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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27264607
File: 260 KB, 1079x836, EpUK-wbUYAA3yfW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pitch me your schizo-tier play

>> No.27264624
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>> No.27264674

We liek teh st0ck xD

>> No.27264675
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with chinks, you lose

>> No.27264690

Dear silver shills,
Not buying your boomer rocks.
Thanks now fuck off to /pmg/.

>> No.27264700


>> No.27264708
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>> No.27264711
File: 181 KB, 549x768, 1598916081172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of the dollar it's gonna dump

>> No.27264718

>They'll take the side of the people trying to make markets rational.

Shorting a company over 100% is not rational

>> No.27264730
File: 850 KB, 1239x1120, Heracles_and_Göll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not put tickers into OP, some of us shit like GME, AMC and CLF hidden

>> No.27264746

Airline bros, is it time to buy or are they still going to drop?

>> No.27264747

>every website, twitter, front page of reddit
>all about GME
it would be funny if it dumps tomorrow

>> No.27264750
File: 168 KB, 1242x457, 4E6DA3D3-8706-4155-AD8E-CF7637F6EB64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck China

>> No.27264761

will anything like GME ever happen again?
fucking unicorn folks

>> No.27264766
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>> No.27264801

I can't fucking wait for futures to open

>> No.27264828
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Meanwhile at the /smg/ hedge fund

>> No.27264834
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>> No.27264870

in 10-30 years. Turbokikes will come up with a new way of scamming cattle.

>> No.27264882

In the age of instant information? no.

>> No.27264912

Look at that totally organic market behavior. So glad I put my funds in SLV for a nice safe hedge.

>> No.27264923
File: 459 KB, 797x864, 1611346348259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomp eet

>> No.27264942

> It's the Chinese century edition
They'll be in for a rude awakening when they aren't able to import billions of dollars of food every year. Having two billion people and less than 10% arable land doesn't bode well.

>> No.27264954

Don't buy silver if you haven't already. Monday is going to be the mother of all pumps.

>> No.27264965

Most likely not. It would be weird if they didn't get any regulations in place.

>> No.27264994

Anyone here still holding PLTR?

>> No.27265009

Yes, they've been going downhill for 5+ years
Yes, covid is fucking them
Yes, their main transport hub is getting fucked by Chinese commies
I think they can recover given a long enough timeline

>> No.27265020
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, pepe pepe pepe pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most companies force you to pay into pension funds so you can't put that money into RYCEY

>> No.27265026
File: 22 KB, 229x220, F5B65100-CAC3-452D-9073-90514130D9B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futures open
>Silver up over 10%
>JPM dumps more silver then that’s be mined in 5 years.
>Silver goes back down to $20 per oz

>> No.27265074
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>> No.27265082

The best thing about SLV is that they will never run out of it. If there's too much demand, they just print some more.

>> No.27265089

SLV isn't where you get actual physical silver, right? Why do I feel like I read people saying that?

>> No.27265097

>“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

>> No.27265124

Yes, why? Also thinking about getting out before the ER and then buy back in. Is this retarded?

>> No.27265134

I am. Went all in on GME when it was at 80 but I'm pretty smart so decided to diversify by buying 2 PLTR as well.

>> No.27265140

Yes. Time is a flat circle. Also the world changes faster now than boomer hedge fund managers can keep up with.

>> No.27265145



Can I interest you in some green rocks instead my fellow intellectual

>> No.27265167

JPM holds a shitton of physical silver. Maybe this will be their time to cash out and unload those literally heavy bags.

>> No.27265212
File: 198 KB, 588x656, trade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone use Qtrade? My bank uses them so I think it'd be easy to sign up. I also use Binance for crypto.

>> No.27265231


They can have the world's strongest currency any time they choose, so I don't think they're too worried.


The dollar simply hasn't had their permission to die yet.

>> No.27265232
File: 304 KB, 1600x899, 04-china-tankman-1-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot jannies deleted the wrong thread.
I guess I'll come back when /smg/ stops being about foreign propaganda.
Invest in Free China. Invest in Taiwan.

>> No.27265242
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And I buy the dip

>> No.27265246
File: 115 KB, 977x670, original_275797971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BFARF CEO said one of their main priorities is to get listed we're back on boys

>> No.27265288
File: 80 KB, 320x270, 2020-12-31_10-01-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't work when institutional future contract deliveries are at historic highs and the average joe is now buying up physical too

Demanding physical silver breaks the system. This is a multi-trillion market, well over $10trn if you count gold too. GME is nothing compared to this

>> No.27265308
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>> No.27265313

Yeah I mean gold and silver are manipulated so nothing would surprise me honestly. That's also why I've been telling people that when it comes to silver, use a stop loss because this shit could just dump hard as fuck and not come back for years

>> No.27265332

still holding half of my shares I bought initially. Right now kikes are pushing price down to get some cheapies into their ETFs. Should go up again soon.

>> No.27265396
File: 62 KB, 515x1024, DtY4K0QVYAATgjG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jannie tried to ban me for posting Nickado Avocado getting bummed in the last thread.



Seriously though how much of an autistic sperglord do you have to be to become a jannie faggot?

>> No.27265407

>why do I wonder if people act retarded
It's all a mistery

>> No.27265415

Thoughts on HCMC?

>> No.27265439

comfy thread

>> No.27265445

Redpill me on SQQQ and how should I invest in it

>> No.27265496

If these hedgie faggots keep pushing AMD's price down I will double on $79 and increase my margin to squeeze these niggers. Fuck these cocksuckers for shorting one of the best stocks on the fundamentals just reported.

>> No.27265514

anybody using revolut for stocks here?

