and hang on.

>> No.2772356
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What about compassion?

Would it be acceptable to go forward if it is done with the intention of breeding with hot girls? Get enough money and that's where this leads.

>> No.2772364

if the other places are trash they deserve to be put out of business or step up their shit

>> No.2772368

If your ancestors had been virgin fuckups who died without ever touching a girl you probably wouldnt be around. If you want to propagate your genes you better start working on those pizzas, boy

>> No.2772370

compassion is for family and friends. you will not receive any compassion from coworkers and competitors, that's just the way the world works. I may not be able to convince you of that now, but you will learn as soon as you enter the workforce. your only shot at succeeding is beating them to the punch.

>> No.2772377


>> No.2772387
File: 82 KB, 765x1024, 7258e72432c55685d54b1297224d7694492d8752_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is everyone trained to be a pussy today? My mother has put these ideas in my head.

My dad used to always say I should be ruthless and demolish others.

Mom literally said don't open a restaurant. Old man Walter will be out of a job.

What do I do?

I hate being so autistic reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.2772402

Just hire old man Walter to do some stuff in your restaurant if it all goes to shit for him.

>> No.2772409

>My dad used to always say I should be ruthless and demolish others.

but you don't have to be ruthless, that's the beauty of it. all you have to do IS MAKE THE BEST FUCKING PIZZAS YOU CAN.

you'll be happy and satisfied with your work. your customers will be happy they finally have good pizza. your mom will be happy because you'll be succeeding in life.

old man walter will either step up his game, which would actually BENEFIT the local pizza industry and make you have to try harder, or old man walter will go out of business, which will also BENEFIT the local pizza industry because he couldn't keep up.

>> No.2772417

and unless old man walter is literally paying for your food and shelter, you owe him NOTHING. remember that.

>> No.2772423
File: 69 KB, 451x640, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if he loses his house? Is that his fault or my fault?

>> No.2772430

it's his fault. he needs to make better pizza or throw in the towel.

don't forget, YOU might be the one that loses your house. don't expect to waltz in and sweep the competition. they can and will fight to keep their businesses and they will not show an ounce of compassion to you.

>> No.2772438

>Old man Walter

If he's an old man, he's had all his life to set himself up. Fuck old man Walter. Fuck that dude.

>> No.2772445

Its the bank's fault for lending him the shekels. Also if old man Walter still has a mortgage so big that it will lead him to lose his house, when he's nearing the age of retirement, then he is financially illiterate or just unfortunate.
He'll probably end up well, but he might also end up strung out on fentanyl, overdosing in a ditch, or high on meth, blowing his brains all over the pizza oven.
Whatever happens, happens. If its not your pizzashop leading to old man Walter's demise, then it is Miguel the Beaner's Taco Tex-Mex Pizza outlet.

>> No.2772463

stop being a faggot wallowing in self-contempt

Go out and start your business, we'll see who's the best. Paper =/= reality. Not saying you won't succeed but the effort you will have to put in will make it fair to crush the other pizzamaking idiots

Being an entrepreneur is not about looking for excuses on /biz/ faggot, it's about actually implementing ideas

>> No.2772469
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Alright I think I understand what you are saying.

Walter will perish by my hand. At least I will honor his work. FUCK MIGUEL THE BEANER!

I will breed the supermodels and die trying. You are right.

I will fight for you all. And if we are in competition I will fight against you without mercy, and you better not show me any either.

Thank you and God bless.

>> No.2772485
File: 34 KB, 600x392, CcO-UbWWEAA6EwD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously the Miguel the Beaner shit pushed me over the edge.

It's a fucking snake pit. Walter is going to go down. Either I can take him out with honor and dignity or let some other fuckface piece of shit subhuman do it. You are hundred percent right.

God bless you.

>> No.2772502

No problem man. Good luck with the pizzas.

To further rile you up:
Imagine a scenario where all the pizza places get put out of business by these franchises that produce really shitty food at a slightly lower price than the pizza restaurants. Thats going to happen if people like you dont start new restaurants.

Btw there is this really good video about restaurant economics on https://www.realvision.com/ You can get a 7 day trial for free. Search for "restaurant sales slowdown signals us recession" on realvision if you're interested.

