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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 293x172, greg-mannarino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27404717 No.27404717 [Reply] [Original]

Greg Mannarino is freemason and controlled opposition

now where is momentum to break Silver riggers, he tell you to buy stocks

if you are freemason like Greg Mannarino is, that means that you are demonic possesed

if your frend join freemasons, you notice in time that he is not the same person that he was before freemasons

Greg Mannarino is controlled opposition

>> No.27405385

your mom should have swallowed you.

>> No.27405544

Greg pushes silver hard, wtf are you talking about? But yeah he definitely holds some stuff back, iykyk

>> No.27405599

He has been saying buy physical silver for a long time though

>> No.27405816
File: 67 KB, 700x525, masonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these temples exist in my city. what the fuck do free masons do dance in a circle?

>> No.27406023

They pack fudge

>> No.27406177

Weirdly, if you'd pointed out he seemed to miss the GME ride entirely I'd think you were onto something

>> No.27406195

i have heard the stories, that good man joining freemasons, then few years, and this man is totally different, no empathy whatsoever, etc.

>> No.27406353

that one looks small, probably is an actual social club
and then the gayest 10% travel to other lodges to do weird shit

>> No.27406470


i think i am

YouTube hasnt deleted his channel

he is promoting NWO, and hes telling that "there is nothing that you can do" that FED is controlling everything and there is nothing that you can do

so he is demoralization people to accept their slavery

>> No.27406642

Again, I think you're onto something there.
But opening with silver was kinda dumb anon. I've seen him pushing physical silver for years.

>> No.27406680

>he is promoting NWO, and hes telling that "there is nothing that you can do" that FED is controlling everything and there is nothing that you can do

so, the fed doesnt? how stupid and naive are you scifi movie nerd fags?


>> No.27406963

You are correct. It's over. Silver will never take off neither.
But I don't care. He will live in the same world as we do and as long as he keeps me on the right side of this market, it's fine for me.
And after all: We can really do nothing.
But yeah, his channel not being deleted says it all

>> No.27407385


thank you for response

can you tell more about what you think he is, i think he is controlled opposition, he is so popular, and YouTube hasnt deleted hes channel, and he is promoting NWO to, that "thats is coming, you can not can do anything against it" etc.

>> No.27407432

>YouTube hasnt deleted his channel
give it time, all that "Bidenberg" and "Powellstein" is gonna get him banned sooner or later.

In one of his recent videos he mentioned he wanted to make a financial instrument of sort, in the context of his career of an author hasn't materialized. It would be something like a "Mannarino Index", i think it will be interesting to see how well he is actually doing, his calls seems spot on for the most part, but i honestly have no idea if his annual return is 30% or 300%, will be interesting to see.

>> No.27408054

>can you tell more about what you think he is
I don't really fucking care what he is or what he does. His calls have been right so far and I learned some things from him. I don't know what his agenda is. Does he really care about us? Maybe. Is it some kind of Satanic bullshit aka "here you have the chance to learn and protect yourself from what is coming" so that they are free from their karmic debt? Maybe. Who cares.
He said that he lost a lot of money in 2008 once and was never the same after that, because he really started to understand how the game is played.
I mean why do you care anon?
He has always given genuine advice through out the last year.
His "care about each other and help each other" catchphrase is the most important thing people could do. Because if they would, then we were not in this situation, as it is always divide and conquer and people are fueled by hate.
Just do what he says "don't belief me. Think about it yourself"
Question everything, he literally tells you that

>> No.27408543
File: 17 KB, 207x253, 14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks OP for this enlightening post, the evidence you presented there is uncanny. unsubed

don't try to reason with him he's from /pol/

>> No.27408610

greg is based

>> No.27408796

If he's Freemason I want to be on his side. Jews have won. Accept it.

>> No.27408808

Being that childish and not listening to good advice anymore, because he doesn't fit your worldview 100%. Grow the fuck up retard. Also laughable that you didn't find that out by yourself after all those years

>> No.27409030

Greg is a good guy

>> No.27409258

Guy seems ok but goes on long conspiracy rants more and more.
Also looks like he has some autoimmune disease.

>> No.27409343

Dude literally looks like a vampire

>> No.27409386

I like his writing in trends journal. I don't think a literal who is some illuminati motherfucker

>> No.27409579

Greggy boi's latest

>> No.27409640

26th degree and up is when the Masonic rituals start involving sacrificing babies to Moloch. At 31st and above you must become the vessel of a non-human entity to continue advancement.

>> No.27409692

family member is low ranking mason, afaik they arent really interested in controlling anything. much the opposite, its a brotherhood for helping each other out and is largely altruistic.

>> No.27410058



Is she right about us?

