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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27269051 No.27269051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There are 3,990 unique Ethereum addresses holding RBC. 4K would be ultra high definition of us, desu.

>> No.27269172

What does it mean if we have 4k bagholders?

>> No.27269758

More people holding RBC means RBC is becoming more spread out. Less whales means one individual holder can’t crash the price. Relative price stability is a good thing. And if the number of wallet holders increases faster relative to other low cap projects, it shows the hype and faith that people have in the project.

>> No.27270153
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>> No.27270299

And 4k holders is in terms of low cap projects out of the norm, healthy, something?

>> No.27270533

does the number of holders influence the referencing on some platforms like coinmarketcap or binance?

>> No.27270627
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NEWS ALERT: Rubic Twitter just sent out an update to mention that their whitepaper, onepager, and roadmap has been updated on their finance website. Just scanned the one page and it looks pretty good fellas. More comfy that usual.

>> No.27270742

only 5 more to go

>> No.27270940

It’s really more about how quickly we are gaining unique wallets than how many unique wallets there are. It shows that when someone looks into rubic, they become interested more easily than other new projects. Basically it is proof that this is a legitimate piece of technology that has actual value aka not a rugpull

>> No.27270980


>> No.27271039

i bought 4k
your welcome

>> No.27271094

Go have a look, find some tokens on page 5 of coingecko and go to their ethers can pages to see the numbers. Some old projects that have crashed down to that level (eg refereum) have tens of thousands of holders, but several thousand is pretty normal for newer projects.

>> No.27271103
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thanks fren

>> No.27271150

>one dude holds 20% of the coins


>> No.27271251

this coin has been shilled for at least 1 week and i still don't what's behind, except retarded poomp thread

>> No.27271342


>> No.27271343


>> No.27271440

I'm kind of surprised there are so few wallets, given its popularity on /biz/. Is this board smaller than it seems?

>> No.27271498


Top wallet is the dev wallet. And 20% is actual small for a dev wallet. Read the white paper for info.

The other top wallet is uniswap a liquidity pool.

>> No.27271587

nice new meme and nice news anon

>> No.27271603

its still early

>> No.27271633

yes newfag, this board wasn't that popular before you fucking niggers invaded this place with your GME trash

>> No.27271777

I was here before GME, although unfortunately not here long enough to ride the LINK wave.

>> No.27271847

Do you have your Rubic suicide stack anons?
It's on a dip at the moment, good time to stack in.

>> No.27271857

is Reef a Rubic competitor?

>> No.27271996

wallet numbers go up from 2k to 4k
price remains the same

only definition here is of bagholding kek

>> No.27272033

Why should RUBIC win this? There seems to be a lot projects trying to be the same space.

>> No.27272136

it is special because pajeets dumped rubic on bizlets and they would like to get out

>> No.27272300

This is the same shit that STA fags would say to cope.

>> No.27272366
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>> No.27272429

gimme some names

>> No.27272559

Actually I would say it’s probably only 500-1000 regular users on this board

>> No.27272574

Some of us should shill rubic on reddit and/or twitter
I can't do this because I don't practically know these two sites

>> No.27272689

It is a functional exchange that already brings unique features to the table and is bringing more unique features to the table. And there will be more that one decentralized exchange. If you really think Uniswap is going to monopolize the market then you missed one of the biggest reasons behind crypto. DECENTRALIZATION

>> No.27272983

Learn the two sites then, no one is going to shill this shitcoin for you.

>> No.27273046
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>Out of the way peasant DOGE holders

>> No.27273110

3999 now

>> No.27273988
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we did it!

>> No.27274223

congrats boys

>> No.27274247
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>> No.27274487

early af

>> No.27274702

real people losing money on meme token
meme people making money on real token

>> No.27274772

What's a realistic price when it goes in binance?

>> No.27274798
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Digits decide how high RBC will go.
I'll start: $40

>> No.27274888

7.41$ EOY

>> No.27274997

Look at the size of the wallets tho

If 99% of the wallets are small, the other 1% can still crash the price

>> No.27275000
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>> No.27275088

Bros is there literally any way to get in this without being raped by gas
t. Poorfag

>> No.27275091
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>I am the crypto /biz/ deserves but not the one it needs right now

>> No.27275141

wait until late at night or early morning when fees are low, RBC usually drops a little at night too

>> No.27275236
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>> No.27275521


>> No.27275693
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im gonna take this as a sign
>cube coin up 6.66%

>> No.27275716
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>> No.27275739
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>> No.27275799
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>> No.27275853

This is true of almost every other project in crypto. Elon musk literally caused daddy BTC to bump 16% with a tweet yesterday. What’s your point?