>> No.27265516

I always spam janny applications whenever they open with "NIGGERNIGGERNIGER" spammed a few hundred times.

>> No.27265537
File: 46 KB, 720x960, tiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically, I have around 20k in options on the nigger hood app. If I try to cash out this week, how long will it take? 2-3 months?

>> No.27265543
File: 163 KB, 1178x959, 1520215371907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just masturbated and there was no dopamine hit wtf

>> No.27265564

who owns the national debt? they can go ahead and destroy the dollar they would only be playing themselves

>> No.27265594

Did they approve your application?

>> No.27265629

Yeah, why? It's alright but orders on market open are a bit fucked.

>> No.27265684
File: 31 KB, 342x221, dollar ratios 1-31-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, SLV is just a paper ETF, main (((custodian))) is JP Morgan. They have literally been convicted of heavy market manipulation and are still doing it and have been for decades.

Paper derivatives outweigh the actual physical ounces by some ungodly number like 100x or more.


>> No.27265719
File: 1.60 MB, 255x309, 1607110100395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I fomo into Silver on monday?

>> No.27265800

Anyone familiar with the Bretton Woods agreement?

>> No.27265803

Buy VWO Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF
Pretty simple

>> No.27265810

I'd fuck that guys ass tbqhwyf

>> No.27265814
File: 125 KB, 860x1024, 1612121168873m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye, bye TSM. USA isn't going to do shit.

>> No.27265848


>> No.27265857

Will SQQQ go back up to over $1000

>> No.27265867
File: 60 KB, 663x695, 1611902995636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'f you're gunna get into silver get into silver miners too if silver moons they moon

PSLV,KXPLF are good choices

>> No.27265874

Question about the 3 free trades. how much do I pay for 4th trade? and why are market open trades fucked? should I only limit? Is there an OCO option?

>> No.27265878

Wow! Female!

>> No.27265898

Yes, will buy more in February and March. Want to buy 1000 this year. I'm at 200
The more I read about them, the more I want to buy. Decent company, future oriented.

>> No.27265903
File: 253 KB, 486x353, 9e8df779765f4aac1387db5b679edd5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money? what money?
also no refunds

>> No.27265935


sry 4 bump

>> No.27265937

If the plan was to plunder Taiwan, the CCP wouldn't be headhunting ex-TSM employees to start up SMIC.

>> No.27265971
File: 313 KB, 2535x1501, 1587254307639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banned from buying GME? Buy GAMR or XRT instead. They're ETFs that both derive about 27% of their value from GME right now. They move similarly to GME and buying options in GAMR or XRT will give you a similar effect to the direction and percentage moves of GME. If you just buy shares of either of the ETFs, you will move in the same direction of GME just at a lower percentage so it may be even safer if you think GME is too risky.
Pic related shows the three charts stacked to highlight the similarity.
>are they active funds because if they are your going to be fucked
>meme ETF is currently about 30% overweight in GME
>meme ETF automatically dumps GME and use your money to buy Bilibili
XRT is passive dipshits and both XRT and GAMR don't rebalance until March at which time this whole thing is likely to be very much over.

>> No.27265974

>Taiwan makes history at Biden inauguration

>> No.27265976
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>when they aren't able to import billions of dollars of food every year
Nobody is going to stop selling to them. Argentina, Brazil, even American agriculture needs Chinese demand.
>baking a separate thread just because of anti Chinese autism
>showing the economic development of China is Chinese propaganda
I'm pretty sure a CCP shill wouldn't suggest TSM and BILI at the same time. Please drop the sinophobia

>> No.27265998

thats the only reason I never invested in TSM
one day the burgers will be leaving Taiwan and the chinks will have a full blown war

>> No.27266065

what stop loss do you guys have set up on gme/amc currently?

>> No.27266066

By three free trades do you mean commission free trades?
Commission on american stock is like one bong dollar and thirty cents.

>> No.27266078

Taiwan will be controlled by Beijing in our lifetime. I cant believe people actually believe Taiwan has a chance

>> No.27266106

imaginary, like Chinese souls

>> No.27266144
File: 2.42 MB, 2428x1720, 1590503964782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone give me some advice on what to tell my dad to move his 401k into for safety during a potential market crash? i assume he can't just liquidate it without getting fucked with penalties or taxes or some shit, but he's nearing retirement and i don't want him getting caught in a crash. can he just transfer it temporarily to treasury bonds or something?

he'll be calling his financial advisor about it today but im just wondering what /smg/'s advise on the issue currently. im gambling on the memes personally (don't worry i made 50k already im way up and can't lose at this point), but i don't want my dad to get fucked if i can help it. i figure worst case scenario he misses out on a bit of gains and can re-enter after this mess is settled one way or the other.

>> No.27266178
File: 41 KB, 486x631, fc9o2960nn761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, chang. China is a paper tiger and everybody knows it.

>> No.27266202

Accidentally posted too quickly. Market open trades just take a bit to go through, so you might end up buying for more or less than you thought you were. Limit is smart, but I've heard people complaining that even those haven't went through properly on time for them. Never had a problem with that myself though. Don't think there's OCO.

>> No.27266327
File: 284 KB, 1335x694, pltrspic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding, never selling, adding under $20 and doubling down when red

>> No.27266329

yeah those, so after 3 buys I pay 1 bong dollar for 4th trade?

alright thanks, im in euro and already verified on there so gonna give it a go tomorrow

>> No.27266349
File: 45 KB, 605x504, 1611959776290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robinhood announces bankruptcy tommorow
>all accounts are chilled until SIPC remembers you have holdings
Are you prepared for the meltdown?

>> No.27266355

Can someone explain this silver meme, or point me in the right direction

>> No.27266359

It's probably not going to be the actual crash, just a correction. Cheapies to be scooped up next week.

