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27539957 No.27539957 [Reply] [Original]

Hello everyone,
I'm a legit Investment Banker working for santander.

I just finished working 5 minutes ago. Almost 18h Today.

I've been into crypto since 2014. I've been to around 30 conferences about Crypto and Tech and know all about it.

Ask me anything you want.

>> No.27540067

Most informative media/documentaries/books on crypto and stock market overall?

>> No.27540165

In what crypto do you have the most money. Also post hands.

>> No.27540169

what shoe size do you have

>> No.27540203

Thoughts on Chainlink?

>> No.27540239


What is an investment bank?

>> No.27540240

what is the next big thing in crypto?

>> No.27540259

>legit investment bank
>shitty meme third tier euro bank
HR wouldn’t even forward me your resume champ.

>> No.27540302

what do i buy to sell 5 years later

>> No.27540373

How are you implementing crypto into client's portfolios? Are you yet? If so, how does this work?

>> No.27540450

Thoughts on:

Also, what defi coins do you think will actually be around in the next couple of years (I.e. AAVE,Compound, etc.)

>> No.27540466

sup bro would you kindly tell me your opinion on bnb ? should I sell this $55 bullrun or does it have momentum to get to $75 in the next few months ?

ive been in crypto a long time but im blinded by the gains rn and having trouble thinking objectively

>> No.27540545


Is crypto real, or just something where 10 people put 10 bucks in a hat and whoever grabs the 100 bucks first gets to keep it?

>> No.27540553

fuck coins
acquire mustang

>> No.27540577

Is it wise to use a e-wallet to trade crypto directly from my bank or would that rape me with fees?

Santander here.

>> No.27540602

i posted canadian fucking prices mb, basically bnb go up another 15-20 americans from the price its at now within a few months ?

>> No.27540714

its real bro, read the bitcoin whitepaper. its a version of a decentralized currency that solves the double spend problem. its objectively a unique identity and not arbitrary lines of code.

>> No.27540798

When you are checking media, you want to know basically what the regulators and think tanks are saying about this. Mainly the SEC, ECB, BIS. This is the most reliable source for the future.
The future IS digital. The covid bullshit was a way to force the hand of the industries to go digital. And this means crypto in general.

Stocks and markets are difficult. You really have to find your niche and stick to it. That means, if you are good as a price action trader, dont EVER pick a book on M&A because you don't need it and it'll just add noise in your head. Best investment advice is, "dont ever put yourself in a position that you can't get out from". That goes for anything in life too. Best investment books? I'd say most are obsolete because the new generation gives a rats ass about traditional investments. Read the experience economy.

BTC, ETH, Chainlink.
60, 20, 20.
I hold shit coins too and defi, but I don't consider that the main portfolio. As that could blow up. It wont. But It very well could.

Most likely to be number 3 behind ETH. I don't know about price predictions, but following the network effect and that it is being used by big big players in the real world, it's a very safe and STILL lucrative bet. Very lucrative.

>> No.27541743

There is an investment advice that never grows old. Follow the money (except Melvin Capital's money). What are the players getting into Crypto right now saying? Like Mark Cuban?
They are looking heavily into DeFI and NFT's. Both of these will rise in price very harshly in the incoming alt season. And yes, we still haven't gotten a real alt season. Just venture capital flipping defi season, which is NOT an alt season. Alt season ALWAYS comes after ETH takes some dominance of the market.
Of the NFT's yet to make a move, and that are in the mid range, I would look at Bondly.

DOT. ETH. Chainlink.
The market is more mature than in 2016, but look at the coins from back then. They are all shit. The same could happen here. So for a 5 year locked investment you need a very strong case. So Chainlink, DOT, ETH and BTC would be the only choice. Everything else is too risky. Perhaps some bluechip defi. Even that is risky.

