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File: 134 KB, 1307x762, market manipulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27586015 No.27586015 [Reply] [Original]

Is this legal>?

>> No.27586102

Irrelevant, what matters is who makes the laws.

>> No.27586113

roger thanks anon

>> No.27586152

>that close to 100% of GME is owned by these companies
well does it include lended stocks twice? cuz then it doesn't have to be 100% in real terms, by far.

>> No.27586205

Generally if you have to ask if something is legal it isn't.

>> No.27586252
File: 54 KB, 1001x675, 1609502557104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a goyim word.

>> No.27586362

its not but the SEC doesnt give a shit
GME is going back to 3$

>> No.27586875

since when did you start to care about laws. Get your BOND, pay taxes on your gains. Live happily ever after and drive the car on the road that is financed by your tax payments

>> No.27586910


>> No.27586915

Dudes an idiot. Shorts settle 31 days from the Saturday after the short contract is closed from sell. Which is Friday aftermarket.

>> No.27586960

what porn is this

>> No.27587369

Not unless you own the nation's central bank. What's that quote again?

>> No.27587378

There's a number of problems with this. They can simply fuck up retail's trading platforms and choose to sell all their shares without permission 'for their own protection'. They can give the GameStop board an offer they can't refuse, and order them to print out tens of millions of extra shares and sell them. Finally they own the politicians and can just have laws passed to fuck the shareholders and forcibly transfer their shares that way. They are 'too big to fail', the entire system will collaborate to plug the hole.

This is why we were pushing physical silver, since it wouldn't be that hard to force them into default that way and they can't use Jew magicks to vaporize the silver bullion out of your hands like they can with stocks. Unfortunately Reddit is fucking stupid and thinks $SLV is silver, so they're not going to be any help with that.

>> No.27587471

No idea, but in this case the same people that are committing the crime also happen to own the central bank, the justice system, media and all the politicians.

>> No.27588425
File: 165 KB, 595x842, 1611940658882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That should motivate you, not discourage you!
Theoretically, could we turn the screws on the ones committing this fraud by transferring shares out of Robinhood to another brokerage? That's something that would go through one or more clearing houses, and if the transfers add up to more stock than is supposedly held, somebody is busted. Conversely, it could just muddy the water and make it harder to actually track what is going on. Just kinda throwing ideas out here.