>> No.27266458

Realistically how long do you think the hedgies can hold out on these squeezes assuming no government interference?

They already borrowed money and their competition is in the game and can see them bleed out while also buying up the rest of the crashing market. What’s the actual plan here?

>> No.27266459
File: 343 KB, 1125x1165, boomer1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But call him a Boomer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.27266460

Holy shit is that real?

>> No.27266465
File: 2 KB, 125x124, gumonafinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post (feminine) phalli for CLF

>> No.27266571

Once the dollar shits the bed we will have a silver back usd/crypto or some shit.

>> No.27266603
File: 126 KB, 300x300, v135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares if they have souls or not? I just want money
>market crash
Zoom out and stop being a bobo.

>> No.27266638

so /pmg/ essentially just invaded wsb?

>> No.27266677

>Betting against the fed
Stocks going down is literally illegal, silly.

>> No.27266684

idk how much weight i put on "probably", anon. this is my dad's retirement we're talking about, not we young degenerate gamblers. even if you're right it sounds like it'd still be better for him to get out and re-enter cheaper after the correction. i don't want him to get fucked 2008-style this late in the game, understand?

so what do i tell him to move his shit into? or will the financial advisor know this information and i can just rely on that? i dont want him to get screwed.

>> No.27266733

Well shit. Doesn't that mean you're fucked with SLV then or?

>> No.27266776
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>> No.27266790

memes aside who is actually pumping GME? other wall street guys? russian/chinese billionaires?

>> No.27266810

I can't help you there then sorry
>t. not a bigbrain

>> No.27266834

Where is the smog?

>> No.27266863
File: 188 KB, 645x773, 1592596175054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big if true

>> No.27266885

most likely a combination of all three

>> No.27266894


22k live viewers. thats super high this thing still has momentum

>> No.27266896
File: 1.94 MB, 3000x1688, 1575786765542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are hedgies and billionaires long side too massively. it's not retail it's hedge fund war too. also shorters may have leveraged long positions too same time

>> No.27266936

This thread is going to the trashcan kek but fucking tards still trying to shill their shit tokens. WTF wrong with you? I don’t want to take part in your fake 1000% income systems. I have poolz finance and that’s enough for my portfolio. They have NFT - and you still wait for mining lmao

>> No.27266956

I'm in bongland and I pay about £1.30 after my commission-free trades have been used up, yeah. Keep in mind, you'd be better served just checking out Revolut's blog than relying on my answers. For all you know, I could be a total retard. In fact, you should suspect that. I'm posting on /biz/ and I've got a stupid amount in gamestop stock.
I heard pumping one of those silver things, PSLV or SLV was a trick by citadel because they own a shitload of shares in that. Feel free to try to profit off it, but you might drop into the red.

>> No.27266957

Took my wins from AMC, put everything into NOK. I think NOK is the better long term investment. Bought at 4.90 selling around 20-25.

>> No.27266975

Fuck your dad dude. A lot of people have money riding on this. Stop watching the fear porn on the news and fucking relax

>> No.27267019


Jan 27th video. Very informative.

>> No.27267065

So Melvin capitol has apparently been shorting the shit out of AMD? These hedgies have cost me a pile of money. fuck.

>> No.27267068

Hedge funds and professional daytrading groups and firms. Probably quants too.

>> No.27267081

It is, but if the market tumbles you would've had a better entry point.

>> No.27267095

Fuck, dude. RobinJew have the majority of my holdings. I was going to hold my nose and keep my shit there to avoid all the hassle of realized gains. I really don't want to have to deal with this shit right now.

>> No.27267109
File: 129 KB, 1200x720, 1610585270012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check bb
>remember the anon who yoloed his dads retirement on it
You still here?

>> No.27267139
File: 199 KB, 808x485, 1529201194881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faceberg normalfags talking about getting into "STONKS". Rugpull is coming soon.

>> No.27267195

Fucking gold is better investment than NOK.

>> No.27267196

alright thanks bro, also revolut strocks open at normal nasdaq time?

>> No.27267194

Have him ask his advisor about treasury bonds and emerging markets anon. We're going to see a dip but not a disaster most likely

>> No.27267256
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>> No.27267262

This is like those nature videos where one chimp starts beating the shit out of another chimp for no reason and all the other chimps just kind of join in and start bashing and eating the poor victim chimp out of herd mentality.

>> No.27267263

Is it even possible to make money on the SPY?

>> No.27267269

Implying those 4 figure normie accounts will move the market at all.

>> No.27267276


im selling tomorrow

>> No.27267286

does anyone have the one with the Karp pepe dabbing in front of the border?

>> No.27267295

I just shid and farded is this bullish for GME?

>> No.27267296

Did you not see dark pool anons spreadsheet?

>> No.27267330

She is hot .

>> No.27267336

If you're seriously considering buying sqqq, don't. Stocks go up. Everything is opening up

>> No.27267341

Buy and hold. :)

>> No.27267346

Do you have it. I must have missed him last night

>> No.27267373

Where tf is this image from?

>> No.27267385

Dude, the Robinhood 50 list was basically a criminal confession. Here's (at least) 50 stocks we've been doing highly illegal shit with for quite awhile so we're halting trading on them so you don't catch us with our pants down again.

>> No.27267387
File: 19 KB, 1280x853, 1280px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally two China shills and a janitor who enables them. Every single communist OP maker is the same dude. All his filenames are "X00" format. He bakes threads 100 posts early and the jannies delete any other thread about stocks. Fuck Communism, fuck janitors, fuck niggers, and fuck the BABA shill.

>> No.27267401

Wasn't posted last night. it was like thursday night

>> No.27267436

My room.

