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27435424 No.27435424 [Reply] [Original]

a lot of people say it's about sending a message and shit but I think they're just trying to push this idea as they're in it for the money, thoughts? I assume this is something even an 80iq person would assume

especialy those in the red would probably push this idea because they're in denial and scared

not saying hedges have no risk but the reaction seems pretty basic

>> No.27436030

it's just a game of hodling vs shorting. if you look at it the hedgies will just keep shorting $gme thinking that there will come a point when when hodlers give up and sell, but if the hodlers keep hodling $gme will skyrocket and that's when things are going to be really interesting cuz at the end one of them will have to give up.

>> No.27436239

I'd be more optimistic about this game if there were concrete numbers, like how many people need to hold, how long and such, so far to me it seems no one has any idea and people say hold a month or hold a week etc.

if it's all based on a hunch of it eventually having to happen as long as everyone is on it, then I have little faith in it as I find it hard to believe people can unite on a goal like this without having anything specific to look forward to

>> No.27436541

People just want the money. If it was about sending a message, they wouldn't conveniently wait for a huge social media trend and am opportunity to make some money.

These people are plebs and they're gonna get throat fucked by Wall Street chads.

>> No.27436753
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>I lost 95% of my entire life-savings buying in at $380 but that sure showed the hedge funds and sent them a message! this is not financial advice

>> No.27436942

basically this, it's like a 4chan pump and dump cope thread right? I'd have more faith in this if toady didn't end in such a disaster but it's gonna be really hard to attract new people into this after this so it's gonna fizzle out isn't it?

>> No.27437032

for this to work they'll have to stick to the idea of sending the message to hedgies. me personally i don't like stonks just crypto, but it'd be interesting to watch how things turn out to be

>> No.27437206

it would be easier to stick to such a message if there were concrete numbers to back the whole premise up, other than in theory it might work if you don't give up as a whole, people need to exactly how long they have to hold and how many people need to participate, otherwise this whole thing seems like a lottery, which I think it is

>> No.27437243

so much this, no one would want to hurt the financial elites

>> No.27437350

I'm sure a small portion has some noble goal like this but I'm also sure that for most it's an excuse

>> No.27437434

I bought a share purely for the lulz. idc if it goes to 0

>> No.27437921

Really every crypto has a culture that descended from bitcoin's... Since bitcoin has no marketing department it had to be popularized by memes and such... Every crypto copied the same cultural format of "hodling" and expressing confidence in its ability to change the world and such.. Other cryptos copied it in cargo-cult style. Only thing that's different is that now it's spread to a meme stock and has had a more diverse group glom onto it for different and far more contrived reasons.

>> No.27438034

you bought because you thought that maybe it just could do something because it's being spammed so hard
another thing is that this meme stock has millions upon millions of people watcing which makes it a much bigger question mark at least to me, though I'm obviously skeptical as hell at this point as everyone would be

>> No.27438289
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>> No.27438350

holy shit man...

>> No.27438395

I wish I was rich just so I could help such retards out, no matter how stupid shit you pull of it's hard to imagine someone deserve this

>> No.27438563

These guys are animals, there's no other word to describe this.

>> No.27440338

I joined them, I am reddit now.

>> No.27440346
File: 56 KB, 657x527, REEEEEEEEEHELP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wholesome award

>> No.27440524

>if I cumfart him then I will feel better about myself because it lessens the psychological impact of me being in deep shit as I will give him comfort for being in even deeper shit

>> No.27440603

that's just bagholder cope

>> No.27440664

that's what I'm saying, maybe it makes sense to apply the twelve steps of grief chart to figure out how far we are in this GME outcome

>> No.27440697


>> No.27440847

its a doctored image. Try harder Melvin, you wont escape the rope

>> No.27441130

do it, a compilation of copium reddit posts overlayed on that would be fun

this wave of normies jumping into memestocks at the peak are gonna get rekt so hard, I cant fucking wait

>> No.27441274

doge too

i see people on Twitter literally begging Elon Musk to tweet about doge lol, bagholders in desperation mode

>> No.27441339
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cmon guys we can do it!!!!

>> No.27441346

I've seen this same for GME on front page wsb reddit posts lmao
I'm not even joking at this point it seems like legit grief chart that maybe gets reset every time there's a new hope

>> No.27442045

>Husband likes Rihanna, Serena Williams and Lebron

>> No.27442959

r/wsb is garbage

got massively downvoted and threads removed because I posted all my gains from puts

just another anti capitalism sub, no longer about making money

>> No.27443179

You know exactly what it means

>> No.27443276

I posted a legit question and it got deleted because the quesiton expressed a certain worry about a potential unfolding of the situation even though it wasn't a bot question at all

basically I just asked about the timeframe of when the shortsqueeze could realstically happen since the widely spread friday fud didn't pan out, I guess the implication that things aren't following the mass memes was enough to be a wrong think

>> No.27443283

Fuck that place bro. Was legitimately my favorite place to hang in 2020 when I didn’t have much else. Now it’s another reddit hive mind shithole. Watch it become the hub for the next occupy movement.

>> No.27443373

I’m really starting to think China is involved in here somewhere

>> No.27443417

OK, so here's whats going on to any #diamondhands who are starting to get concerned. The price action you see today is a lie. You can see that through very low volume, hedge funds are actually selling to each other and short interest has actually DOUBLED in the last week. These greedy bastards are getting cocky because they think you're stupid. Heh, well I guess they're the ones that are gonna feel stupid February 12th. Why February 12th, you ask? Well Reddit, feb 12 falls on a friday and that's when Chamath (The Sri Lankan billionaire on our side) is going to exercise his call options at $115. All of them. The amount of covering that hedgies will have to do alone on that date is going to make what's happened so far look like nothing. Our job? All we have to do is make sure that WE and everyone else we know holds. We got this far with our diamond hands, in two more weeks, we're gonna be dancing together on the moon. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

>> No.27443494

the Indians who shit up this board with their meme coins deserve more respect. At least they’re passionate and consistent
WSB retards didn’t even last 4 days but sold lol

>> No.27443581

I don't understand the volume meme, doesn't it just show how many shares are tarded in a given time meaning 20m an hour ago doesn't mean that 20m an hour later means the same 20m stocks?

>> No.27443645

most people are faggots, and by that I mean they pursue their own interests but still want to see themselves as "the good guy" because they have a childlike mentality of viewing the world. So what they want is to get rich quick, but since that would make them an aspirational rich jerk, they pretend they are doing it to stick it to the man. Same way people demonize their political opponents and pretend to be doing the right thing instead of simply looking our for their own (perceived) interests.

>> No.27443758

the hivemind is hard to ignore, it's clear they form their communities around the hivemind view and anything outside of what they want to hear gets burried in one way or the other

>> No.27443912

The hedges are already screwed. At this point, the holding has kept the price high enough to totally fuck them over. They are liquidating fucking everything, closing shorts at a loss, trading their asses off, taking bailouts, loans, and engaging in collusion to only lose most of their money.

That's good. The downside is, if you hold through all of this, you will lose too, because the way they are going about getting out of this predicament is systematically driving the price down.

>> No.27444002

but what if they just shorted at 300 tier and are gonna make up for it and more when it crashes? and if it doesn't work then couldn't they just do it at 700 after that?

>> No.27445488

They already did. It was enough to keep them in business.

>> No.27446609

It's the same thing military leaders do to get other people to die for them.