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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27369744 No.27369744 [Reply] [Original]

I lost a pretty decent amount of profit in GFARM when they had their exploit, so I gave it a bit of time before entering V2.

Now that 2 weeks have gone by and farming emissions have cut down by over 80%, it seems to have stabilized on supply expansion... so I'm not surprised it's up 2x from bottom in the last 3 days.

For comparison.. GFARM hit $10m mcap, GFARM2 is at $600k

Here's everything that's improved about V2 over V1.

1. AUDITS. (Audited twice, once by Squirrel and once by Certik)
2. Proprietary NFT marketplace (before, Opensea was the only option.. but this is way better)
3. A new Pool 2 where you can stake GFARM for ETH and it gets paid out based on NFT buys/sells
4.The exchange has been halted to implement a new Oracle, should open up again in next few days
5. It seems the dev is open to moving to xDAI to save on trading fees

I know that exploits can often destroy a good project, but this dev and community has been nonstop on v2 and I think now that the flash farming has ended, it could see a major reversal back to its v1 mcap (would be about an x20 from here). Also apparently they're going to be rebranding to a name that fits the product better.

Current Roadmap: https://gfarm-v2.medium.com/roadmap-for-the-next-2-weeks-441eaa953444

DYOR - 0x831091da075665168e01898c6dac004a867f1e1b

>> No.27370113

By far the most unique and complex protocol under $1m mcap.... every single day it’s developed more people are coming back to it. V2 is popping

>> No.27370297

Yeah while v1 left a sting... seeing the progress of both the dev and community on v2 is enticing... entered at $28 let's see what happens

>> No.27370588


how much you in for on this?

>> No.27370910

I picked up 7 ETH worth

>> No.27371874

Yeah I gotta admit they are building their rep back fast. Has most the farmed supply been dumped now you’d say? Price seems stable this past week

>> No.27371987

Looks ok for this low mc

>> No.27372109

Yeah thats the only reason I'm posting it...

$600k mcap for v2... v1 hit $10mil and v2 is better... i think its only a matter of time considering what theyve been building

>> No.27372431

I came across this project this week... don’t really know much about what happened with v1 but the dev said we’re gnna be able to long/short stocks and other assets like Gold in addition to ETH with the new upgrade. I’m hyper bullish

>> No.27372525

In the not too distant future the exchange is going to be able to lev trade literally ANYTHING the community wants to. Crypto, Stocks, Commodities, you name it...

>> No.27372545

Is the dev adding new trading pairs?

If its limited to eth it's fucking dumb

>> No.27372693

Yeah, with this new Oracle he’s gnna add pairs for other cryptos, stocks, and more. I’m in for the long haul

>> No.27372881

WHAT? I didnt even know this lol when was this announced?

>> No.27373009

Where do i buy this? Seems like a decent gamble.

>> No.27373696

He didn’t write up an offficial medium about it yet but it’s been discussed in tele

It’s one of the main reasons exchange is being upgraded now

>> No.27373772


>> No.27373926
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got rugpulled on this

>> No.27374485

No, we didnt.

There was an exploit and the dev notified us all to pull liquidity. I would have lost my money otherwise, so... opposite of a rugpull

>> No.27374581

How? How did you get rugpulled when it wasn’t even rugpulled. I don’t even give a fuck about gfarm and I know about the exploit lolllll

>> No.27374644

Huge redflag.
Also none of the above conversation looks organic at all

>> No.27375047

Whats the red flag? V2 has been audited and live now for twice as long as v1

>> No.27375451

Yeah we know. Congrats... maybe you’ll get back to where it was before v1. Maybe you won’t because low IQers don’t know the difference between a rugpull and an exploit. Who cares either way just make your money

>> No.27376430

Was a fan of gfarm, sad what happened to v1 ... wishin y’all the best on v2 .. I’d buy if I could

>> No.27376623

I lost some money in V1 too, it sucked but the cause was not a rug, but a very sophisticated flash loan DEFI exploit. Unfortunately the developer renounced the ownership of the V1 contract to make users feel safer, but since he did that, he could not update the contract to fix the exploit, when he was made aware of it (by a white hat hacker, he is called Squirrel DEFI on Twitter).