>> No.27267463
File: 18 KB, 987x596, 1612063005227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're weekly update anon... have a peek at tinny's portfolio after all-in AMC calls

>> No.27267493

how restricted are 401k's? can he move stuff around as often as he wants or do things take time? basically i'd tell him to just go cash gang at this point and wait this out but im pretty sure you cant do that with a 401k or you get fucked with fees and taxes and shit, so im looking for what the near-equivalent of that would be. i assumed bonds.

if there's a "correction" and things bottom out after this all settles, i'd tell him to just buy back into the market again at a cheaper price. but right now who fucking knows what's going to happen this week. whether we win or the jews win it's going to be an extreme swing one way or the other. too many people around the world emotionally and financially invested in this now, too much publicity. SOMETHING big will happen.

>> No.27267504

buy.. chinese stocks??

>> No.27267531

Poop! :D

>> No.27267545


>> No.27267576


>> No.27267607

Yes. Trading on Revolut starts at normal nasdaq time. Also I'd recommend watching the yahoo finance graph for GME online a few hours beforehand to see what the premarket is doing. It starts four hours before Revolut's trading opens, but you don't really need to watch the whole thing, just the last while of it.
Hope your gains are good, my man!

>> No.27267648
File: 1.34 MB, 1176x1479, 1605209871536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, be real with me. is TSM actually a risky play because of the mainland chink bugs? the USA would never allow TSMC to fall into bug hands, right?

>> No.27267665
File: 2.62 MB, 1828x864, 1611815764978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have this one put he posted a second with a whole page of NOK calls. It should be in the archive.

>> No.27267667
File: 1.30 MB, 245x280, 1544063807323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck!

>> No.27267672

Saw something saying miners are good, but they're not going to give you the surge getting into pure silver would. Also bear in mind, not all miners have great hauls in the first place. So yeah, keep miners in mind as an ancillary but def not primary investment into silver.

t. Bought 10 oz at $29 years ago and have been waiting for this moment what feels like all my life.

>> No.27267676
File: 364 KB, 460x3373, China is good at these things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will keep thread splitting until the janitor stops trying to force communist threads.

>> No.27267727

thanks bro, you too.

>> No.27267816

you were safe with Trump as president. but that's not the case anymore with Beijing Biden. sorry, bud.

>> No.27267822

>implying dark poolers can't be retarded.
I mean
>NKLA call
>BBBY $40 call
evidence enough.

>> No.27267829

I am wondering if the source could be pornographic material

>> No.27267838

take your mental illness somewhere else freak

>> No.27267857

I agree I have 44oz physical and some silver etfs along with miners i've been bullish on silver for a while

>> No.27267860

I understand your worry anon, but making decisions when emotional will be worse for you and your father the long run. You can move stuff around in your 401k. Cashing out is terrible and taking that tax loss would be worse than making sound financial decisions. Have him talk to his advisor first thing in the morning.

>> No.27267880
File: 1011 KB, 1539x1208, 1611234620692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on out my swans come and reap the harvest.

>> No.27267882
File: 82 KB, 188x306, c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are literally two China shills
I shill some China stocks and post Chinese economic development
>Every single communist OP maker is the same dude
No someone else occasionally makes them
>He bakes threads 100 posts early
I've never baked early and have never tried to thread split
>Fuck Communism
China isn't communist. Again

>> No.27267889
File: 153 KB, 996x2047, EaVis3uU8AAhyZs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not happening. If anything precious metals and bitcoin will be outlawed. Fucking delusional newfag, jews always win.

>> No.27267904

wow 10z? moneybags over here lmao

>> No.27267915

Lol, nice one. How do I upload images?

>> No.27267940

not that guy but im currently holding the bb bag
ill probably get out tomorrow and take the loss as my other wins more than make up for it

>> No.27267967

Has the kind of language normalfags have started to use really bother anyone else?
It's like they have to use dumbass babyspeak to posture the idea they have no clue what they're doing

>> No.27267972
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>> No.27267979

>chinks AND boomer rock faggots invading
Fuck jannies

>> No.27267990

It's just like going through an /smg/ thread!

>> No.27268032
File: 993 KB, 2250x4000, 1608081435878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had $4k do you gamble in GME or AMC tomorrow? AMC has more potential, but if "they" delay that potential than there'd be opportunity to get in on GME and then AMC a few days later.

>> No.27268050

Cool, I bought 50 shares of AGQ on Friday

>> No.27268052

My schizo theory.

Buy CCC and hold that shit

>> No.27268051
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>> No.27268089
File: 21 KB, 813x434, 400k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you bough those BBBY Calls and sold on the 27th you'd be up 2x 3x

I know cause I did the same but lost it all on the 28th to unforeseen forces

>> No.27268134

i just said i know he can't cash out i just want something that's the equivalent of that. basically something that isn't going to really move at all. he was wondering about moving into metals but i know even those dumped during the covid crisis so im not sure that's a particularly good idea.

i figured bonds would be the closest thing to "something that won't do shit but also you won't get penalized in your 401k", am i right? i figure this GME/AMC situation will take a month max to resolve, probably just a week or two. then he can move back into his normal portfolio again, probably at a discount.

>> No.27268145

from the first movie

>> No.27268172
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Sorry about your suicide, anon
The good die young or so they say...
Not your case tho

>> No.27268190


>> No.27268208


>> No.27268222
File: 94 KB, 484x712, 1610316639162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey we might go bankrupt!
>your money could be gone in the blink of an eye!
>don't worry, if you sell now your money will be safe!
>especially you dirty gme hodlers, think about the other clients!
Its a risk I'm willing to take, cryptojew.