>> No.2772532
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Thanks for everything anon. I'll name my firt born after you

>> No.2772570

Evolutionary economics my friend..
> To adapt or perish
Maybe your presence is a reason for them to make their food better... so you are actually doing your community a favor

>> No.2772647

Restaurants pop up all the fucking time because it's the easiest business for an idiot to imagine. They also fail the overwhelming majority of the time within 3 years.

You'll have shit tons of overhead just to keep the fucking lights on- rent, utilities, restaurant license fees, hourly cost of your employees+ obamacare and other bullshit, bank fees, cc fees, payroll, accounting etc. You're going to be burning so much fucking cash trying to get shit together it's going to kill you.

>I know for a fact I can be the best pizza place in town.

You don't literally know for a fact. What are you, a time traveler?

Do you have some incredible recipe or process that just blows *all pizza* out of the water? Do you have years of experience making said pizza? Have other people told you your pizza is incredible? Or are you just saying "Well these current restaurants are fucking up their pizza so much I'm sure I can do better"? Because there's only so much of a demand for mediocre pizza. And, if your pizza is just ok, what stops a competitor from coming in with actually good pizza? You aren't competing against just current pizza places, but ones in 1-5+ years down the road.

>the best pizza place in town.
>Literal rednecks run these places

It sounds like you're in the middle of nowhere then. Sounds like that would limit your potential revenue significantly. If you did have a sufficient enough density, you should already have a bunch of national pizza franchises setting up shop. Hmm, but you don't. If your town doesn't merit investment from the big chains, who do all sorts of market research based on hundreds of locations and can build a franchise far cheaply than it takes someone to create an entirely new brand, why do you think your analysis is better?

You'e going to fucking get killed. Your capital is going to evaporate as you realize there's substantial ongoing costs and that you'll have to sell a shit-ton of pizza just to break even.

>> No.2772703

Do you have any restaurant or food service experience?

>> No.2772735

>My problem is if I start a pizza place, I will literally put others out of business.
dat hubris and dunning-kruger...

>> No.2772750

I love how OP is considering the ethical dilemma of putting competitors out of business but he probably hasn't even got 1 paying customer or even written a business plan

fucking lmao, this board is a joke

>> No.2772755
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300k people in city. There are big franchises and they do okay. I'm saying I can push out the small guys. They suck. I have about $250k in inheritance. I think I can do it.

>> No.2772797
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this is his room mate. he's got money but he's a pussy bitch. someone just help him so he shuts the fuck up

>> No.2772798

>I have about $250k in inheritance
that explains a lot

>> No.2772802
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Fuck you nigger

How does that solve the ethical dilemma?

>> No.2772807

>How does that solve the ethical dilemma?
It doesn't, it just explains why you're in such a rush to waste your money by opening a business you're clearly unprepared for. Have fun.

>> No.2772927
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It's a code for a child trafficking ring!!

>> No.2773362

Get a big 5 accountant on a success fee basis
Get a big 4 lawyer to handle your M&A on a success fee basis
Recruit a board of directors from LinkedIN
ROLL UP all the pizza shops in the area (Buy them for 3 years combined profit, with spitulations that the managers stay to work for 2 or something)
Own all the pizza businesses in town.

>> No.2773435

>you will never have girls like that lust for you because you are not chad

>> No.2773524

....who gives a shit?
Look from the other side

If you don't do it, how can you live with your self letting people consume bleached food that is not nearly worth the price

Would you like living knowing there is a 6 year old girl eating pizza on her birthday shortly before dieng because of poisoning?

But fuck all that shit

You've got a better product for the same or a slightly higher price
Free market nigger, grow a pair

>> No.2773625


You aren't destroying other people's livelihoods, you're destroying their health with gluttonous mouth pleasure you fucking heathen.

jk, don't worry about your competitors anon, do what you want to out of a desire to serve others (sounds like you have that down pat), and the rest will take care of itself. The key here is what does the customer want (good pizza), what are they currently getting (shit pizza), will you solve this problem? (Fuck yes), done. That's it.

It's not your problem that other people can't solve your customer's problem, your duty is to serve others, that's it. If your competitors were doing that you would not have the confidence / desire to do this in the first place, so you can even argue that if you don't go and make this pizza place, you are in fact condemning all the people in your town to eating shitty pizza, because even though you have the power and know-how to solve their problem, you didn't act because you're a pussy.

>> No.2773630


Forgot to add, sounds like your mind isn't totally on board, go read think & grow rich, don't go into business 'worrying' about your competitors, you should worry about your customer and how best to serve them, nothing more.