>> No.27276539

Is Rubicons worth buying now ? and putting 495 dollars into it ?

>> No.27276837


>> No.27278402

Anon. I made a cat girl thread about green cube. What do you think I would do in your situation?

>> No.27279586

post hand

>> No.27280070
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>> No.27280206

Typo, thanks.

>> No.27280231
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the final sign I needed. all in now.

>> No.27280439

Rubicon is either shit on or ignored here by a majority of the users.

>> No.27280727


>> No.27281167

This is unironically low and RBC will be at least 10$ EOY

>> No.27281230

True and based

>> No.27281322
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>> No.27281590
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20k is my suicide stack, almost there, hoping for AMC to pump monday and buy more rubic

>> No.27282359

How did you buy it ?

>> No.27282683
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>> No.27283039

shill me why is this a strong project
>i B4 the memes -> they had a fucking competition for memes

>> No.27283407

2 or 3 days ago there has been a legendary rbc general providing spoonfeeding on another level. felt like back in the early LINK days.

>> No.27283600
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here it is. >>27037453

>> No.27283796

RBC shills about to put a bunch of fudfags on suicide watch

>> No.27283822
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Only holders of AT LEAST 100k RBC may reply to this post. WAGMI

>> No.27284245

Buying every dip

>> No.27284248
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Op here. 160k RBC. About to be worth $160k.

>> No.27284526


>> No.27285372
File: 3.32 MB, 1800x1322, 1608686168595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass here. Why am I losing so much money as I transfer and do things? For example, I buy $20 ETH on Coinbase. They say I have 12.7 available to transfer. When I send to my Metamask, I can now only send 8.43. Why am I losing so much? I'm just trying to get ETH to Metamask to buy more RUB.

Thanks anons!

>> No.27285630

I put 120 bucks into it, now it's worth 595 dollars

>> No.27285780

Those are gas fees for when you send your crypto. This is only 1 aspect of what Rubic is trying to eliminate

>> No.27285885

Also, I like the picture you have there, very nice :)

>> No.27285908

oh nice you made it

>> No.27286047
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Thanks anon! So is it better to buy ETH through metamask and exchange it for RUB?

>> No.27286061
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here you go for posterity

>> No.27286203
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>> No.27286262

biz holds more than the team

>> No.27286309

I still don't get why RUBIC should be a good project.

>> No.27286423

I literally did a fucking chaos magic ritual to boost the price of Rubic and for my sigil placed the digits 88 next to the cube. Kek's will be done

>> No.27286478

Checked, wagmi

>> No.27286642

I don't like that image though.
Depends on how much you're buying/sending, but generally, if you're buying the cubes, using Wyre is better (and you get to avoid the sneaky mossad tax, because metamask is not a 'foreign bank')

>> No.27286682

I only have 1000 :/

>> No.27286738

more like 800k

>> No.27286777

You fags got me with your memes. I grabbed some on uniswap and was then read more shit about it.
Thought id grab more abnd use rubic exchange to do it.
Saved 50% in gas fees compared to uni or 1inch!
This is a fuckin revolution!
Im in now boys bumped my 1k to 10k rbc let me the fuck in!!!

>> No.27286788

I bought 1300 RBC for 25 bucks

>> No.27286833


>> No.27286881

from? uniswaps fees fucking suck ass

>> No.27286940



>> No.27286983

binance wen

>> No.27286992

bros why is instant trades still down? Also, the fact that they put temporary instead of temporarily is depressing

>> No.27287005

from when they were at 3 cents

>> No.27287055

no i meant exchange

>> No.27287084

Forgive my broken english not a pajeet, white cunt with meat hands typing on a gook phone whilst at the range in the sun

>> No.27287511

I used uniswap, though admittedly I should've used Rubicccc

>> No.27287607


Kinda funny how the "gamechanger" cryptos are all made by the lovely Russians :)

>> No.27287698

How could I forget Vitalik & Sminen

>> No.27287972

Are gas fees for the swap the same regardless of the amount swapped?

For example, if the gas fee is $40 for buying $100 worth of RBC, will it also be $40 to buy $1000 worth?

>> No.27288145
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>> No.27288156


It took just 5 days to go from 3000 holders to 4000

Now is the best time to jump in if you really want to make money off this within the next couple of years.

Based asf

>> No.27288165

Fuckin lol sminem

>> No.27288216

The boy that saved crypto....

>> No.27288688

How is this under 20M market cap?
This could go 1000x and would still be behind Uni.

Given the better feature set there is just insane upside.