>> No.27268227

Ehh, would've been more but then I discarded getting into boomer rocks altogether after the subsequent crash and shifted over to crypto.

>> No.27268236

MOMO is what value chads are buying. It unironically can’t go tits up

>> No.27268240
File: 777 KB, 724x790, 1605817452321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies actively make /smg/ worse and always have. They are literally worse than redditors. Fuck them, fuck niggers, fuck kikes, and fuck communists.

Nobody here is worth listening to, don't bother.

>> No.27268245

Why would you use an exchange that makes you pay for trades?

>> No.27268270

Yeah I'm holding 1k shares too. Got in at around $7 but I wonder if there's a possibility of it going up again next week when most normies have their new brokers and so on. Is it really over yet?

>> No.27268286

Yeah, I bought a shitton of PHAG. I didn1t expect the boomers/GenX to raid the silver stores over the weekend tho. The meme factor is real.

>> No.27268289
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I finally looked this song up from your posting lol, not at all what I thought it was going to sound like

>> No.27268300

Rate my portfolio


>> No.27268324
File: 5 KB, 104x178, 1544149986931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this some Rothschild shit? Founded 1864 but IPO'd in 2018. The description is vague as hell too.
> It helps clients to reduce the time from new ideas to life changing innovations.
Going all in on the next sell off.

>> No.27268330


>> No.27268333

Do you have another option? I'm Canadian and would need something that works in Canada. I have a friend that does trades too through TD Bank and the fees are around the same.

>> No.27268341

based push it bro

>> No.27268346

>emerging markets
>it's 100% china

>> No.27268354
File: 22 KB, 229x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know cause I did the same but lost it all on the 28th to unforeseen forces

>> No.27268360

If usa comes down china comes with it. If not, it has no place beside it. Simple as. Clueless shills who gargle on subtle ccp propaganda without even realizing it are silly. China has a multitude of its own problems, corruption is even more prominent, growth is coming to a halt. I dont have that much against china, still better than modern US, but let's face it, it's not going to be the dominant power in out lifetime.

>> No.27268384

>wkhs and ride calls
oh baby

>> No.27268396

This is a good one too


>> No.27268415

Some hidden shit I found a year ago AND I NEVER FUCKING BOUGHT UNTIL NOW because I was a total fucking retard and forgot about it

>> No.27268450

it's time to come home white man the theme of 2022 is the year of the schiff prophecy

>> No.27268456

i remember this

>> No.27268468


>> No.27268497
File: 108 KB, 848x1200, 1608698670685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way better input here than r*ddit.

>> No.27268503
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the most perfect bart formation of all time

>> No.27268504
File: 2.16 MB, 1575x2048, 1612041936552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the gamma squeeze happen tomorrow in before hours or after the market opens?

>> No.27268513

ibkr and questrade are the only viable ones in cucknada. wst is free but unusable and outrageously expensive for us stocks.

>> No.27268559

GI Joe

>> No.27268570

What does biz think about CNNWF?

>> No.27268599
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Just filtered the word china
had enough from these schizos freaking out

>> No.27268605
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3 more hours bros the anxiety is killing me please just end my life

>> No.27268607
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>> No.27268621

those Nok calls lol

>> No.27268652

>Founded 1864
>Headquartered in London

Oh fuck yea, this is some old money, Black Nobility slush fund shit. That description is pure fucking word salad. Christ knows what goes on there.

>> No.27268663

Microsoft performed well but their stock is down. Are they undervalued and should we buy?

>> No.27268675

Do you remember what kind of ID you used for IBKR? For some reason they've rejected both a passport and a notarized passport. I'm just waiting on a response from them on Monday

>> No.27268677

the only thing that can save bb is memes otherwise its gonna be on its way back to 7 at least for a little while
theres still upside for bb i think but im not gonna stay tied up in it to find out

>> No.27268705

If you have stocks in other brokers then you should be fine. Robinhood is under fire as a scapegoat to divert the attention away from hedgies on top of being sued, massive exodus and the GME short squeeze. If they close then your stocks don't mean shit there and you may have to wait until months before they may return what they owe because RH is running out of shekels for shooting themselves in the foot. If you want to take that risk or you may not even have a choice then it's on you but for those who aren't hodling should join the exodus before it's too late. Either transfer and eat $75 or sellout and eat taxes. I'm switching to another broker because fuck Rabbihood.

>> No.27268708

stocks go up like this all the time on cryptofags, doomers and the financially illiterate

>> No.27268722


>> No.27268737

Doesn't Questrade make you pay for trades as well? Same with most other Canadian bank services, all banks around $10. WST is the only free one I know of, but real slow.

>> No.27268757

that can't be real

this is the JUST of the decade. Missing out on the GME pump by days was bad enough

>> No.27268813

V to $212 by Wednesday

>> No.27268865
File: 47 KB, 304x320, 774-7740268_transparent-wojak-png-wojak-front-png-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought NOK

>> No.27268864

Damn it, only cryptofags, dormers and the financially illiterate think otherwise*

>> No.27268871

what does RH going bankrupt mean for the GME/AMC short squeezes though?

>> No.27268874

>using robinhood

>> No.27268876

Everyone should know dave portnoys postion. He's in on GME, AMC, and NOK. Normies will love how cheap NOK is and will be buying once they're released from their cucked cages.

>> No.27268889

IS he finally gonna an hero?

>> No.27268891


>> No.27268906
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>> No.27268909

Who is though?
Europe is a continent of limp-wristed children cuckolding themselves to death
America is fat boomers and consumerist mutts, in the middle of brain drain and culture death
South America is just endless despair and keeping themselves down
Japan is the hikkomori of world powers
Pajeets? Africa?

