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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2739469 No.2739469 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>get my first laptop in 2011
>only use it to play minecraft
>older brother gets on it
>downloads some shit
>think its a virus
>turns out I deleted his bitcoin wallet with $50 worth of bitcoin in it, kek
>get grounded, brother gets to have laptop till I can pay him 50 dollars back
>about a year later I finally get my laptop back
>open his wallet file, there is 70 bitcoin in it
>dont even touch it in fear of getting in trouble
>replace it with a newer laptop by 2015
>stick the old one in my closet
>present day
>accidently click /biz/ while trying to get to /bant/
>scroll through
>all this talk about cryptos
>see bitcoin and stuff
>wow I have 70 of those in my closet
>check current price
>I have 178,000 USD in my closet
>dig old laptop out
>she runs
>find paper wallet of 70 btc
>now I type this up

Willing to give 1 btc to whoever can help me convert 70 btc to USD. I am completely clueless and need your guyses help. and yes, I know how to transfer btc to other wallets now from my laptop.

and yes, I do plan on paying the taxes on it. I understand it will take off 15-30% of money.

>> No.2739474

ill help ya mate
got skype?

>> No.2739476

Are you going to give you're brother back his 70 bitcoin you little faggot?

>> No.2739479

man just use kraken, my email is shizzle1979m@aol.com

>> No.2739481

I don't want to give anything out thats going to give my IP.

Just help me from the thread and post your wallet. ID's are a life saver.

>> No.2739482

cool story bro

bought 100K ;)

>> No.2739483

fk off mate i was here first

>> No.2739484

I'll help ya out. Join my discord
tell me your username when you get in

>> No.2739485

just go to coinbase
link you bank account and sell them
cash will go directly to your account
it's that easy

>> No.2739486

I looked up coinbase already. are they really safe?

>> No.2739487

Make a coinbase account, transfer btc to coinbase btc wallet. Sell btc for fiat. Done.

>> No.2739488

literally the safest.
send small amounts to your account
like 5 coins at a time just to be super safe

>> No.2739489

Google coinbase, make an account and then verify it. Send your coins to the account and sell them there.


any questions?

>> No.2739490

You'll need to provide id, but they're generally good
been around for years now

>> No.2739492

Everyone here is memeing you and just being stupid. Here's real advice: sign up for coinbase, poloniex and some other exchanges. Do the verification steps so your limit goes up. This will take a few days. I'm sure youll get to 25k USD withdrawal.

Then you'll need to 'fund' your accounts. Just google how to do it on the site interface (basically find the wallet address and send it). You're welcome. If you send some btc to each exchange you can cash out faster.

I'll post my address if you choose me

>> No.2739493


you can use various methods I would recommend either HODL but if you want to cash out some places will require your banking info like coinbase and poloniex.

Here is a quick list

bitsquare and the list continues.

you can look into another option.

They have tons of BTC to debit card options one that people recommend is Swift from coin base

anyways here is


If you feel like honoring the original bounty posted.

>> No.2739495

Don't convert into USD just yet, bro.
Keep the BTC for at least 3 more years and you'll cash out as a millionaire.

>> No.2739496

they are safe man use them all the time but kraken is also safe and has lower exhange ratio, you will save money again my email. is shizzle1979m@aol.com

>> No.2739498

Kek, I don't know much about how markets work, but I would bet money on BTC being worth less than a grand by 2020

>> No.2739503

OP, I've signed up for kraken and they haven't verified me yet
it's been 2 months

>> No.2739504
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you should keep at least 10-20 coins on the hope that theyre worth millions one day, im sure you wont miss it cashing out over 100k anyway.

>> No.2739505

Nice man, just bought 100k

>> No.2739507

Honestly depends where you live, if you're in Canada go with QuadrigaCX

>> No.2739508


>> No.2739510

It's almost certain that the price is going to be much higher in a couple year's time. I'd HODL on to those beautiful BTCs.

>> No.2739511

Another thing: pay your brother a bit!!

>> No.2739522

I wouldn't try coinbase, pretty shit service from what I've seen, you're better off with Kraken and quadriga but they take a while to verify (tis worth it).


>> No.2739569

He owes his brother 120btc, OP is a little shit.

>> No.2739586

Why the heck do you even want to cash out?
HODL you numnutt

>> No.2739597

>things that never happened

>> No.2739601

The true thing is, you stole these from your brother, fucking asswipe.

>> No.2739608

It's your brother's.