You can read a write up about that here:


And watch a video here:


The exploit has been fixed in V2, they passed a preliminary Certik audit and the full audit is coming soon, so there won't be surprises this time.

I aped back in V2 because I believe this project is undervalued at this low MC and I see the developer building day after day; it combines leverage trading with farming and NFTs (you buy them or earn them with > 1% of LP tokens) that one can use to trade. They will release the updated trading function soon with a new Oracle, and possibly multiple trading pairs, it should be good.

The developer also listens to feedback in Telegram and I like that.

The price has been stable for at least a week; the final Certik audit and the release of the improved and fixed trading function could start a reversal.

Buy here if you want:

Telegram: gfarmtrading



>> No.27376718

damn.. you put my post to shame lol

>> No.27377143

How are you guys going to convince people who don’t have the brainpower to understand this and think v1 was a rug

>> No.27377197

High IQ thread here
where is the chart?

>> No.27377249

I think the plan is just to continue and build and improve and prove longevity.

Anyone who cant figure out what a rug is or isnt, probably didnt buy Sushi when they had their bug, or COMP, or tons of others that have bounced back from exploits. Luckily those arent the people with any serious $$

>> No.27377414
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Chart is gonna look weird to the average biztard, but basically this coin started with 0 supply, had VERY high APY for first week or two.... so the high prices are when there was like 1,000 GFARM.. now theres 20,000.... as you can see, for the past week it's stayed stable and even risen up 2x from bottom... so its getting close to reversal time

>> No.27377717

We know what a farm only coin chart looks like in the beginning, thanks Sherlock

>> No.27378008

im catering to the average retard here, chill lol

>> No.27378320
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yeah, so why I did not receive v2 tokens as compensation?

"notified" - you have to be online 24/7 and refresh twitter every 5seconds

>> No.27378525

So say I buy this shit. What do I do? Just stake it?

>> No.27379087

What do you mean? v2 started from scratch just like v1... there was no compensation.. the compensation is that he launched v2... and just like V1 we had the opportunity to get free GFARM for 5 days using Pool 2....

You can either farm more with it in Pool 1, hold it, stake it in Pool 2 and hope some NFTs get traded

Or... once the exchange is back up with the new upgrades you use them to trade with leverage and win more.

>> No.27379215

So would pool 1 be the best option right now?

>> No.27379333

I aped thanks for the thread

>> No.27379336

this looks just like surf.finance a piece of shit

>> No.27379462

Didnt gfarm rug pull?

>> No.27380166

Pool 1 has 1,300% APY still and you probably have some time to farm without many price swings so.. yeah

Huh? This is definitely not a piece of shit by any stretch of the imagination, have you used the exchange?

No... there's ample resources to help you understand what an exploit is and why the dev told everyone to exit.

Taken from above:

You can read a write up about that here:


And watch a video here:

https://youtu.be/LkPhZZmjqnk [Embed]

>> No.27380377

Why do people think v1 rugpulled... the dev told everyone to exit and sell because of an exploit. That’s the complete opposite definition of a rugpull

>> No.27380457

Biz meet IQ... IQ meet biz.

It's a warzone out there on the streets of crypto right now, lots of brainlets

>> No.27380777

>hurr durr every1 theres an exploit plese every1 pull out quick so u dnt lose $$$
>quietly cashes out first

Right, anon. Definitely not a rug pull. Enjoy being rugged a second time because of an "exploit".

>> No.27381400

Mommy I dont know how to check Etherscan to look at all the different transactions of users pulling their own liquidity out on that day!!!

>> No.27381507

I mean, because of the dev I was able to get my initial out and most of my profit, so physically not a rugpull, but yeah it sucked I was up way more. But, no. Not a rugpull at all, and if you think it was go buy the daily memecoin because you need a high IQ to actually operate gfarm

>> No.27381951

I was in V1 from beginning and also in V2. From my point of view and experience, dev is magnificent and saved a lot of people a lot of money from V1 and is doing hell of a job in V2. Completely unique ecosystem with implementing oracle solution on trading platform. The guy knows what and how to do and is very communicative with community. Absolutely the best dev of all the projects I have been in. This won't be sub 1M MC for too long. Do your DD people. Cheers

>> No.27382164

V1 couldn’t have been a rugpull... I got 50+ eth of profit out when the dev alerted us. How is that a rugpull? Use common sense

>> No.27382406

If anyone needs proof of that.. - https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb3e4593bccf19eeae3e03aa59d00d2063010c2cbd8437eb7f1e274ddd6b1802d

Don’t really understand the hate for Gfarm, exploits have happened to tons of good projects, dev saved me so much

>> No.27382752

>Completely unique ecosystem with implementing oracle solution on trading platform
and called it gfarm.