Don't underestimate anything good man.
Basically M&A

45. Why.

I do mainly M&A. So I don't touch too many clients portfolios from an Asset Management pov. But there are clients demanding gateways and BTC mainly. So this year, towards the end of winter, start of spring, you'll start seeing banks allocating some client money into BTC. More so than before. However, it's hard as regulations don't allow you to do so under the regulations. Mainly regulations look at volatility of the assets, because if it's too volatile and everyone has BTC, and BTC does a casual 30% crash, the Bank goes down. And perhaps the whole system. So at most, 1% of total capital will be set there.

>> No.27542008

What shitcoins and defi tokens do you have right now? Also what's your net worth?

>> No.27542248

I would get rid of PNK. It had its run. Realize that it IS a venture. Meaning, a company that is trying to break into a VERY institutionalized sector. Even if it suceeds, it wont take over the system. IMHO. All else is good. Link, BTC, ETH and GRT are quite reliable in terms of performance this year.

Yes, most likely it will get to 75. But may I ask, why are you in BNB in the first place? In a bull run, all the market goes up. But if you are after gains, you really want to position yourself into NFT's and Defi for the bull run.

Yes. I have the option to buy a Elanor. should I senpai?

I don't work for that part, but most likely yes. Altough you can always tell the bank to charge the fees to themselves. If you have enough money, they'll say "oh sorry sir". But with so many good exchanges out there, why would you trade with your e-wallet?

>> No.27542517
File: 59 KB, 500x640, Memphis-Raines-Gone-60-Seconds-Nicolas-Cage-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice car

>> No.27542697

Post your portfolios or you're just a larping faggot

>> No.27542797

What is this question. Yes crypto is real. Mainly mathematical protocols. It's as real as you can get.

My net worth is not crazy. Just over 3 milion.
Shitcoins, without including Link, ETH, and BTC nor Dot.

Aave, Sushi, Uni, 88mph
for NFT's I'm in Rarible and Bondly. These two are very high risk.

And that's all. I don't want to spread too thin.

>> No.27542886

I started with Merrill’s followed Anshu to DB then won’t say where I finished as that could dox me. Santander is an absolute joke tier. Calling yourself an investment banker is embarrassing, your CIB is literal meme tier.

>> No.27543052

What do you think about Cardano?

>> No.27543095

what's the regulations on crypto funds/ investment company's?

>> No.27543419

What do you think about the whole Tether issue that's a topic currently? How much will we tank when it turns out to be true?

>> No.27543641

Fuck that's a kino car

>> No.27544109

I can flaunt too my man. I brokered mergers for the the kingdom of UAE and for SA. Also for Belgian royalty. Was offered to marry a princess of Linchestien. I work here because of political reasons.
But I do agree, Santander is shit compared to others. But I'm not in it to become a slave. I'm in it because of certain connections I have to do.

Mainly check the sec of each country. Check how Risk is calculated in each country (usually VaR), which means high volatility increases risk premiums which makes funds have to derisk. This is why the GME thing is creating waves, because VXX started making moves meaning risk went up. Then deleveraging is necessary. In other words, demand for dollar might go up.

If it turns out to be true it'll be a huge blow. No idea beyond that. XRP on the 23rd will be interesting. I think XRP loses. Which creates a precedent for Crypto pump and dump scams.

>> No.27544411

>Was offered to marry a princess of Linchestien
>choosing to not marry a trap

>> No.27544488

What is the best resource for learning more, and is scalping an effective strategy if I have very little money starting out?

>> No.27544806

If you knew... Was even offered to marry a princess from SA and some sultans Lebanese daughter. These countries have the most repressed women, and they are all after European passports. If you have money, you are basically Hercules for them.

Honestly it's hard to learn trading without a mentor. I'd say look into Price Action trading for crypto, as it has very few drivers and it seems to work out well as far as I've been told.

How little is little money?

>> No.27544840

thank you bank brother.

i have a 110iq, not the best for financial decisions. i went all in when bnb was 13 about a year ago which was my last crypto move

im just trying to make 10 000 so i dont have to be homeless anymore but i cant cash out for less than that.

>> No.27544893

Value of CFA in your division?

