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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27251511 No.27251511 [Reply] [Original]

Both DEX.
Both working products.

1nch: Potential of a x10. Rock solid product.
Rigel: New Defichain DEX, sub 1 million marketcap for a working product is a steal rn.
Potential: x50-x100

I started my alt portfolio with 2k last week.
Expecting a x3-5 in the next weeks.

>> No.27253270

Ok you seem you know what you're doing, bought some RIGEL as it has objectively more potential

>> No.27253286

I'll look at them anon, thanks for tip

>> No.27254021

thanks guys!
lets make it

>> No.27254685
File: 27 KB, 754x211, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latching onto 1 INCH to flog your scam Rigel

Where are the 3 exchanges you promised scammer

>> No.27254990

I wont argue with you.
These 2 coins looking promising.
What is your portfolio?

>> No.27256003

just because one shiller was a retarded tg faggot doesn't matter we arent listing on new exchanges, we should be getting one exchange soon. not 3.

>> No.27256996

Exactly my thought.

Telegram pajeets shilling their shit token alongside legit projects.

>> No.27257141
File: 45 KB, 591x512, 1610926881987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XSN is superior

>> No.27257402

>I believe in this project and I invested in it too to back my claim up. I think you guys should check it out too!
>fucking pajeet faggot gtfo

how do you guys ever invest in ANYTHING if you deem everything a scam your fucking retards

>> No.27257510

biz is good for picking up coins and riding them - for a short period.
but holy fuck we need flags anon

>> No.27257773

we really do so you'd finnaly stop calling everything an indian scam

>> No.27259029

buy Ripio Credit Network

>> No.27259136

where can I buy Rigel?

>> No.27259228

But then it's just indians with proxies...

>> No.27259655

rigel is an indian scam. they use stock art to promote their scam. they're just in it for the money. Also their project is just a copy of uniswaps code because they plan to rugpull. BEWARE

>> No.27259690

Uniswap, Bithump or on their own platform Rigelswap.
Or on 1nch

>> No.27259751
File: 708 KB, 1280x1280, honkler__original_png__by_nelex5000_dd8mws9-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I started my alt portfolio with 2k last week
And you would be up 5x if you would have just bought XRP.

>> No.27260056

>hello rubic holder

Rubic is the scam. You know why?

-CEO had a ICO in 2017 and rugpulled (mywish)
-Token has no usecase
-Trading on the platform is super buggy, all they do is using 1nch API.
-Girl as Marketing Lead (Girls in crypto)?
-Indians promoting coin on youtube
-Picture of nigerian community manager
-dead repo, one backend dev with no crypto experience
-ceo speaks bad english, bad for partnerships
-shilled by paid pajeets
-binance partnership? binance is not even following rubic lol
-marketing team from russia, devteam from mumbai

red flags over red flagss

>> No.27260074

Xsn is worth looking into as well. Open beta available to test now, full release expected q1 this year. Their calling card is l2 capabilities for transaction speed. Already integrated with ledger, and has trustless staking allowing you to stake from cold wallet. DYOR stakenet.io

>> No.27260604

Also this. I can literally not remember a single coin or token in the last 5 1/2 years that hasn't had /biz autistically sperg out calling it a scam. Link was a scam, dot was a scam, eth was a scam.... Even as it went from $18 to $1400.

If you're new here know that you cannot ever trust the collective opinion of biz. Gems show up on here, earlier than reddit or other places. And ultimately anything that will be successful will have a fud campaign from competing projects or people looking to accumulate cheap.