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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2751782 No.2751782 [Reply] [Original]

>buy fake currency controlled by the black market and subject to the whims of any two-bit hacker
>lose all your money
>cry on /biz/

No sympathy from me.

>> No.2751840

nobody wants your faggy sympathy

>> No.2751865
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I bet you wish you had my money though

>> No.2751930

25% in crypto
25% in Silver
10% in Oil
40% in fiat

>> No.2752002
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>if you had shit coins in an exchange he might literally be able to steal it without repercussions.
>mt. Gox

>> No.2752105
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>fake currency
>controlled by the black market

Neither of those things are true, objectively.

>Hackerz caused this mass sell off

I'm still in the green faggot and I paid for two vacations a dope ass desktop and have been eating like a king. This all happened in less than 4 months. I hope this dip lasts until the end of summer or even longer. Please lord please delay blockchain technology for another 2 years so I can accumulate more of these things.

Not even a month ago people were posting here about how upset they were that they missed the gay rocket to the faggot moon. Literally crying about the market being as legit as the fucking NYSE and pretending to know what the fuck was happening.

Nobody knows what just happened but I know that this is just an insanely quick and huge correction for the insanely quick and huge bull run we had. The crypto bros need to get their act together. The only reason the market is down is because everyone has been panic selling for fucking weeks now. If we treated it like a legitimate entity, these things wouldn't happen.

How many of you have made a BTC/ETH/LTC transaction for services rendered with a real human being that you know since you first started buying this shit? That's the problem. We aren't even playing with our new toy. The bitcoin world is just some fat old sperg collecting star wars figures and keeping them in the box to sell later.

Get a grip and stop trying to day trade while you're swimming down a waterfall. Find a few coins that you know and trust and hold them for the next month.

Sometimes I miss the old /biz/

>> No.2752442

Not mad

Iron hands here

Lamboland 2019

>> No.2752491

Lads like you make the best funerals

>> No.2752544

>told myself literally multiple times in the past month to start investing or day trading in crypto
>too lazy to do jack
>see 14 % drop today in Eth