>> No.27268913

I’m sweating fucking bullets waitng for my cash to “settle” on feb 2nd so I can transfer back. Then I plan on going with fidelity.

>> No.27268918

Yes. This will not go well with /biz/ and wsb's original userbase. These niggers are shorting one of the most liked stocks by these communities and they are loaded up with GME's profits. This will end badly for them. I got $600 leveraged 5 position opened @91.86 and will open another $800 leveraged 5 position @79.80. I can cover without issues. I keep opening positions all the way down to $60s if they keep this up. The more they short it the more violent the swing upwards will be and the more fucked they will be.

>> No.27268959

did they expire? or does he still have a chance this week if AMC moons?

>> No.27268972

i did too. when it was nearly peaking too. one of my biggest mistakes in this so far.

>> No.27268975

is now a decent time to dump some money into airlines? thinking a 1 year long

>> No.27268978
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I wouldn't gamble on either of them anon. But AMC is probably better if you want to do that
>way better input here than r*ddit.
Just ignore him and his chimpout

>> No.27268992

weird way to spell BFARF

>> No.27269027
File: 359 KB, 320x288, mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP /biz is a sentinel board. Fuck off with your poo.

>> No.27269036

till wat

>> No.27269046

I don't mind paying if the rates aren't outrageous. I'd rather have up front fees than hidden ones. I'm also looking for long term trading, so I'd hold onto stocks for months or likely years.

>> No.27269055
File: 355 KB, 1000x1000, 1602375645992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked out the management and board members. CEO is extremely experienced. This looks like some British Deep State shit. Will go nicely along with my TLS. Go all in Deep State companies. Corporate Dystopia is THE play for the next 10 years. Thanks anon for pointing this one out.

>> No.27269054
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Another fine anon shared Tinny's portfolio performance

>> No.27269058

we'll make it in the long run, bro. maybe we'll even get lucky and it'll moon at least once in sympathy with the rest of the memes.
>t. i have 4k shares at $5

>> No.27269063

HCMC baby
LITERALLY going to 6 dollars EOY

LITERALLY 750000% return if you get in right now.

>> No.27269071

The thing with AMD is there is a heavy supply constraint on shit they need to make their GPU.

>> No.27269102

Yup, thank all these stupid fucking GME n00bz that destroyed the app and then cry about it as if they know what the fuck they are doing. Everyone is Warren Buffett in a week apparently.

>> No.27269106
File: 60 KB, 568x518, 1602696899317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My robinhood line is glitched because of fucking DOGE
Am I the only one?

>> No.27269108

Fuck earnings. Cocksuckers have been fucking us in the ass since Q2/Q3 earnings with surpassing results leading to sell-off. To not be a retard and play this game. I remember more than 90% picks were on-spot and I barely managed to keep my capital and get out without losses.

>> No.27269131
File: 3.31 MB, 1881x2048, imortal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider the follwoing
>GME pump does the rounds
>normies hear about ebin redditers making millions with one easy trick
>niggas haven't got money but they want in
>start taking out loans to put into stocks because they only go up
>we get a real fucking bubble
>suddenly original niggas need to pull out to pay off the loans
>prices flatten
>people start pulling out their real money
>prices go down
>niggas don't have the money to pay their debts
>have to pull out everything
>banks can't get a return on their loans
>everything explodes
we're fucked aren't we

>> No.27269143
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>> No.27269160
File: 365 KB, 1080x953, Screenshot_20210131-015515_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He legit sold the bottom because he needed the $680 for bills.

>> No.27269174

he sold the day before moon mission or something

>> No.27269179

You do know they hired turbo autist zoomers fresh out of Bachelor of Mathematics Minor Statistics Zoomers straight out of Harvard right?

Still, there seems to be a mania at least once per year. 2017 Tilray was about as good as Gamestop but not actually, Bitcoin was as good or better. Investing Tesla in March 2020 was pretty nutty. So just use this money to find that next opportunity.

That happens to me once in a blue moon when I lose interest or concentration because I think I heard my door open.

>> No.27269193

I think I used a provincial healthcare card. They're a pain in the ass, but procedure-wise, they're infinitely better than questrade (where you will never ever be able to talk to a human).
Oh well, such is life in canada: eat turds or diarrhea and you better like it.

>> No.27269232

Shot in the dark but let's say it does happen to be over $400 then they have to transfer a fuckton of money to retailer investors and they might not have enough. They have their earnings on top of $2.5 billion injection but are you sure you think this shit will be 100% covered in the next few weeks? This is not financial advice, it's all speculation because no one fucking knows what will happen until the news hits but the one thing for sure is Robinhood's reputation is shattered and people are leaving, withdrawing their money and moving elsewhere. Tbh I hope I am completely wrong but I need to gtfo asap.

>> No.27269243

Doesn't change fundamentals, fren. AMD is not worth $85. Even conservative targets would put it above $95. Many commercial banks, hedge funds and analystics are upping it to $120.

>> No.27269260

>what does RH going bankrupt mean for the GME/AMC short squeezes though
It means your “HOLD THE LINE” memes become a rush to the fire exit

>> No.27269313

There is no free trading outside USA, basically. There are some free trade services elsewhere, like wst, or freetrade, but they hardly count: they're outrageously restricted and usually have hidden limitations and fees, like how wst charges 1.5% each way on us stocks and greatly limits stocks available to trade.

>> No.27269316

Can this stupid AMC meme fucking die already? The pump already happened, they diluted the stock to let shorts cover by issuing more shares, the legions needed to boost it are all tied up with GME, and it has no long term prospects.

Anyone shills GME is a retard or a bagholder hoping to dump their garbage because they bought at the peak. Don't fall for it the AMC train has come and gone.