>> No.27288949

imo yes but still a large portion of the gas fee for me was ETH->RBC still

>> No.27289132

because it pushes market competition between crypto by means of defi

>> No.27289227
File: 175 KB, 750x1334, B0281F02-828F-4CC7-9E05-6B28BF3AB19F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this app is busted and won’t give me my coins

>> No.27289311

you're in a web browser, also the error clearly tells you what you have to do and it worked for me earlier this morning

>> No.27289430

there is no mobile support yet. they're planning on integrating it Q1 though

>> No.27289613

1M RBC here, yes, wagmi

>> No.27289652

ofc i meant the web browser on mobile
that’s fine and understandable

>> No.27289713

are you the anon from this thread
if so you need to use the metamask browser not Safari

>> No.27289837

Guys hasn't this coin pumped already?
Isn't it over?

>> No.27290303


This isn't some crappy shitcoin like Donut, this is the real deal.

Get on board.

>> No.27290549

So besides reduced gas fees and anonymous swapping what makes rubic better than the other defi platforms that are implementing level 2 transactions?

>> No.27290620
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it's not about the pump.

>> No.27290661

Checked and based, wagmi

>> No.27290776
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>> No.27290977

It currently pulls the best prices from all the DEXs in pic. Also, it is the first DEX to so crosschain swaps.

>> No.27291023
File: 260 KB, 1800x942, Esvu3ZJXMAIi8n4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It acts as supermarket for all exchange platforms, letting you get the best exchange rate easily.

>> No.27291113

I was going to post this pic >>27291023
But he beat me to it.

>> No.27291121

nothing really, now it just only will this be enough media sexy to get to same levels as competitors

>> No.27292110

>Let's buy 100 USD of this shit because poor
>Estimated network fee
>0.04411 ETH
gee thanks

>> No.27292132

168k daddy right here. Who wants to give me a suck?

>> No.27292160

Ok now I understand why this is going to be fucking huge, BUY RUBIC BOYS

>> No.27292166

Oh yeah get on the scam coin train bros.

>> No.27292448

No, you don't fully understand. It's not just a trivago for DEXs, it's also an anonymiser for transactions, and enables you to cross-chain swap on top of that so that there CANNOT be regulation on what coins you do and do not own. Do you understand? The SEC or India banning certain coins means NOTHING if this takes off. This is a step backwards to the actual initial vision of crypto after years of restrictions.

>> No.27293638

Thanks bros.

>> No.27294592

bros why does my bank keep blocking my wyre transaction? i just want to buy some eth here so i can move it over to rbc. coinbase wants to hold for 5 days so i can't use that either

>> No.27294683

Welcome to the land of the free.

>> No.27295136
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I am right now independently financially independently. We are coming in waves.

>> No.27295246

2 weeks ago it was $0.007 per coin, today it's at $0.16 per coin

>> No.27296142


>> No.27296185

I’m retarded how does I rubic?

>> No.27296258

buy eth and swap to rbc using rubic.exchange

>> No.27296388
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>> No.27296484

Nigger I don’t know what those words mean
Yeah I’m gonna pass on your gay shit if I can only buy it by pulling down my pants and bending over in front of globohomo.

>> No.27296821
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feels good to be this early

>> No.27296987

you can get it for whatever browser or just get the phone app

>> No.27297515

Okay I have metamask and I got some eth on robinhood, what’s next?

>> No.27298319
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>unironically falling for this pajeetcoin

>> No.27299131
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>> No.27299336

send from rh to metamask, then go to rubic.exchange and move the eth to RBC

>> No.27299531

Have you niggers actually used the exchange yet? Transactions complete so fast and it literally costs only half of what you're supposed to pay in gas. Absolutely incredible.

>> No.27299621

How do I send it?

>> No.27299632


>> No.27299642

its RBC, make sure youre not buying whatever RUB is, fren.

>> No.27300190

bought 730, wimi?

>> No.27300247

how does $730 sound?

>> No.27300258

yes brother, hold until at least 5$

>> No.27300386

150k here, when is staking live? Is it straight rbc or will eth be needed as well?

>> No.27300679

>gets listed on binance after being hyped for weeks
>price immediately dumps as desperate bagholders abandon ship
a fancy faggoty UI ain't gonna change these fundamental truths, anon

>> No.27300753

how does 7300$ sound in a year

>> No.27301038

can someone explain staking to me? and how would it work with RBC?

>> No.27301103

excuse me, I meant bitfinex
talking bout xsn, not rubic

>> No.27301356

Same boat. Go on metamask and do a peer2peer sell. Try to find something close to market price.

>> No.27301605

Go read on their medium page

>> No.27301725
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I'm trying to buy but I get this error. What am I doing wrong? I go to the FAQ but it doesn't give me any help