>> No.27544990

>How little is little money?
$100 more or less.

>> No.27545378

Re: NFTs. Your thoughts on FLOW and ROCKI?

>> No.27545400

Where I work, with the precise position I have, little. CFA is mainly used to go up in the corporate ladder. But for what I do I don't really need it.

That is indeed very low. Can you get more money out of somewhere?

>> No.27545625

Your take on GME? Please.

I think the big players behind the funds are fucking people.

The people get out, but they stay in. Always.

Still overshorted.

I saw the public (!) data. Institutional ownership of GME representated by 126%, 26% overrepresentation. I saw this BEFORE GME went to 400$+, hell even before 200$.

I thought i was reading bullshit.

On top of those 126% come the banks with 100% (lol) and then retail/free market with about 18%.

thats almost 250% (244) representation of GME like the initial redditors reported. this means there are INSANE amounts of stock being shorted, which did not even exist in the first place.

IMPOSSIBLE to get out of. i dont believe Melvin C. bankrupted themselves by covering at 200$+ in just one day. Trade volume would have exploded.

>> No.27545684

Nice larp but they threw the Sephardrim out of Spain centuries ago.

>> No.27545732

>meme sov wealth deals
Don’t bullshit mate, from your posts I guarantee you are VP at highest probably associate. You were either a pitch monkey or at best an analyst zoo handler. Don’t lie. We both know that’s true.

>> No.27545809

I believe him. Nobody would lie about actually working at Santander

>> No.27545993

when will bitcoin hit 400k do you think?

>> No.27546116

Didn't you guys go bankrupt in 2015ish? I was in one of your offices on Lexington (I think) around then.

>> No.27546199

I have $20.
Where to invest i need to be millionaire by end of week pleas sir

>> No.27546657

Do you see the crypto and stock market taking a big hit or just inflating into oblivion as the USD circles the drain? Also how long until LINK moons? I have a feeling things are moving much faster and it could only be another year or two until we see ridiculous valuations, but I'm also a fucking retard.

>> No.27546886

Opinion on the effects of Defi and DEX's?


Looking at add AAVE

>> No.27546926

I can't believe no one has asked this yet.
Any assessment on Avalanche, have you looked into it at all?

>> No.27547052

I don't really have a question, but I've never met an investment banker before

What is your favorite colour?

>> No.27547358
File: 98 KB, 1200x905, star-wars-jar-jarjpg-bb74e9d700d8daed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on ALGO?
Very quick, low cost transactions, modest 7.4% APY, price has risen steadily without massive pumps and dumps. Decent roadmap for the future, governance planned with token locks and increased rewards, etc. Current mcap under $1B, seems like room to grow in this sector. What am I missing here?
Here's a jar-jar for your trouble.

>> No.27547454

I have little idea about rocki. I don't think it'll work. The music business is very much tied to labels and royalties and I don't think NFT's solve this but I have no idea about this sector.

Melvin Capital and most wall street are criminals bending the rules to print money. Shorting the stock market in the fashion they did is just money printing. They Most likely are fucked. But the thing, Melvin is not the market. Price is dictated by the decision to sell and to buy of two participants. If everyone falls for the easy money, they'll get out of it. If not, they wont be able to get out.

The option contracts at these levels don't get settled usually after some days. And since there is so much volatility, for sure it wont be automatic. They're fucked anyway. I think Cohens wife asked for a divorce. Usually asset managers suggest this to save part of the assets (since the wife can take half of everything) and are not up for grabs. But I'm sure they pulled something out of the top hat.

What. Spain is filled by jews.

KEK. True. Nobody would lie about working here. I consider myself lucky. I've seen more than I would of bet. So what does it matter? I've also done wall street and partied inside the UN every friday. But it gets old. Call me when you get flown to UAE to broker a deal with 5 men with golden swords. I respect your choice, and it's a good one, but It got old for me. Manhattan must be a girm place now.

JP Morgan says this year, so most likely in the next three years. Depends on the end of JUne frenzy though.

