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27216858 No.27216858 [Reply] [Original]

I am a fairly environmentally conscious person, and have long taken issue with crypto due to people burning electricity into the void in order to generate "fake" money. To me it seems like a massive waste of our earths resources to do.
However, interacting with coinbase and looking around ive found theres cryptos for all sorts of purposes.
My question is, are there any cryptos where the work that goes into mining for them is used in any meaningful way? Such as how folding at home harvests everyones power to solve real tasks, are there any cryptos where people's combined power mining them are used for a purpose to do us all good or even just anyone good, rather than burning electricity to generate random numbers?
I would like to invest in such a thing if it exists.

>> No.27217820
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Nice meme. Close down the massive server farms being used for unnecessary 24/7 surevillance of every person on the planet, reduce women's exorbitant planet-destroying consumption, reduce exports and imports by restoring national sovereignty, then come back and talk to us.

>> No.27217918

have you not heard of staking retard

>> No.27218804

this is a drop in the bucket compared to the servers and the tech and petro industry. big tech and surveillance state spreads these rumours because it removes power from individuals so we don't focus on their much larger energy footprint

did you know there are people who commute from texas / colorado to San Francisco in order to work in the tech sector? go remove those emissions / energy consumption first before trying to neuter the power of the average man

>> No.27219460

These are bad too. I in no way said I supported them.

>> No.27219626

explain what you mean. I am a beginner.