>> No.27269326

So... if I'm not using robinhood, this will mean that there will be less competition for buyers when the squeeze hits?

>> No.27269337
File: 180 KB, 607x342, 1607581261647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tinny's pain never gets old

>> No.27269354

No problem bros. Let's enjoy this ride

>> No.27269376

whos tinny and what is going on there

>> No.27269381

IBKR has a minimum $1 fee per order, maxing out at 1% per trade, questrade has a minimum fee of $4.95, maxing out at $10, regardless of volume. Either are head and shoulders above wealthsimple, banks have a tendency to be expensive, for everything.

>> No.27269398
File: 24 KB, 953x355, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop losing my shirt everytime I start making money? Please respond.

>> No.27269403
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>> No.27269436

Relax shill, this doesn't mean i'm attacking my fellow based GME lads.


>> No.27269445

I feel like with RH I am in a Ponzi because there so many crazy things going on so I never have the time to switch, can't miss out on silver miners and who knows what else these kids come up with. I will if things calm down.

>> No.27269460

normies are stupid, but i don't think they're THAT stupid

>> No.27269494
File: 816 KB, 900x896, 1612120151098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a tin knee?

>> No.27269505

what the dumb nigger gets for kpop stanning

>> No.27269507
File: 24 KB, 424x309, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my 1-2 year investment pls tell me its ok

>> No.27269511

No one. There is no need for a global bull. It's business back to usual for humanity. Unless someone does some science breakthrough that propels them decades ahead of everyone else either in energy sector or in military, we will be just fine with out favorite pastime - squabbling around like a bunch of retards.

>> No.27269522

And I agree, which is why I'm waiting for it to dip a bit more. Money is just being played elsewhere.

>> No.27269530

stop caring. its JUST money, youre investing only money youre willing to lose right anon?

>> No.27269579

Fair. I'm a poorfag student and conversion rates are already garbage, so I'd rather avoid where possible and might just take WST's cuckholdry instead.
Yeah, WST doesn't have a lot of stocks I've seen mentioned. Looked them up out of curiosity but none available.
Isn't IBKR questionable because they restricted trading on $GME as well?

>> No.27269598
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>who is tinny

>> No.27269611
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>> No.27269618

I think I'm going to set my initial limit buy for $27 and if it goes below $22 just back the fucking truck up.

>> No.27269637

PLTR, CCC, CLSK, SPCE, TSLA (maybe), what other Deep State companies?

>> No.27269641
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>> No.27269645

Of course, but it feels like this is the problem: everytime I win, I see another "good opportunities" but it's not actually a good opportunity. It's just the high from the previous win.

>> No.27269648

Easy prediction
>VIX up
there I saved you a few hours of stress anon

>> No.27269665

I feel the same way so I understand why people who are holding would mean if they sell it'll be a waste. I'm not a hodlfag but I do have other plans but personally I think it's time for me to move on from RH especially when bankruptcy is a possibility and they killed all their customer base's faith.

>> No.27269667

an obnoxious faggot who ruins the general with ugly mutilated gooks and schizo rambling and who sucked off a nigger trannie off of /soc/

>> No.27269678

Whatever you say Chaim. For the 13000th time, no, you cannot circumsize your next baby with my shares

>> No.27269688

Could someone give me the sneedful gambit rundown?

>> No.27269692


>> No.27269703
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>> No.27269708

Thats a dude

>> No.27269725
File: 2.93 MB, 576x1024, 1607223746131.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27269756

Someone needs to start a Deep State ETF. The meme value alone would send it stratospheric.

Oh, also BYND, because you're going to eat the fucking bugs, prole. CCNC, that climate change stock.

>> No.27269764

Euro here who wants to go in on some meme-stocks in the current hypetrain. Fully aware I might lose up to all that I invest. What broker can I use that I sign up tonight and buy about €700 euro of stock when the markets open tomorrow? Robinhood has proven to be scum, and in the broker pastebin in OP it says Degire is the 2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, but not what the first is or whatever.

>> No.27269802

How does shorting actually push down an asset price or even hurt a company? Isn't it just betting on the price falling? If the stock is good and people buy it, it will go up, with or without the stock being shorted, am I wong?

>> No.27269839

i love this.

>> No.27269842

haha dumb goy. Should have gotten a real broker instead of an app for retards. Enjoy not seeing your money again for a long time, if ever.

>> No.27269858

You trade to much. It’s okay to sit on profits anon.

>> No.27269868

>Fair. I'm a poorfag student and conversion rates are already garbage, so I'd rather avoid where possible and might just take WST's cuckholdry instead.

Is that wstmarkets.com ? I suppose if I'm not day trading and holding stocks for long periods of time, a slow interface isn't an issue.

If it becomes an issue, how difficult is it to migrate to Qtrade or someone else?

>> No.27269867

social media definitely but I think a disruptor will come out in the next couple years and Twitter and Kikebook will either change or get stomped. Twitter before Kikebook. Zuckerburg is 200 IQ kike so he can probably evolve the company but Jack is a druggie moron.

>> No.27269875

s i r

What is SNEEDFULgambit ,, U ask ?
1. Sir, First U Find optionable stock (like AMC) with high IV and kindly buy a multiples of 100 shares
2. Next U sell covered calls Sir, U know what that is sir, u sell a call where last trade may be from $4.5-$4.6 Sir
3. With that Premium U buy more multiples of 100 the same stock
4. Kindly sell another covered calls on those shares Sir,,,,
5. Then U repeat until U cannot buy 100 more shares with premiums Sir,
6. kindly get assigned or hold and repeat SNEEDFULgambit as many times as U can
congratulations its free money,

>> No.27269884

Wealthsimple app if you're just starting out and/or have limited finances. There's some notable limitations but it's a good starter. TD is fucking shit and takes a chunk out of your ass every time you buy and sell, so unless you don't care about losing 30+ bucks per trade or only make one or two moves a month stay the fuck away from those cock pirates.