Sooner than you think for Link.
Stocks will take a huge hit if risk premiums go up (vol goes up). BTC would also take a hit form dxy going up. But we'll see retarded valuations soon.

Most likely in this bull market, anything defi moons. Even Pickle.

Navy Blue.

>> No.27547523

Fucking kek. This is so true. If you ever want to bullshit just say you’re a banker at Santander or RBS, no one will ever think you’re lying.

>> No.27547541

As most coins, its another venture that in a bull market will do great. I'd derisk after alt season.

>> No.27547670

do me a favor and dump btc 40% so i can wholecoin

>> No.27547738

Do you see the dress as blue and black or gold and white?

>> No.27547743

Look mate, I’m not having a go, just saying go easy on the “I’m an investment banker” schtick. It’s Santander m&a, that’s like saying you’re a professional basketballer in the North Korean leagues.
>i party in the UN every Friday
And we have it, gave you the benefit of the doubt but you’re a total faggot.

>> No.27548135

do you see a currency crises any time soon?
i know you see btc going up 10x, but how will dollar perform vs other currencies in your opinion. seems everyone is printing money

>> No.27548350

Bondly is pure shit

>> No.27548556

By saying that, you confirm you're unware of what goes on there. That's why you'll never get high political cases. But you'll sure make a lot of dough. And no, not a faggot.

Currencies are being burnt. Look at emerging markets. All countries will be like Brazil in the end. Thats the goal.

Agree, but they have a few things that will take place this month as far as I've been told. You can screencap this, I'll doxx myself.

>> No.27548697

When you're looking for crypto investments, how do you sort the good from the bad?

Have you ever done any shitcoin flipping?

>> No.27548833

Absolute smooth brain when it comes to /biz/
Archiving this thread for future brainlets like myself. Thanks for stopping by anon.

>> No.27548968

>finish an 18h workday 5m ago
>first thing I’ll do is an AMA on biz
Why are you a faggit?

>> No.27549030

I’ve already retired champ. In the markets 95 to 13. Be whoever you want to be but I’m going to call you out when you bullshit. You aren’t brokering sovereign wealth deals. You’re at best a vp on a deal team most likely an associate. At best you tell your analysts what your MD wants in the pitchbook at worst you’ve got some asshole vp whipping you to get the latest updates to the pitchbook. We both know this is empathetically true so don’t lie.

>> No.27549391
File: 122 KB, 1008x228, Screenshot from 2021-02-02 19-47-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your opinion on these Investment trusts? I'm beginning to see more of these pop up in IPOs and there seems to be a demands for them.

What do you think of Silver right now?

What is your favorite food?

>> No.27549438

One more question since I doubt many will see this thread,
Mina protocol?

>> No.27549573

Have you looked into iexec?

>> No.27549987

Why Rari? Whats going to make it pump?

>> No.27550004

I live in Europe.

It's 1.45 AM.

I don't have time to flip shitcoins. Mainly segregate between what can survive the next bear and what cant. Meaning, find the bluechips and invest in them. For example, DOT will for sure do a x10 from here, at least. So will link.

But realize what projects are consolidated and which ones are "taking off". Meaning, UNI vs BTC in terms of consolidation. Which one do you deem to be more mature?
Also, I've repeated this, you have to understand that all of the crypto market are tech ventures.

So you got fired in the 13 mini crisis. Great.
Forced to retire because can't stop talking about vietnam boomer. Are you Peter Schiff?
I for sure, have worked in higher stakes deals than you have. It really doesn't get any bigger than working for certain banks. I tried leaving some clues to you, but you are a corporate american fool. You were forcefully retired or you were fired. Why else would you be on biz chasing shit coins after wall street? You're at least 50. What the fuck are you doing here?

Silver wont pop like GME. IMHO. It might but the premiums are too damn high and moving silver is harder than moving stock contracts. So premiums in times of demand sky rocket which halt buying.

Good that there are more trusts and gateways into crypto. It'll mean more institutional money flowing in. Good for liquidity overall.