>> No.2739609

Btw my address is 1KzrauXZTxevWUjaUbJ3UNRWjCbJLtocPm

Hopefully this isn't a larp. Follow my advice and you'll cash out quicker than any of the other suggestions.

>> No.2739613


Sign up for an account with Coinbase, verify your identification. Then it's easy to sell Bitcoin to USD once you link your bank account. Be very careful to make sure you get every number right, double and triple check it or that money is gone forever

>> No.2739614

You guys are all missing the part where he says
>pay him 50 dollars back
OP bought them.

>> No.2739625

He will have to do it slowly of course, get verified and even then its 15k a week limit.

>> No.2739633

OP please don't cash out, just HODL your bitcoins till 2025, sell 5-10% of your stash that when you really need it.
you should take your time to get into cryptos though, put 25% of your BTC into altcoins and see where it goes.

I'll hand hold a bit because the more /biz/ autists that go on to become the next generation of wealthy elites the more hilarious it will be.
>set up a coinbase account as it is the most retard proof way to get your first coins
>buy a chunk of LTC and a chunk of ETH
You could stop right there and call it good if you wanted to, coinbase likely isn't going anywhere and you could cash out (don't. just don't) through them whenever you felt like. Better though if you:
>google BTC and ETH wallets and set them/it up
>get your coins out of coinbase and onto the wallet/s
>for big returns pick up as much LTC as you're willing to gamble with
>setup an account with Kraken, Poloniex, and/or Bittrex
I recommend Bittrex.
>send LTC to that exchange and convert it to BTC or ETH
>go to coinmarketcap and start researching coins listed on your exchange, each coin listing has links to the coin's websites and blockfolio threads
>do your due diligence before you put money into any coin
>download Blockfolio and input any purchases you've made
>obsessively refresh it every 1-5 minutes for the rest of your life
This should get you started. If you want to fuck around with day trading that's a whole other thing you'll have to look into on your own. Buying good coins, the ones that are not memes and HODLing them for a year is easier. Hope that helps. See you in lambland.

also, send gibs: 1P3AEcAWbhnikHtE1oRgkKoEt6p6JS9b8N

>> No.2739652

2/x, because I'm am having fun here. read this carefuly, OP

Rumor has it that this man created Bitcoin; his street name is “Satoshi Nakamoto”

In 2008, Mr. Nakamoto was sniffing coke off a stripper’s ass and getting high in the strip club. But then the 2008 subprime market crash happened in the USA, which led to a world wide depression.

(What is the subprime market crash? Because bankers being greedy hooked nose crooks. The bankers scammed people and then, in turn, the government bailed them out. What the fuck?)

Mr. Nakamoto said: “These fucking hooked nose bankers, I’ll create my own digital cash, I don’t give a fuck!”

So he created bitcoin. What makes bitcoin unique is the blockchain. With blockchains, you cannot “double spend”. Meaning, you have 1 bitcoin, you can send it to someone … and your bitcoin is gone; you cannot have 1 bitcoin and send 10 bitcoins to friends. Why? Because of the blockchain, which is like a record book that cannot be changed.

How is the block chain (record book) kept? Because computers keeps updating the book. But running computers to update the blockchain cost money, so Mr. Nakamoto, in his infinite wisdom, gives free bitcoins to the owners of the computer owners every 10 minutes. Because bitcoin has value, the computer owners will continue to run the computers so the record book (blockchains) stay updated.

Interesting, huh? There's more.

>> No.2739655

No, he "bought" an original undisclosed amount, the brother clearly then purchased more which OP didn't "buy".

And that's not how buy things work anyway


>> No.2739659

it's a LARP. sorry faggots. I can tell.

>> No.2739661

While that guy was named Satoshi Nakamoto, he turned out to just be some near-retired engineer in poor health. He literally lacked the technical knowledge to develop anything like bitcoin. The community got together and gave him a ton of BTC (something like 50k worth at the time) as a "sorry, we fucked up". I wonder what happened to that guy.

Bitcoin, no one really knows who Nakamoto is or was. From code analysis, some think it was done by a state level group at this time. Odd decisions in retrospect, like choosing a lesser known AES256 encryption algorithm compared to one in more common use at the time, that turned out to contain a NSA backdoor, years after the fact.

That said, Bitcoin type systems are probably the future of the world financial system. BTC is falling to the same problems of many open source programs, too many leaders and not enough followers. (Look at the segwit problem), and while it's likely it'll go much much higher, extreme long term (like, 10-20 years) I see it getting eclipsed by another crypto.

>> No.2739662

If I were you I would keep these BTC safe for a few years more. The value should grow even more. After that, I would buy some gold with BTC because it doesn't have taxes, and I would keep it for an emergency (this gold could increase its value too).

