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2768033 No.2768033 [Reply] [Original]

A non scammy pyramid scheme:

Pay 10$ a month for the membership and get paid 4$ for each recruit you make. After recruiting 3 people you are already making profit and I am as well.
What is the issue with that? Each recruit needs to pay 10$ a month as well making it possible for me to pay the recruiters.
People don't lose huge amounts of money to bulk buys of some medical cancer healing soup or something, just a non physical membership.

Sounds too good to be true. What am I missing?

>> No.2768056 [DELETED] 

what a faggot cartoon. go away

>> No.2768088

Next you'll try to sell me Crypto.

>> No.2768089

Good try, Officer.

>> No.2768090

How about this.
Get people to pay you to teach them a great way to make money and then when they pay you tell them to sell them the system which they bought in the first place that is selling the system of selling systems to people.

I'm gonna be rich.

>> No.2768106

It's a fucking ponzi scheme and is illegal dumbass.

>> No.2768115

Just used some random pic, so, what about the thread itself.

Yeah, but I prefer full automation, since I'm a web developer setting up the site shouldn't be too hard. I am just wondering where the catch is? Why haven't I seem "my" scheme anywhere else?

>> No.2768140

But people are fully aware that their revenue is made by recruiting other people, which is not the point of a ponzi scheme since it hides the fact that their revenue is made by the newly recruited members who are loosing money themselves. I am also not acting like some trading expert what Mr. Ponzi did.

>> No.2768173

So it would just be a website that you send money to and then it takes you to another page that says "make a website that links people to this page after they pay you"

>> No.2768176

>non scammy
>pyramid schem

>> No.2768229

No, I am planning a fully working affiliate network with a dashboard, statistics and shit.

after getting your membership for 10$ a month, you will get your own referral link. You will then try to get people buy a membership using your referral link. For each membership trough your link you get a 4$ conversion. The people you referred will do the same and so on, filling my bags with loads of cash. At the bottom, people will loose money due to the lack of people to recruit, but we are talking about a 10$ loss per person here, not people going completely bancrupt like with other schemes, so I don't see a problem since a lot of people did actually make profits.

>> No.2768326


>> No.2768348

You serious nigga?

>> No.2768357

If someone went ahead and told me the godamn flaw in my logic, I would be really thankful.

>> No.2768400

it's illegal that's the flaw in your system

>> No.2768407


The same thing that's wrong with every pyramid scheme. It works great if you're the founder, or the first few iterations of participants.

The problem is that if each person in your example were to recruit 3 and only 3 new people, and it took each person one month to do so, you would run out of human beings on earth to recruit in less than 2 years.

>> No.2768409

Logic is sound, legality is unsound.

>> No.2768425

Great idea, just placed 100k aside for the ICO

>> No.2768442

Exactly, but since the loss is minimal (10$) it shouldn't be too risky to get involved and try your luck.

>> No.2768446


Also people are not stupid and will not pay $10 a month when they know their money is just paying the guy/girl above them.

>> No.2768466

Nobody will give a shit about where their 10 bucks go, everyone will try to make profits by recruiting more people and make more than 10 bucks.

>> No.2768499

So when a new recruit comes in and pays their first $10, I get $4. Where does the other $6 go? To you?

>> No.2768523

Exactly, to the top of the pyramid.

>> No.2768595


And you think people either won't figure that out, or will willingly give you $10 monthly plus $6 per recruit for the opportunity to make $4?

You better have some really stupid friends. A lot of them.

>> No.2768633

You know, I could also give them 6$ and take 4$ for myself. This was just an rough idea.

And they don't "give" me 6$, the 6$ comes from the people they recruit, not from the recruiters, they will never need to pay anything besides the 10$ membership cost.

>> No.2768832

this thread is stupid

>> No.2768972

I still think it can be extremely profitable, even if not legal.

>> No.2769056

Reminds me of those apps to earn money where you won't be really earning anything unless you invite people to join the app.

>> No.2769140

That's not a pyramid scheme, that's just retarded.

You're begging and then convincing others to beg and give you a bit of what they beg. How about instead you just figure out something people want and give it to them for 10 dollars?

Otherwise why do they need to give you the 10 dollars? Once they realize you do nothing for them they can just tell you to fuck off and collect 10 dollars without paying you a cut. That's why pyramid schemes have some kind of bs product attached to them; so people feel like you've already done all the work and now there just doing the easy shit (which is wrong but people are retarded).

