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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27332543 No.27332543 [Reply] [Original]

Piece of paper? Word doc? USB drive? Memorized in your giant 110IQ brain?

>> No.27333250

Dug a piece of paper in a plastic bag in my garden.

>> No.27333663

I wrote it backwards in a notebook

>> No.27333708

I just have a little book I write my passwords and key phrases in.

>> No.27333832

Nice try FBI.

>> No.27333953

Made a shitty rhyme to remember it and repeated it until it burned into my brain

>> No.27333956

wrote it on OP's moms tits

>> No.27334040

I don’t write them down.
Then intentionally forget them.

>> No.27334069

Wrote it on my wall with a marker. Accidently smudged on of the words but I can sort of make it out.

>> No.27334111

I ate my seed phrase

>> No.27334115

I tatted it onto my dick, nobody will ever see it there.

>> No.27334171

on my desktop, in a txt file called "passwords"

>> No.27334174

tattooed on the inside of my foreskin, no one will ever see it unless ive already made it

>> No.27334178

encrypted in the cloud

>> No.27334192

xXCuNTdEsTroyErXx is unhackable

>> No.27334215

tatooed on me

>> No.27334242

Based and romanpilled

>> No.27334249

1. create a txt file
2. put passwords in it
2. use 7zip or winrar to zip it with a password lock
4. email it to yourself so you can open it anywhere, anytime

>> No.27334271

I keep my shit on an exchange even tho I have a ledger nano. I don't trust myself with that phrase, I know I will lose it eventually. I'm mad dumb. How the hell do you guys make sure it's safe?

>> No.27334274

I just buy and forget the wallet. Cuz I'm never selling.

>> No.27334282

I put it in a hookers pussy

>> No.27334292

Memory pegged

>> No.27334309

I just wrote it on a sticky note and taped it to the wallet. 99.9% of people who would happen to come across it would have zero idea what it is or what's inside. Why go through all the secrecy truoble?

>> No.27334399

In my last pass cause I'm a madman

>> No.27334491

I just tell them to my wife he remembers everything I do.

>> No.27334545

I just tell them to my wife he rembers everything.

>> No.27334557
File: 3.70 MB, 600x336, drain ceo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mnemonic is just the first 20 words of a bladee song

>> No.27334633

Postit note on my monitor

>> No.27334710

wrote a cyper and key i jumbled together in a random sequence i used to remember but haven't tried to get into the wallet for 4 years

>> No.27334736

I have a very unique and intricate system that allows me to embed my different phrases into my subconscious and trigger immediate recollection whenever necessary.

While I obviously cannot divulge the details, the general concept is that I use each word in within each /biz/ reply. Each post also corresponds with each word's order as it matches the number of replies. So if it's my 13th reply, I use word 13... 14 goes back to 1... 17 is 4.. etc etc

Associating the word with the order is what ingrains it into your memory.


The trick is to not make the word's inclusion obvious. Otherwise someone may be able to decipher your phrase. So I try to hide it within my post best I can.

>> No.27334785


>> No.27334796

i created enough wallets until I found a seed phrase that was nearly a completely sensible english sentence, and I remember that.

>> No.27334855


>> No.27334914
File: 249 KB, 484x394, legendary drain ceo maaan rip ripsquad rip bladee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Good luck guessing tho

>> No.27334947

I put it in a text file called "word phrase thing" in a hidden folder called keep out and I then turned view hidden folders off

>> No.27335381
File: 476 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210201-022341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend a password manager like keepass. Have multiple ongoing off-site backups. Bury a laminated hard copy somewhere.

Don't forget your spending PIN pic related

>> No.27335457

I have a black roommate so my private keys are written on a piece of paper and hidden under his workboots

>> No.27335460

What if you get damage bran?

>> No.27335520

Made a painting with the images associated with the words

>> No.27335630

i will use it as motivation to make my potato brain work again

>> No.27335753

open up new protonmail just for pw...
write a letter to yourself then archive it

>> No.27335836

I have a blog that gets literally no traffic ever so I post my private keys on the home page.

>> No.27336849

unironically on piece of paper inside my cumsock

>> No.27337060

Why use a passphrase lol they can never guess my password

>> No.27337306


>> No.27337748

I have an acid proof baggie in my stomach with the codes written in a bit of paper inside. All i need to do is take a mustard gas pill and it makes it slide out of my ass if i ever lose my wallets

>> No.27339675
File: 67 KB, 750x747, pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in morse code, but replace dots and dashes with "nigger" and "faggot", respectively.

>> No.27339713

where do you keep the password to the zipfile though

>> No.27339830

In my notebook

>> No.27339907

someone recommend me the best non-physical crypto wallet

>> No.27339995

>just write down and remember 24 words
Yeah I ain't got time for that shit nigga. I just skip it everytime I make a wallet.

>> No.27340127

i lost it in my brain and now I cant access my wallet with 4 BTC on it from 2013

>> No.27340185

Just put as the subject line on the email

>> No.27340340


>> No.27340390

titanium metal plate

>> No.27340538

is it laminated?

>> No.27341002

in another zipfile dumbass

>> No.27341245

gf has a tattoo on her ass

>> No.27341495

built an oblisk in my backyard that aligns with the setting sun on the winter solstice and projects a golden qr code onto a carefully placed convex mirror which reflects it onto my garden shed

>> No.27342271

So thats what it was? Thanks, just stole all of your shitcoins