Honestly, no clue.

Yeah, another venture, not gonna risk it.

>> No.27550017

What’s your opinion on xsn? Also is 1 BTC going be enough for a comfy life in 10 years?

>> No.27550083
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What do you think of Reef? And can poorfags like me make a living off crypto/build up net worth off crypto?

>> No.27550091

The one I got some insider info is on Bondly. Rari is more of a seure bet for NFTs.

>> No.27550136

>> So you got fired in the 13 mini crisis. Great.

lmao, fucking owned

>> No.27550226

I have a 3 year gap in my CV and I need a job in finance. Can you help?

>> No.27550268

If they don't kill you first, yes. meaning the governments.

Heard stuff about reef, but i never fully looked into it.

Anything that has to do with Defi will pop in the alt season (post ETH pump)

>> No.27550350

I want to fuck that automobile.

>> No.27550512
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Thanks op. One more thing.

What's your take on the Great Reset?

>> No.27550756

3 year gap year. KEK. That's harsh. Accept that you have to climb back into it and the gates wont open. Where do you live?
The easiest way back in is through education. Bootcamps to master degrees. IF you got the money pay for a good one and DONT SLACK. Thats the best I can tell you from here without knowing your position. There are TONS of bootcamps available. Once you are done with "revamping your skills" you can hire a job hunter to search for a job for you. And that'll get you on your feet.
But dont slack.

They are fucking fools and quite honestly deserve to be beheaded. Most likely they wont be able to do what they need to do as there is a lot of resistence already. However, they've achieved a great following already. We will see an increase in Climate Change mongering now. Its all about funneling money. Same as big banks. Its all about funneling drug money

>> No.27550974

I've been working for a year now as a software engineer in Europe on one of the biggest clouds in the world, but it pays like shit, how do I escape this technical career path and become a millionaire?
What would you buy right now with 10k € to make 100k by end of this year? So what are your "fuck 10k if it moons it moons, if not then whatever" investments?

>> No.27551035

how fucked is retail on amc and gme? any pity pump for the little guys?

>> No.27551085

Check what sector in finance you want to do. There are a lot of jobs in treasury management at the moment and its not too hard to do. Coprorate finance as well but its a bit harsher in terms of competition.

I would say get a FRM designation and try to get some bootcamp related to whatever you want to do. FRM is quite easy to get.

>> No.27551108

But what's the point of holding Rari? Like I get that the platform will do well and have increased volume, but I don't understand what the point of holding the token is. Is it going to pump? It's not even 50% ATH.

>> No.27551249

oh and how confident are you in your Bondly prediction, are we talking 2x or something like 75x? are you just trying to dig yourself out of a shitty investment or are you serious about Bondly? There are many coins with epic partnerships but they do nothing (for example DIA)

>> No.27551342

>18 hour work day
why are you working in a brainlet boomer profession like investment banking when you could make much more $/hour in software?

>> No.27551415

Mina has a 22kb blockchain, ouroboros samisaka, SNARK powered dapps, etc. Interesting project that isn't in mainnet yet.

>> No.27551905

Anything will make you 100k if the market plays out like the big cats think it'll play out. ETH, LINK, DOT. Defi will mega pump in the alt season. Other than this I'm not an expert in market momentum

Most likely a bad bet in my part. I knew little and was told some catalysts were coming for it, the same for bondly, but I may have been duped. Who knows. It's all speculation in the end for me regarding crypto.

I don't have too much in bondly to be honest, and would be able to leave quickly if that was the case. Im 100% sure about their partnerhsips, but I do agree with you, price does whatever it wants. I do not know if itll be enough. I hope so. I'm not betting my house on it.

It seems a very 2017 type of coin.

With hindsight, true. But I was very lucky and had the chance to do things very few people in the world have. Altough the pay was shit. I hinted it in my little brawl with the wall street boomer, but I've been able to meet very illustrous people of our time and worked with very, very old institutions. Older than all of us.