Also, in a pyramid scheme you should be collecting a little bit from EVERYONE beneath you, not just two levels down. You'll never get rich off your handful of followers when you're only gonna get like 90 bucks a month total. You need to set the profitability number based on the persons level in the system (you only need one person, each person below you only needs two people etc..), then have a percentage based system that goes all the way up the chain. That way you only get a buck or so from each member, but the the volume of people participating makes you rich.

I can tell from the fact that you read cyanide and happiness (and I don't want to disparage those with your condition) that you have some kind of severe brain disorder but jesus christ this idea is dumb even for cyanide fans.

>> No.2769253

I am totally aware of that you smartass.

If you would have read all of my replies you would have known that I plan a fully working affiliate network. I will get 6 dollars from EVERY membership in my network, not just from the few people below me.

The people below me simply get 4$ per membership trough their url.

And I tought about binding a product to my network. But the promise the make money yourself IS the product, I will advertise this whole network on making money by advertising more people yourself.

You know, the thing is. Usually when sites offer payments per registrations, even with paid services, the comission is incredibly small, like 5% at best.
Now we have my site which gives you nearly 50% of the membership cost. This will keep peoples interest.

And no, you can't just collect 10 bucks on your own. Without the promise to be able to make money yourself after aquiring membership, no one will spend money on you. The hope of making money yourself by paying for a membership will keep a constant flow of new members.

This is my plan, an I don't read C&H, I just took some random pic I saved from other threads.

>> No.2769260

Awesome! Bought 100k

>> No.2769282

This is the dumbest thing on earth. No one will fall for this because they would say "why the fuck am I paying you $10 to go ask my friends to pay me $10." They could just go ask people for $10 themselves. They don't NEED you.

You are stupid if you think this is a good idea. If you have that many people in your group of friends willing to give you $10, why make it a pyramid scheme at all? Why not just convince everyone around you to give you $10?

You might as well just sell some stupid food or oil or toy for $10 and make this an MLM so people will HAVE TO pay it to you. Paying you $10 in return for the chance to get other people to pay them $10 is the most fucking retarded thing I have ever heard of in my life. You are stupid.

>> No.2769350

Like I said many times before.
You don't simply talk people into spending 10$ on you.
You talk people into spending 10$ on you with a chance to make double the money they spend on you, you are giving them a chance on huge profits without any major risk.

Also, To correct myself. They aren't spending 10$ on YOU. They are spending 10$ on the system aka the affiliate network from which you get a commission.

The hope in making money yourself after aquring membership IS the product.

"Pay 10$ for no reason whatsoever"
"Pay 10$, get other people to pay 10$ and make 20$".

Also, I will be the guy who provides the network and the tools for all of this to work autonomously and automaticly.

>> No.2769398

>the system
The system is "ask your friends for money." No one is so fucking stupid that they will just give you $10. If people want to blow $10 in the hopes of making FUCKING $4 they can go to a casino and at least have a cocktail waitress flirt with them while they blow their money.

> If someone went ahead and told me the godamn flaw in my logic, I would be really thankful.

We all have. You are a fucking stupid faggot. That's the flaw. This is a dumbass idea and won't work. It's illegal, on top of that, so fuck you for that, too. Now shut the fuck up with this stupid idea.

>> No.2769432

Math is difficult.
3 people -> 9 people -> 27 people...3^21 = 10trillion.

It can only link 21 times before there are no more people on the planet able to buy into it.

Realistically it can only like 9 times (nine) before everyone in the usa has it

>> No.2769533

You know OP, if you are a coder, just create a stupid shitty phone game.
Less than a day of work, and advert will give you bucks...

>> No.2769590

Payment is dependant on continuous recruiting. Once it slows down, owners usually take the money and run whilst leaving many without their promised returns.

Whilst you are right that many people are away of the risks, owners still make a promise which they are held to. They are illegal for a reason and grossly misrepresent the true nature of the scheme.

>> No.2769739

>If you would have read all of my replies you would have known that I plan a fully working affiliate network. I will get 6 dollars from EVERY membership in my network, not just from the few people below me.

>The people below me simply get 4$ per membership trough their url.

okay, a referral system. It will still run into the same problem a pyramid scheme will (no more people left to find, so it collapses) but its such a low number and you're going to make such a small amount of money relatively that its probably not worth the jail time.