>> No.2773640

Dont be silly OP. Thats the name of the game putting others out of business to come out on top. If you make a better product and they dont change thier own to compete or atleast to be at the same level as you then theyre a shit show and deserve to be put out of business

>> No.2773703

Is this a real question? It's your moral duty to put shitty pizza places out of business

>> No.2774288

OP if you're still here try to use good sausage if you can.

I live in the city in the vicinity of many pizza places, good and bad. the most consistent indicator of how "good" a place is is how good their sausage is. rich, flavorful sausage with good texture and spices and something people never forget. processed, cheap bland sausage like you see at the big chain places makes me want to vomit.

>> No.2774317

You're not going to make it, OP because you don't have the killer instinct. You either kill or be killed.

>> No.2774913
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Chad always wins man. Chad always wins.

>> No.2774937

>How can I be happy if I am literally destroying people's livelihoods?


you cant have a soul in the pizza game desu

>> No.2774982
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Why not senpai?

>> No.2774991

When you make money, someone else has to be losing it. You'll get used to it, if you can't, you can always work for peanuts sucking Mr.GoldSteins dick.

>> No.2775106

absolutely under no circumstances open up a pizza place OP, you're just too fucking retarded and cucked out of your mind to be worthy of success in life

just go work on the shittiest pizza place in town, marry the fattest rednecks daghter and be sure you provide for your step sons and prep the bull always in time

>> No.2775130


You won't. They will upgrade their pizza techniques to out-pizza you instead. This is free market.

>> No.2775653
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this thread still up? LOL fucking pussy

guess roomie to the rescue

look at these women you fuckface. this is shit YOU said before. you want to fuck them and breed them?okay.

like another anon said MIGUEL THE BEANER will get them if you don't act

walter's going down regardless. YOUR fight is not with him. YOUR fight is with ALL the fucking miguel the beaners.

THEY will fuck the women. the women will choose THEM if you don't fucking fight you pussy.

YOU against MIGUEL! an honorable fight between 2 young adult human males. winner takes all. expect no mercy. show no mercy.

one guy WILL fuck these women. you or him? walter's dead anyway man. he knows it. free him from the suffering.



>> No.2775692

forgot to add fuckface this is what YOU said. there's no honor in letting yourself be destroyed

miguel is going to destroy you fucker

i remember your grandfather. worked from 6 am to midnight you pussy bitch not on 4chan shitposting

>> No.2775705
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Fuck you. Why do even stay with me? I should never have let you share the room you fucking shitbag.

I cant just start a business. Others will go out of business I don't want to be responsible for that.

>> No.2775729

sounds like a domestic is about to go down

remember, use good sausage

>> No.2775732

Oh look OP is re inventing the wheel. Come up with something different that the other pizza places dont do. You know to you it may be shit pizza, but somehow they are staying in business. So someone is buying it, unless its a front.

>> No.2775736
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kys fucking cuck. afraid of true potential fuck you. i'm moving out next week bitch. disgrace to gramps who you claim to honor so much pussy bitch

>> No.2775772

Is op having multiple personalities.

This is not fight club faggot op.

>> No.2775784

>Literal rednecks run these places. One place literally put bleach in the food. I know I can take them on.

but you won't be happy about sparing ppl from having to eat bleach

i think there's some other concerns here that you may not perfectly grasp
won't these 'rednecks' possibly fuck you up? aren't you actually gonna have to fuck someone over?
idk but the reason of your worries doesn't seem too genuine.

you clearly feel bad about making a pizza place, but i don't think your reason is actually that these people already running restaurants might have a harder life.

>> No.2775817
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op is a fucking faggot. this his roomie. he just left the house in anger lol

>> No.2775901

Food has shit margins with lots of risk- if you can afford a physical restaurant than there are better ways to invest your money.

>> No.2776212
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because you have to sell it to moloch if you want to succeed.

>> No.2776440

^ this

>> No.2776608

>companies that put bleach in their pizza will go out of business!
Oh no, how will humanity live on?

>> No.2776970

Ethical dilema? Are you retarded? If you think you have the best product then, ask yourself these questions
Is it ok to let other people sell their subpar product to other people when you can provide a better one?
Why would you deny other people of better products?
Is it ok to hinder progress?
The only way to progress is with competition, if no one competes against shit products then no one would advance