Im going to sleep buds. If Bondly makes a move I'll be back with another aesthetic car.
If you have more questions, on how to make it in finance, how to get education in finance or whatever finance related, I'll try to get back to you all next time.

>> No.27552020

what would banks like to see if im approaching them for a 1m loan on a M&A? Talking about things like ebitda, balance sheet.etc

>> No.27552052
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goodnight anon, it was a very interesting thread!

>> No.27552241

I made enough money to retire, haven’t worn a suit since. No one should do over 20 years unless they are a chump or obsessed with status.
>bear market
I was cross wall dcm. It’s lay-off proof.
I started moving into crypto in 2013 then finally got it by 2017 upping it to 20% of my wealth. Interest rates have been non existent for a decade, if you want passive yield income nothing comes close to what you can make staking in crypto. That’s why I browse biz. I don’t often post bar a few avax or reef threads of late but your bullshitting caught my eye. Note you ignore every time I mention you are most likely an associate (or whatever the Santander equivalent is).

>> No.27552412

Thanks for quality, non-larp thread.

Would like to see some price predictions for Link next time.

>> No.27552823

Please suggest your best source(s) of centralized information for someone just wanting to learn crypto investing and/or 'day trading'(?)
i know bare basic or traditional trading, not much else.
i'm not afraid to put in the work, but i'm also not looking for the first bit of serious info to pre-req some sort of degree.

thanks for your time, and continued success to you.

>> No.27552963

You say you hold BTC/ETH/LINK at 60/20/20 -- I was thinking the same thing. Any reason to be wary of moving half or more of my IRA out of index funds and into that position for the long term?

>> No.27553015

It's also unscalable.

>> No.27553083

That was my dream car growing up, I'll never get one even a 68-69 Mach 1 (Actually better imo)

Both beautiful pieces of art.

>> No.27553532

thoughts on XRP? and the 2k meme

>> No.27553730
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Not shilling it btw, just something I've looked into. Thanks for the responses, good luck to you this year.

>> No.27554042

the international bar at the UN is based and it's crazy the amount of ethnic pussy you can get by working as a low level diplomat in NYC. the most beautiful educated horny women from all around the world, all in one place. everyone is wearing those politico dresses. HNNNNNggg

>> No.27554188

imagine getting this buttblasted as a retired old man on a nigerian smartphone recycling forum hahahahahahahahahah

>> No.27554461 [DELETED] 
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what's your favorite bar in the city you live in? i like your advice so i'm going to try to find you irl when i travel in europe next year

what does your personal life look like? married? single? how does the money affect it?

and if you were 20 years old today would you go back into IB again?

>> No.27554873

What about CBDCs? There are more and more talks about them and it seems like every country will have one soon. Do you have any bets on ((great reset))?

>> No.27555069
File: 87 KB, 539x318, US-ABS-subprime-auto-loan-delinquencies-2019-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO aren't you guys literally about to blow up at any moment if a liquidity event happens because of all the delinquent auto loans?

>> No.27555163

Why can't you spell Liechtenstein? Or even correctly spell it phonetically?

These posts are exhausting.

>> No.27555277
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thank u for the info friend

>> No.27556204


>> No.27556772

Whats your opinion on XRP? I keep seeing their generals and they seem to have some traction in terms of institutional banks involved.

>> No.27556966

ehaz goes on in the UN?
Have any of the cabal elites confided their plans to you?

>> No.27557377

why is poop brown

>> No.27558368

When Santander going under?

>> No.27558445

If you're an investment banker, post your most expensive pen, with timestamp.

>> No.27559362

nice, that means i am a smart boy because rarible was my main choice for shitcoin. I nned to get some balls and start invseting real money. I'm great at this.

>> No.27560065
File: 48 KB, 516x654, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon but I'm calling larp
you've been in crypto for so long and are supposedly very informed, yet invest into the defi bubble and other shitcoins
I've been here only since 2017 and already am extremely proficient in picking good crypto projects, yet you don't mention any of them