I'm outside right now, I will post my address later, but if you want some solid money and a comfy life, listen to me.

>> No.2739674

Thanks for the btc man. Glad I could help, but don't forget to listen to these other anons and repay your brother.

>> No.2739675

1. Sign up in Coinbase.com
2. Verificate your account. Put your credit card, id etc.. (https://www.coinbase.com/verifications))
3. Wait until verified.
4. Go to accounts, select your BTC wallet. Click recieve adress. Copy it.
5. Go to your local wallet, paste the code and send.
6. Wait unitl the BTC gois into your coinbase account.
7. Go to https://www.coinbase.com/sell
8. Sell and enjoy.

Here you go, a guide even for the slowest one.


>> No.2739686

another option would be, if you use poloniex or another exchange which uses tether usd, u can sell your btc for usd tether, then go to tether to, sign up there, link your bankaccount and withdrawal this way. but you have to go verification too there and you need to up your withdrawal limits on polo/every other exchange. it will take some time to do this. fee on tether is 20$ per transaction. 12Zn5mPHbyc1xdNQmR2n8WfsF14w4HPgC9

>> No.2739689

Where did you get this info from?
Sounds like story but intersting...

>> No.2739711

OP, when you HODL you bitcoins, you should learn how to do it poperly and not fuck up and lose them. Do NOT cash them all out, if you need a boost, just use 10% of your stash. HODL them till 2025. Here's a way to do it right:

Get yourself a new pc
And a new trezor or a ledger. Google this shit.
Get a simple version of Linux, mint, Komodo or ubuntu
Select encrypted hard drive option with a password that's at least 20 characters but memorable
Install security updates
Download gpg
Set up a new protonmail account
Generate a new gpg password something around 20 characters but memorable
Download the wallets you like for the coins you want
Encrypt Back ups of the wallets offline onto a new USB, along with the gpg key ring data, also private keys, 2fa restoration data etc. This stays in a safe place and doesn't get used for anything else ever.
Keep the public keys for wallets receive addresses on a file somewhere on your desktop
Get a nice wallet like exodus that you can use as a staging point between your cold storage and exchanges
Again you want to backup all your private keys onto your USB)
Don't browse the web or receive any emails on this computer.
Set up 2fa on all the exchanges.
You are not completely untouchable now but are well protected.

this was posted on 4chan somewhere, oddly enough, I think it was /pol/, not /biz/

gib BTC pls, I want to throw it into altcoins. I'll dump more info

>> No.2739713

Those are your brother's Bitcoins dude. You'd probably get a finder's fee if you return it. Don't fuck over blood.

>> No.2739735

I do not have bitcoin as I came in the scene late.
I've got bitbean though.

>> No.2739763

If you're not an american citizen, just fuck taxes. Read up on these tax havens:
1) Andora
2) Anguilla
3) Antigua and Barbuda
4) Aruba
5) Bahamas
6) Bahrajnu
7) Barbados
8) Belize
9) Bermudas
10) British Virgin Islands
11) Cook Islands
12) Dominica
13) Gibraltar
14) Grenada;
15) Guernsey/Sark/Alderney
16) Hongkong
17) Jersey
18) Cayman Islands
19) Republic of Liberia
20) Liechtenstein
21) Makau
22) Maledives
23) Isle of Man
24) Marshall Islands
25) Mauritius
26) Monaco
27) Montserrat
28) Nauru;
29) The Netherlands Antilles
30) Niue
31) Panama
32) Samoa
33) Seyshelles
34) Sant Christopher and Nevis
35) Saint Lucia
36) Saint Vincent i Grenadines
37) Tonga
38) Turks and Caicos
39) USA Virgin Islands
40) Vanuatu

>> No.2739967

OP be a bro


>> No.2740601

Ok, I returned. This is my address, if you feel generous:

>> No.2740633


gibe pls

>> No.2740755

nice larping, how much time did you spend on this?

>> No.2740848

Fuck you faggot

>> No.2740880

Please mind your punctuation.
I know you can do better, Anon.

Correct: "Fuck you, faggot."

>> No.2740902

Coinbase is the safest,

Register and go through identification.

Deposit small amounts at a time,

And withdraw to your bank account (verify that also)

Last step, help out a fellow biz bro

>> No.2740924

What's your country, OP?
There are exchanges that do wiretransfer. You could search for them.
And yes, you can Tell the truth to govmen, here in my country they even made bitcoin taxfree because If it.