>> No.27269912
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>> No.27269922

t's too late you missed out. Kys

>> No.27269923

Making gains is in and of itself a gains goblin because your brain doesn't consider it "earned" money so you take on riskier and riskier plays because "it doesn't matter if I lose it as long as I can get back to my principal amount" and your portfolio looks like a shitcoin with 1000% volatility and you make 0.05% gains in a year when VTI went up 20%.

>> No.27269937

>how does dumping a stock hurt its price?

>> No.27269938

As a questrade user, I'm not switching to ibkr out of principle, even if they're the better platform. Unless you're a daytrader, questrade is more than enough for what you need, I haven't found a single US ticker that smg or wsb posted that isn't tradable on their platform.

>> No.27269957
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>> No.27269970

Does PI do anything that ZBRA doesn't already do?

>> No.27269981
File: 519 KB, 2301x3451, Seolhyun (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly just want to quit my job and day trade but I don’t have enough capital yet.

I hope GME changes this.

Tired of working with fucking retards.

>> No.27270013

>Deep State companies?
Go here for CIA investments

>> No.27270057

Why didn’t he buy 6000 GME shares instead?

>> No.27270083


>> No.27270084

I don't trade that much, this is total equity, i.e. this includes the fluctuation of the price of owned stocks.

>> No.27270137

I did this with NAK. It's pretty based.

>> No.27270144

Nah, I just meant Wealthsimple Trade. WS is probably the better abbreviation, my bad.
I see. By out of principle, do you just mean being (rightfully) concerned over the restrictions IBKR has shown themselves willing to put in place, or something else? I was using WS, and started opening a Questrade account, but looking at all this, I may end up trying IBKR instead, just because the fees are lower.

>> No.27270246

>Who is though?

The same people who are already in charge: the cabal of loosely aligned rootless billionaires and trillionaires who basically run every country. There's no such thing as nations anymore, we are all simply economic zones under the sway of various financially elite robber barons who are only concerned about economic exploitation. The concept of a super power is anarchistic as the concept of a colonial empire.

Globalism has already happened. The elites have already destroyed our nations and melded them together.

>> No.27270281

shorters sell imediatly at hopes to buy later when price goes down. that initial sell drives price down

>> No.27270290
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>> No.27270316

Shorting alone doesn't push the asset down in price, its everything else that is associated with directed institutional shorting that causes so much chaos. Read more here, if your smoothbrain can handle it.

>> No.27270548

you are wrong in theory (cause shorting is preemptive selling of a stock, and selling does lower the price) but correct in practice

>> No.27270607

it's fine but you could probably make more in one night by buying GS2C before close and sell it at the top in the morning.

>> No.27270697

Different anon, I also use Questrade and was considering switching to IB before this, not now after watching that fucking cunt of a ceo talk about fucking over his customers. I thought Questrade was kind of mediocre before now, but they at least didn't fuck us like some brokers.

>> No.27270754
File: 99 KB, 650x637, 1599601553295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27270927

4k twitter calls? Why? Nobody will go back to that shitheap without trump

>> No.27270991

>Nah, I just meant Wealthsimple Trade. WS is probably the better abbreviation, my bad.

Thanks Anon.

>TD is fucking shit and takes a chunk out of your ass every time you buy and sell, so unless you don't care about losing 30+ bucks per trade or only make one or two moves a month stay the fuck away from those cock pirates

Yeah, not my money and he doesn't seem to mind. I'll try WealthSimple and go from there. Thanks.

>> No.27271029

It's clear from what you've written that neither you nor your father are knowledgeable enough to make a good move in this situation, you niggers need to hold, and have your dad temporarily up his contributions if there is a dip

>> No.27271030

What if the stock tumbles tho?

>> No.27271075

I heard SLV squeeze is a Melvin shill in disguise anon be careful

>> No.27271104

well if it is not an actual shit-tier company people will buy the dips (but then again people are brainlets and big boys can lend shittons of shares, ok)
yes thats what I guess, there is more to it. it is not only the short position but also the fud and lies spread by institutions and media plus (market) manipulation around it.

>> No.27271225

This is something 90% of the people here don't understand. Cost basis means nothing. The price you went in means nothing.
Every day you are holding a stock you are basically buying it. If you wouldn't buy it, don't hold it.
Also if you WOULD buy it (e.g. it dipped a ton and has potential), hold it.

Looking at "principal" is only good for evaluating past strategies.

>> No.27271336

t.retard refugee

>> No.27271378
File: 80 KB, 470x604, 0e5aee4dc4df8d92654c6db43eeca182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>squabbling around like a bunch of retards
Some people here will think I am shitposting but this is my dream.
Calle me a hippie, call me a retard but I just want some peace after we're done with the economic circus. It's been fun in a way but I want it to end.

>> No.27271406

Most based post ITT and none of the people who need to see it will see it.

>> No.27271424

>I see. By out of principle, do you just mean being (rightfully) concerned over the restrictions IBKR has shown themselves willing to put in place,
Yes, but I'm not naive enough to think that questrade wouldn't have done the same thing if they were involved in this jewish shit pile.
Also IBKR has a pretty strict inactivity guidelines and fees associated with them. So just make sure you make the minimum amount of trades. Look it up on their site for clarification.

>> No.27271532

yeah, 3 DTE credit spreads

>> No.27271590


>> No.27271686

How does he get this information? Does he watch trades that aren't listed on any exchange?