>> No.27410319

>I don't think a literal who is some illuminati motherfucker
He admitted that he is freemason himself.
Yeah, I think so as well. But seems like some people prefer sticking to some ideologies instead.
>keeps you ahead of the market
>tells you market is rigged to the highest order
>tells you that it doesn't matter who is president and that you should stop hating each other over it
>tells you that you shouldn't take a vaccine that was developed in 5 months without longterm studies
>tells you that shit is going to get only worse and that you should prepare yourself
>called out the Q-Anon bullshit all the time
Maybe he has some insights and knows what's going on. But all what he says basically only confirms my own research and I am some mid 20 fuckup and far from freemason or any career

>> No.27410361

They all suck each other's dicks.

>> No.27410767


are you guys retarded? he doesn't "promote" NWO as if he wants it to happen - the control by the elites disgusts him. thats why he gives everyone his trades for free to put power and money back into the hands of the people

he calls it a freakshow and does not talk about religion at all

>> No.27410938
File: 303 KB, 470x560, 1610650653746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27411022
File: 38 KB, 600x450, many keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you motherfucker I was taking a drink as that loaded

>> No.27411314


yes, Greg calls out FED, but he never tells who controls the FED, the never mentions the names who owns FED

I see Greg like a gatekeeper to little awaken people, he is like Alex Jones

>> No.27411680

Is this guy good? I found him only a couple of days ago

>> No.27412542

Fuck me. Do you honestly expect him to teach you everything who is behind all of it?
By the way, it's not "the Jews", if you think that.
He puts power back in to the hands of the people. If you are curious, then you can find it out for yourself who is behind it or who isn't. At the end of the day it doesn't fucking matter who is behind it, if you believe it or not. They are controlling this world longer than 20 years.
100s of years to be exact. They are the ones who are responsible for the world wars as well.
I was very ideological when I was younger as well. But to really make a chance you would have to wake people up to all of it. And I tried that endless times. It is fucking impossible. You are better off securing your future and laughing at them when they eat the bugs. Sounds cruel, but it's the truth. People are under a spell. They defend the government and listen to the media and call you crazy if you tell them that they have been lied to their whole lifes.
And what makes this time even worse than 50 years ago is the media. They red, see and hear the same bullshit 24/7. You have no chance to wake those people up to reality.
Some idiots might run from this lie, to the next lie and think that Trump and Q will safe the world. Meanwhile they still won't understand that it's all the same.
So yeah, what is the fucking point. He tells you to think for yourself. Just do it.
I assume that literally every fucking channel on YouTube is controlled opposition.
And if it's not and still up there, then they are just retarded to believe their own bullshit.
Doesn't mean I can't learn some stuff from people like Greg. After all I am not out there to suck his cock, but rather to be on the right side of the market. Which means stacking more Crypto for me. Obsessing about media, news or other people's lifes and beliefs doesn't get you anywhere anon.

>> No.27413285

2 sentences, actual information : None.
Fuck off back to /pol/ schizo.

>> No.27413372


if you ask me, no, he is not good guy, he is demonic possessed freemason who is pretend to be like that he is some truth warrior, but reality is, that he is just elites gatekeeper, that they dont realize whole trutht

he also subliminaly trying to people to accept people to submit to FED, i.e. to NWO tyranny

here is one of example of subliminal messages

Subliminal Message


watch it slowmotion and you see these words:



>> No.27413647


i see that you are quite awake and frustrated, and i dont blame you to be frustrated

>> No.27413813
File: 490 KB, 382x498, 1608238334584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free masons are based

>> No.27414017

I mean the financial advice. I'm fine with him as long as he helps me make money.

>> No.27414109

OP could not be any more of a faggot. I sometimes forget that most posters here are 13 year old cum stains. Why don't you actually watch his channel and listen to what he says? He is basically /biz/ to the max. So he's a mason? So he has spaghetti dinners and works to better himself. Wow what a criminal. You don't know shit about Greg or freemasonry. You are a child. You must grow up.

>> No.27414515

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgM375Sq2FQ [Embed]
That is creepy tbf

>> No.27414688


im glad that you noticed it

>> No.27415040

Greg is a good man and pretty based.
He never stops motioning the disgusting cabal.
So fuck off you cunt

>> No.27415380


Greg Mannarino is freemason, and demonic possessed person, hes is not good man

>> No.27415618


>> No.27415837


demonic possessed persons always pretend to be very good persons, like Greg Mannarino, he talking bullshit like "i love you all", "spread love" etc. bullshit, these demonic entites always pretend to be like angels, they preach love and happiness

>> No.27416039

You are pink id.
That means you are a homosexual.
We don't like gays around here.

>> No.27416435

he has cult of YouTube and hes basicly talking same shit every day and earning money from it

this demonic possessed guy is so fake


and end of the video he always say, "love each other" etc bullshit like these demons do

>> No.27416625

Did he help you make money?

>> No.27416739


ha ha, this fakester, is going to Alex Jones Show, i.e. controlled opposition CIA Alex Jones Show

>> No.27416882


no, im just tired of this his bullshit, he is so obvious controlled opposition like Alex Jones