>> No.27382898

I made more money than god on v1. Didn’t enter v2 cause too many people knew about it and I knew it’d be flash farmed. Looks good now tho, farms are drying up I assume?

>> No.27383030

Yup, horrible name. Almost didn’t buy it in v1, luckily I took a look at the project and x40’d off it. But yeah, names man.

>> No.27383894
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This actually looks like a low cap gem. First I've seen since finding BAO.

What's the right play here? Buying and holding or are you guys actively involved in the derivatives functions too?

>> No.27384449

Duuuuude, in my apy.vision the ONLY LP’s that I have are Gfarm and BAO haha... good shit

>> No.27384591

Currently I’m buying and holding half, farming other half.... once exchange upgrades r done I’ll be using it all to leverage trade. Should have a 50x NFT in a few days

>> No.27384710

Ok I decided to throw half an ETH in, lets see where this takes us

>> No.27384846

Are they really going to be adding other trading pairs? Stocks really too? This needs a rebrand if so because that is LIT

>> No.27385093
File: 185 KB, 1113x884, 3A5CADDC-FAF7-4A66-83E2-47E0A170086E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The community wants to rebrand the name to something that makes more sense since the farm is almost over and only 1 part of the suite. Dev says he’s down but wants to do all upgrades first

Also... this just in.... don’t say I didn’t warn you

>> No.27385848

Dev is a Genius ! He delivers ultra Fast. Project is insane with huge potential

>> No.27385921

To be honest I was a bit scared about v1, I knew it wasn't a rugpull but still scared. However, seeing the current progress of the team makes me hopeful since this was a fucking gem. I will wait a bit more and enter once the trading is launched

>> No.27386092

Also OP, I didnt really follow v1, is this basically the same with exploit fixed?

>> No.27386127

Trading was going well but there was a price delay so people were gaming it... with this new Oracle the possibilities r gnna open up a lot

>> No.27386235

Hmmm... yeah but v1 didn’t have an NFT marketplace, and also v2 has a new staking pool that earns ETH from staking GFARM... revenue comes from NFT sales.

Also.. v2 is gnna have more trading pairs and a better Oracle, as well as possibly moving to xdai

>> No.27386351

$600k mcap? That’s it? What the fuck... v1 was way higher. Is it just because people are salty about v1? Yeah, that’s not enough of a reason... I’m gnna scoop an eth why the fuck not

>> No.27386475

The NFT EXCHANGE is an AWESOME touch - dev distributes 100% of NFT exchange income among the gfarm stakers. Nothing for himself. A unique model, this - imagine token holders actually owning equity of openSea while openSea devs take nothing.

>> No.27386875

Yeah, once this blows up thats gnna be a serious money maker

>> No.27388335

how high did V1 go? I can't seem to find the history on coingecko or cmc

just curious for my own research purposes

>> No.27388656

It went to $8-$10 million i think by the end

>> No.27389477

Just read through this all, checked the site and medium.

Honestly, I’ve seen platforms that had exploits come back even harder in v2... and it looks like this has the recipe for it, but only time will tell

Seems to have some serious believers though, $500k liquidity with only 350 holders is impressive considering it started at $0

>> No.27389897

Reading through this... it just does not seem like a $600k mcap - https://gfarm-v2.medium.com/

>> No.27390068

Yeah I mean I feel like the last 2 weeks of work speaks for itself... but I know a lot of people don't read so thats why i figured id sum it up in my OP

>> No.27390809

feeling the same way about it. i'm hoping this will be like buying ETH right after the DAO hack/exploit, same vibes here

>> No.27392136

can someone explain the farming in pool 1 and how to set it up please, is it worth it now? Newfag in farming here