>> No.2769783

>And I tought about binding a product to my network. But the promise the make money yourself IS the product, I will advertise this whole network on making money by advertising more people yourself.

Obviously. That's why I said "BS product" not "product"

>You know, the thing is. Usually when sites offer payments per registrations, even with paid services, the comission is incredibly small, like 5% at best.
>Now we have my site which gives you nearly 50% of the membership cost. This will keep peoples interest.

That's because usually referral systems are based on a business which is looking to make money and draws people in with their product.

>And no, you can't just collect 10 bucks on your own. Without the promise to be able to make money yourself after aquiring membership, no one will spend money on you.

Tell that to patreon. Tell that to gofundme. Go tell that to the bums I nearly run over every goddamn day.

>The hope of making money yourself by paying for a membership will keep a constant flow of new members.

No, there wont be a "constant flow" because there's not an infinite number of people and once the well drys up you'll have a bunch of people looking for 3 recruits that don't exist. Those will be the ones who fund your business and they're the ones who will take you to court.

>This is my plan, an I don't read C&H, I just took some random pic I saved from other threads.

if you say so.

>> No.2769804

and actually much less because not everyone on earth is going to be willing to get in on it because they've heard what a pyramid scheme is. Also the lethargic who don't do anything except work or leech.

>> No.2769903

OP actually take the time to read these posts and understand what they're saying. You're also overlooking the fact that most affiliate marketing is free to enter, and with no name brand recognition, you won't compel buyers

>> No.2769955

wow look at OP with his new and original ideas that have never been done before

>> No.2769973
File: 69 KB, 657x650, 1475441140462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP finds a way to become a millionaire with minimal effort
>bitter cuckoiners are mad at him
you're too smart for this board OP, go out there and make your dreams come true

>> No.2770002
File: 772 KB, 800x801, IMG_4022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, what you're describing in a way is a ROSCA. It's been going on for centuries in the east and down in Mexico.

>> No.2770302

>I just took it from some random thread I found earlier

Interesting coincidence that the same comic is on ifunny right now. You wouldn't be lying on the internet, would you friends :^)

>> No.2770333

Don't a lot of places do that? Like I think AVON and ItWorks? Jon oliver did a thing on them, exposing that any business set up like that is a massive pyramid scheme.

>> No.2770344

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6MwGeOm8iI basically this

>> No.2770572

Fucking this

>> No.2770611

t. Tim Ferris

>> No.2770631

Would people really go for that? Fuck that, I have a better idea.

You create a fake crypto coin and a fake "exchange" website. You fix the price so that it doubles every 30 days. People basically pay you for thin air, and whenever someone wants to sell you just use other people's money. It works as long as more people continuously sign up.

When you exit you just disable selling for a few days, let people keep paying until they figure out you're just pocketing the money. This is all in cash, not bitcoin, so you can just take the money and run.

>> No.2770687



It's actually even worse than this.

Every member (not just the new members) must recruit 3 new members every month in order to stay above water (because they're paying $10/mo to be a "member"). So it's not a standard geometric progression.

Instead of the total members being 3^x, it's actually 4^(x-1), which accrues even faster.

>> No.2770711
File: 45 KB, 640x480, IMG_0852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2771054

>What am I missing?

This been tried by other people already. Ever heard of Amway?

>> No.2771137

The flaw is that it needs a exponential increase in demand, therefor you will soon need a infinite amount of people to support the base of you "business" model, at which point you "business" will fall onto itself.
Plus it's illegal.

>> No.2771142
File: 153 KB, 768x768, 1491430623938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what happening right now, isnt it?

>> No.2772165

Yep, it will eventually collapse, but I just need to make enougj money before that happens.

>> No.2773133


>> No.2773371

I also should mention, I live in Germany. A country in which murderers serve 15 years at max. Cybercrime is treated even nicer and barely anyone gets jailtime for pyramid schemes. So I am not worrying too much about that.

>> No.2773425

Yes unless legislated into single-payer healthcare or payg pension system monopolies, in which case we're talking (((civilisational progress)))
At least regular ponzies are idiot tax and voluntary but there's no opt-out for authoritarian state ponzies

>> No.2774402
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>but we are talking about a 10$ loss per person here
Multiplied by the number at the bottom, that's a large sum.

>I don't see a problem
When each of those people at the bottom reported you for scamming, that's a huge problem.