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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27174549 No.27174549 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, I have $100k to invest. Give me your single best idea of what to do with it.

>> No.27174608

Buy physical silver. Sell it in a few weeks. You'll be a millionaire.

>> No.27174657

pimping eastern europe hookers

>> No.27174697

Silver and NOK.

>> No.27174783

Buy Funko Pops. They're collectible, you know.

>> No.27174796

utility companies, ultra low, always pay dividend between 5-10% real boomer tip here.

>> No.27174819


>> No.27174839

All in on DONUT

>> No.27174841


>> No.27174845


>> No.27174913

5k GME, 95k LINK
5k becomes 20k in a week
95k becomes 950k this summer

>> No.27174949

Ford, Akamai if the market stays stable- UVXY if it plummets

>> No.27175019

Buy property and build a bunch of tiny homes. Rent to the covid poor and lord over your own apocalyptic passive income kingdom.

>> No.27175189

Look into the onions industry
That's all I can say

>> No.27175239


>> No.27175399

Drop it all on BAO, UNI, 1inch, ZRT, GRT, ADA, or AAVE and wait.

>> No.27175411

Put it all into a low risk low volatility high % dividend stock like CRF and make roughly 2k a month sitting on it, regardless if the stock even moves. High interest savings account, boom.

>> No.27175569

emerging markets, be asia-centric, be very picky about south america, go 70/30 stocks/bonds overall, make sure its 0 bonds in mexico and venezuela specifically at this time. should be good for the next three decades.

>> No.27175808
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>paying expense fees to be paid your own money back as a taxable dividend

>> No.27175842

Do dividends automatically get reinvested? I've never held stock that paid dividends.

>> No.27175909
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>> No.27175996

Beanie babies too. Be sure to preserve the tags

>> No.27176017

The answer is always cocaine

>> No.27176088

send me 50k and my daughter will draw you a pretty picture

>> No.27176112


>> No.27176164

100k on amc calls

>> No.27176183

Ignore everyone here.

>> No.27176199
File: 157 KB, 564x752, 1597731811518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in DEFI tokens, it's coming and nothing will stop it. chose at random among them, they are all gonna moon (AAVE, COMP, CRV, YFI, SNX, Maker, UNI, SHUSHI etc.)

>> No.27176206
File: 78 KB, 1019x1470, wetoldyoutobuyshiBOOBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy SHIB

>> No.27176248

All in XRP. Dunno if you've heard but it's the standard.

>> No.27176290

GRT unironically

>> No.27176312

Rubic and wait a couple weeks

>> No.27176599

No, you get dividends. If you don't the money was reinvested.

>> No.27176613

doge has new potential. it is being talked about all over twitter. It is the most popular coin there is right now.
>normies want to get in on doge
>they can't because robinhood canceled instant deposits
>many of these people have never downloaded rh before and are doing it purely from fomo
>they will have to verify their rh accounts the same way we did and this will take a few days
and finish by early February. Around Feb 1-3 these new traders will be able to buy on robinhood and will be looking for the next GME, which they thought to be doge before it crashed. If we slowly pump it on Sunday and they see that it's mooning, they're gonna fomo into doge and /biz/ can get in, get out, and twitter and reddit will be left holding our bags.
We can make huge gains from this OP. Let's go, in and out, 4 hour adventure.

>> No.27177045

> Investing in something with no value other than pump

>> No.27177236

$DOGE 100$ obviously

>> No.27177249

Gamble a couple k on SHIB, it's still early, if momentum holds you double it, maybe somehow reddit gets on uniswap to buy cute doge coin and we 10x from here? Already up a bajillion percent in 24hr

>> No.27177316

you can tell your broker whether you want it or not. fidelity defaults it to on for new positions that offer it.

>> No.27177443

OP can invest after the pump. He can turn that $100k into 200k. This offer is only good for this weekend, normies don't know anything about trading and they don't know that doge is infinite. They think wsb makes it look easy and we can win in the end because of this.

>> No.27177531

Dogecoin if you hate your money (why would you invest in something that's literally guaranteed to sink in value since there's an infinite amount of coins).

>> No.27177619

best answer right here

>> No.27178025

Carv. Minority bank with only 620k float. Getting $$ from biden stimulus. Will run hard very soon

>> No.27178094

that is a really cool bug. ur gonna wanna all in iwm puts

>> No.27178204
File: 285 KB, 1215x938, Bill Gates landowner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elites are about to collapse the world economy and restart it.
All market investments and crypto are about to become completely worthless because with a destroyed economy most people won't even have access to electronics (or maybe electricity itself) to trade digitally. Cities will fall to riots and gang warfare, so investing in those is worthless too.
Buy arable land in the middle of nowhere with good water supplies. Or for a compromise look for a small town with cheap land and become a landowner there. Although 100k isn't that much for that in America.

>> No.27178236

I figure that NOK would be a good idea, considering that they are supposedly unveiling a new tech or something on Feb 4th

>> No.27178718

Blackrock hold massive amounts of NOK, which translates to buy NOK

>> No.27178823

throw 10k into shiba
rest into 1inch

>> No.27178963

If they collapse it so even electricity is gone, gays, cuckerburg, Dorsey, bezos, all the billionaires, and every politician and their family will be the first to be minecrafted.

>> No.27179256

Shit just crashed. Nokia hasn't been in the game since 2008.

>> No.27180239

I don't know, working as a henchmen for the handful of people who own farmland doesn't sound too bad. I personally would take it over fighting a revolutionary war against them. Enough people will be tempted to just become their lackeys to justify their might. I sure would. I wouldn't want to get caught up by whatever experimental weapons these fucks will steal from secret military sites. In the chaos of the collapse these rich fucks might even grab ICBMs for themselves.

But whatever, it's kind of off topic here. You guys have fun fighting over the pennies, while the rich are working hard on cancelling all of that economy completely.

>> No.27180541

its not about any shortsqueeeze, it was just caught up in this whole memestocking. It got spammed to death by bots. Blackrock also holds massive GME stocks and i suspect they spammed NOK as a second stock to get in, because they think it will pump soon anyway and the added memevalue will help.